General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying Morphling without a committed support

Playing Morphling without a committed support in General Discussion
Hanamichi Sakuragi

    I can literally play any carry or core without a committed support and 80% of the time I succeed with it.
    But with Morphling I get fucked every single time, I mean like sure I can avoid deaths with my skillset. But my gpm is so low early game.
    If I get close for a last hit I get harassed always. I've always been forced to go play passive and not take last hits for like until 15 mins or so.
    I buy regen items and raindrops but still isn't enough. I don't have any problems mid-late game.
    I need tips in the early game in the safelane as Morphling. (I don't have any problems playing him in the midlane)


      3200 solo mmr i can with no looking at screen just masturbate and win solo lane...
      i can even eat mcdonalds and play and win
      i can even shit on ur face mothewr ass kill u mum ez
      i can even

      casual gamer

        if u go double tango 4x branch circlet -> roh and morph all agi at min 0 u should have no problem trading hits against almost any hero, you can eat branches if you need even more regen

        casual gamer

          the real issue is when ur supports miraculously manage to die to bat en masse, or sap xp and then leave you 1v2 a rotating enemy support and lvl 6 void

          Hanamichi Sakuragi

            @JDF8 Never tried doing an all agi, does it make him like TB with an insane amount of armor? Also the problem is Morph has little range so do I commit trading a hit with a guy like Drow, Warlock, or Disruptor or do I back off to avoid more harassment? Also will massive magic damage not be a problem for me? And give me some farming patterns please :D
            @play maker I asked how to, I didn't asked about your silly story.


              Just wait for fights and ks with waveform. Its ez gold.


                I ksed an easy triple with waveform once, then got an ultra, at 20 min. We still lost cuz of mag rping us rip.

                casual gamer

                  if you are against a weird duo lane or long range hereos ur life is going to suck

                  just learn to pull creeps to u by abusing aggro and get what you can, when they punch you eat ur tangos and try to farm talon roh treads and go farm jungle eventually


                    Just ks. Its how riki farms too

                    2k indog monkey

                      Riki farms? It's 2016 d00d r1k1 1z 0bvuisly n0t a curry
                      R1k1 is supp0rt i c kuroky no basket play riki support on pro mach everyone shud copy him at all match!!!1


                        I dont support as riki but i do roam a good deal. Riki is bounty except rather than give gold to his team he takes the gold and becomes a 4th core


                          you know, you aren't forced to pick carries into the safelane.

                          go midlane


                            Imo it is never smart to go morph solo safelane. Some matchups you can maintain the lane but say you are facing a lion clinkz offlane you will get no farm and feed, or a silencer tide. Morph needs to be babysat if you want to snowball, you can go morph mid but if the enemy can spam spells like lina, or qop then youlll have a hard time unless they get out of position.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              Lina is so squishy and cant lh against u tho cuz her animation is dogshit


                                But a good Lina won't get out of position for you to kill her. Morph has a terrible attack range. Lina will just q you down the whole game

                                M U R D E R

                                  they fixed linas animation

                                  also how about dual offlanes with lich? :^)


                                    Her bat is higher but her projectile speed is still ass and her DMG is also low. Plus morph can just jump on her so easily. She gets instagibbed by shotgun all game long. At the end of the day tho lina isn't hard countered by morph but IMO its not as ass as it may seem


                                      You can out dos almost anyone in lane with a morph but you do need support and learn to control the lane, gank whenever you can and like Daddy said, the the last hits on heroes with wave form. Your team might be angry (coz they noobs) but late game they will thank you. If you playing against soft heroes with little magic resistance then shotgun asap.


                                        The item build is indeed 4 branch circlet double tango->morph to low str and lasthit with 60+ base damage and 10 tangoes worth of regen. Unfortunately if you have shit supports against rough offlanes you are going to have a bad time, this is something you are just going to have to deal with as morph. Usually you can jungle with 1 str+qb+roh but it isn't ideal.

                                        Full Давай

                                          if u'd prefer solo lane without supports maybe u should go mid in the first place.


                                            Take aggro from creeps to pull them closer to your tower, master this and you will be able to farm against any lane in your bracket.
                                            However morph is pretty weak early and its normal that you have bad times if you're soloing.