General Discussion

General Discussion5k mmr now and 5k mmr 2 years ago.

5k mmr now and 5k mmr 2 years ago. in General Discussion

    I'm just curious , what you guys think. Is reaching 5k mmr harder now, or it was 2 years ago?


      harder now. Just go look at the games in TI3 for example, which is considered the top at the time.

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        way easier lol


          I agree, but I'm curious to see what other people think aswell.


            imho, it is somehow easier now. because look at the leaderboard, 5k is no where near top 100 while 2 years ago 5k is on top of the class.


              It isn't the same at all, 5k today is like 4k on release of mmr I think roughly.

              Livin' Real Good

                Yeah, easier, there's way more people playing dota, and way more access to information i'd assume. Once one rank is reached, more and more people start doing it, just like back then everyone thought it was impossible for the average person to run a mile in under 6 minutes, then boom, now kids are doing it. lol (or was it 5 mins? Can't remember)

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                  I'm not good with math, but ain't like, when 5k was a real deal, player-base used to be way smaller?

                  And like, even tho 5k used to be on leaderboards at some point, it's probably because all those 5ks didn't actually played like 5ks, but they were just at 5k at that current moment, meaning they were well above that rating.

                  So I assume the real 5ks are now 5ks, and these above 5k players are I guess 6k+ or above?

                  Stupid reasoning I guess, but well.. I tried.

                  Mode adiman

                    always some kids who throw games in 4k8

                    I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                      i have a friend who was one of the first few 6ks in eu leaderboards 3 years ago, hes the same mmr now


                        u can make the argument that players have improved as well


                          id say 5k is more or less the same in terms of skill,mbut way more ppl are far ahead of that level now, so its relatively worse to be 5k


                            but more players more problem


                              I think its harder since dota community learns fast so u have to learn constantly just to keep your mmr.

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                              son goku

                                IMO its harder.


                                  I'm not as good as I used to be but I maintain my ~5k mmr. I'd say it's easier. I also took long breaks and regularly stop playing for periods and know little about the meta.


                                    that old 5k is 6k rn and 5k feels like 4k back then xD


                                      kids think 5k is not worth now cuz they are dogshit and still have no stars in their name.

                                      if u have stars then you talk or just stfu.


                                        s.tfu riki acc play other hero lose
                                        #fuck #ur#mum # strangle #blungeon#rape#robber#hacksaw#head#burn#last#ash#in#her#fireplace#decomposite#necrophilia


                                          2 years ago: WOW you're 5k so proooozzxzsx.
                                          Now: 5k? Oh okay. You need to be 6-7k to be considered super good.

                                          the realm's delight

                                            way easier morons, mid 5k today is like low 4k 2 years ago
                                            theres so many 5k players today that u meet different players almost every game. a year and a half ago you would always meet people from previous games if qing consecutively, and would also meet 6k+ players as a low 5k to help balance the lack of players

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                                            casual gamer

                                              5ks are trash me included

                                              2k indog monkey

                                                Players improve, more guides comes out, while more players = more feeders
                                                I say it's the same

                                                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                  bogi and benao being 4ks now when they were 5ks last time is proof that 5k is stil the same no kappa

                                                  #828 nun wrong widdat ya ...

                                                    I calibrated at 5250 solo and 5251 party 3 years ago, then I stopped playing rank because I don't wanna lose it.
                                                    I immediately regret my mistakes to play low skill unranked because I somehow blend in low skilled games and become a noob aswell xd

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                                                      I would say 5k easier than 2 years ago but not much of a difference maybe 10% easier.
                                                      I m 4800 now and I feel like games here are easier than in 4300 mmr where games are total full retard u need to play like a god every single game so people don`t destroy their items or feed curiers


                                                        Everything to 6k is actually easy if u are very good with mechanic and understanding of the game and I m going to reach it one day.


                                                          Its all usualy mental thing I m sure 80% of the games I m losing now its my foult when u can get that attitude and play good wins are going easy but sometimes is hard if u are tiltet, last 2 loses 1 game my teammate sold items and afk base other game another guy throw but STILL if I PLAYED BETTER those 2 games couldve been won so its on me still alot.


                                                            Almost every game is winnable if u play perfect and its not ultra outdraft sometimes u can play almost like without big mistakes but outdraft make game so hard that 1 mistake of a team can cost already a game.

                                                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                              ^dont take advice from 4k playres @op


                                                                Well i'm the 4k player myself, LMAO


                                                                  so many players tryhard to get that positive attitude they tryhard so much to get it that they fake it in hope of winning more games, it's just superstition the way you're saying "my team mates did this my team mates did that" shows that you don't have it.

                                                                  Someone with the right winning attitude don't even look our question his team mates even when they blatantly feeding he still try & look on something he did wrong even if it was so small or unmeaningful like "my bad i missed those 2 last hits in lane where i should have got it"

                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    harder. Meta is more about the team, back then it was just TA, Meepo, Storm. Snowball out of control and/or outfarm them hard, game won.

                                                                    juicy p
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                                                                        I used to be 5k like 1.5 years ago,

                                                                        6.5k is the new 5k