General Discussion

General DiscussionPA is still cancerous even after range nerf update

PA is still cancerous even after range nerf update in General Discussion

    The physical damage of her dagger is pretty imbalance i can even one shot the full hp lina. Before the reworked one, this dagger are only used to help kill and slowing down enemies. Now this dagger can be tactical nuke if u have desolator+another bonus damage items including crit. Icefrog pls fix...

    My suggestion is the dagger should only apply ur percentage of white damage + base damage of dagger.


      Pa is designed to 1 shot lina and 2 shot juggernaut with crits
      When you pick lina against pa you should always know that you gonna feed all game.

      If you build vlads+deso build do not buy battlefury as 3rd item like a braindead sea player.
      Choose one farm build or early 20 kills build you can't have both
      This game would be a lose If slark didn't 1v9

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        For a guy who only got 42 lh with bf on pa. And 400 gpm on pa too. Sry to say, but you dont have the right to say

        Livin' Real Good



            Most last hit in the game is ember and lc 159 lh. On a 40 min game and a bf on pa you should have at least 300 lh. You also die too much see the situation before you come in. Harras out? Just use dagger to get lh.

            2k indog monkey

              42 LH and you still managed to get all those items
              What the fuck cancerous deathmatch playstyle confirmed
              The kind of teammates I get that never farm or take objectives all the time


                lol... pa can always 1hit dager invo lina cm jug rubick n many more squishy hero if snowball since early game... the new nerf as u say only changed the range that pretty much like change nothing at all coz the dagger is the 1 skill mostly max... if u play against pa u shoud pick hero like timber n so on... pick lina for sure ask for suicide game...


                  42 last hits

                  how does something like this happen

                  I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                    hello that nerf was just for support pa, and slight safe lane nerf but not big at all


                      Yeah dat is a small amount of last hits for a hard carry. Maybe i more involved in kill participation instead of farming... the bf is just for cleansweeping some creeps...

                      In addition... its not so 1v9 battle. Thanks to the support that ward the hell of the map so me and slark can gank lc together in enemy jungle

                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                      2k indog monkey

                        40ish isn't even close to small amount of last hits (its like you accidentally hit some creeps after auto attacking 24/7)
                        It's INSANELY little for a hard carry
                        Against somewhat competent players you'd get shred no matter what
                        Anyway, back to the topic
                        PA isn't exactly OP but her nerf to the dagger didn't affect her much, since dagger is maxed first anyway, the range nerf won't hurt her that much

                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                        casual gamer

                          why would you buy bfury and not hit creeps? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

                          2k indog monkey

                            I'm sure that PA is at least 7k


                              Just manta on jugg and dodge the dagger ez. Without dagger pa is shit, the whole point is tok force a 5 v 4 engagement just like bat or riki, or slark or any hero that gets pickoffs. Pudge too.


                                42 lh with a bfury

                                no, you're just playing in the worst bracket

                                your experience isn't the objective truth


                                  Also just go basher after vlads deso ur playing against slark right?


                                    Ps i didnt look at the match

                                    Ave with an internet pfp

                                      Agh jugg ._.


                                        Good! Keep promoting ns people to play pa, I need to climb fast :D


                                          Deso PA is cancer


                                            ^u sure? U just need a more braindead hero to beat her.

                                            2k indog monkey

                                              Deso PA isn't the cancer
                                              QO wannabes that think they can replicate his success solely by following the same build are the cancer
                                              The build itself is fine


                                                I meant that deso sucks on PA


                                                  vlads deso pa is hard to beat because pa comes online so fast, pa can be dealt with easily, you just have to know how to play vs her


                                                    Vlads deso pa is shit against someone like tinker. Tbh pa is shit against tinker so...


                                                      I have a much cheaper alternative to fight pa, only needs blink and blademail, and watch her crit herself.

                                                      stupid fuck 2000

                                                        L O L O L O L


                                                          @OP one shotting lina? rofl if i hit lina with my dagger she would die twice not only just get one shotted


                                                          This game i one shotted pretty much everyone of their heroes including weaver , OD , sniper , they all were dying with 1 hit from me except troll who took 2 hits to die (i was critting 2.3k ) i build battlefury to farm thinking its gonna be a farming game but they started dying like musquitos so i just kept killing instead of farming which explain the shitty gpm. P.S. ppl hate on bfury PA but a PA with bfury deso vlad is way more squarier than vlad deso only , don't forget that +55 dmg from bfury is something & the additional cleave make you kill enemy heroes by mistake with clevae lol, i would throw dagger at sniper & kill shadowdemon by mistake from cleave lol

                                                          @Russianboy : exactly ! QO wannabes in 2k bracket are fucking cancer , so many games i had a "mid PA pls" that goes bottle vang deso or whatever the fuck QO build ( i remmeber he go for bottle always but not sure about vang ) & then dominate maybe first 10 min then fall off so hard because they have shit farm & then we lose ( thats why i think, unless playing in a high bracket , PA bfury is mandatory even mid lane )

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            Like if u just auto attack on getting from min 0 to 10 im pretty sure u could get ~20 lh and if u have a battlefury and just push not even farm just freakin push mid to tier 4 and end the game u gonna get at least 100 lh or some shit how hooooow


                                                              Dude +55 DMG is nothing to brag abt for an item that expensive. Vlad's deso pa already has push, u cud just go Bob diffusal manta after or basher into abyssal if u need disable. There isn't a point in building a farming item like bf that late when other items offer so much more.


                                                                lmao 42 cs in 40 mins with a battlefury? that's 1 cs/min.. what are u doing?


                                                                  No shit u one shifted em u had a rapier and 6 or so levels on em when they had no farm. Their troll didn't even have boots. Stop bragging abt how well u did in a game where they mad fed. U were pa against sniper.


                                                                    ^ wtf this angry guy who can't read, i didn't build bfury 3rd item you're confusing me with the OP you blind fucker, i build BF 1st item


                                                                      Then u built a Vlad's and deso late if u have bf may as well farm for bigger and more inpactful items. That's like building red on spectre then going urn aquila.


                                                                        Lul i was more involved in assist than farming. Besides, bf is my last core item for pushing creeps and crowd control


                                                                          In addition, u dont need much last hit to win the game. Just gank the warded enemy and u win


                                                                            Boi if ur GPM is rlly high ur chances of winning go up so much. Honestly farming efficiently is so good at winning games at least in ns bracket. No one knows wtf theyre doing so the one with the most gold wins


                                                                              Dude I've seen supports with double that cs every game how is 42 even possible

                                                                              coco crunch

                                                                                Dude are you serious? You got 1LH per minute. OMG Why did you buy bfury? for display?


                                                                                  I have never flamed on these forums before, but op and comment 2 are the kind of normal skill trash players that put us normal-skilled yet with comparatively and significantly better game insight in the Dota community dumpsters with them.
                                                                                  Not every Normal skill player has zero game sense like these guys do, but we get flamed indiscriminately because of such threads.

                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                    Who tf r u talking abt


                                                                                      Ya pa with vlads+deso is good

                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        i just played no deso pa and it feels weak to me tbh


                                                                                          With bf ur dagger instantly become missle launcher XD


                                                                                            how about going vanguard instead vlads?

                                                                                            Putins Price Hike

                                                                                              no nerf is for scrub pubs. nerfs are for pro games


                                                                                                Vanguard is ok replacement but only if u go for abyssal imo

                                                                                                casual gamer


                                                                                                  dont skip vlads

                                                                                                  you need it because taking rosh and pushing is integral to success


                                                                                                    thx for solid reasoning, appreciated.