General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark best hero

Slark best hero in General Discussion

    Dude slark eats cm alive w0t. Purging her disable is too easy, and she is so squishy that essence shift basically means u can kill her in 5-6 hits. Tbh I don't support often but supporting against slark is cancer. Even going against naga push u can say u didn't draft any illusion clear, or enough disables against Ursa, but a good slark can even play around that shit which is why it is so aids.

    doc joferlyn simp

      ^hey man dont create scenarios. anything in its best scenario is a good thing no matter how shit. also cm absolutely destroys slark up until midgame. yes he can purge her frostbite but her nova and ulti will destroy slark, shadow dance or dark pact or wtvr. thing is, you cant actually take fights vs cm since if you so as much pop your pounce once youre dead to her combo

      lategame slark does own cm but he does that to perhaps the majority of heroes. she still shit to fight against tho her ulti has a crazy range and slows your everything and you need attack speed for stats, slower atk speed = lower stat steal rate no shit. nova also stops regeneration and cm can easily do that if she saw your pounce direction since it gives vision

      casual gamer

        man idk what this godly cm is, must be mid cm with a 10 min aghs or something

          LuL slark best hero