General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting slowly to 4k

Getting slowly to 4k in General Discussion


    at first I was happy at climbing but it seems like the games are actually getting worse. Almost every game there is a smurf with a huge losing streak. I am already at the point that if there are more than two smurfs in my team I dodge the game.

    They are mostly assholes and so much dunning krueger it is insane. Will it ever stop? They insta lock cores and go 1/9 on midlane or whatever. What is happening? Is this reallife?

    I am very sure that in the HS bracket the avg. skill is higher than right now. So many shitstains who smurf and calibrate at an higher MMR than they should (or get calibrated LOOKING AT YOU COOKIE).

    BTW : Can anyone recommend anime with scuulgirls?


      best PLOT ever


        i stopped that calibrating thread after i calibrated 4 people

        i'm not gonna continue

        also, what's the point of this?

        smurfs are always gonna exist, that won't change the game difficulty

        in fact, the enemy team has a higher chance to recieve a smurf. so in general you should be gaining mmr

        since you aren't a smurf, there's only 4 people in your team where 1 could be a smurf

        but there's 5 people on the enemy team and it has a +1 chance to have a smurf

        so in general, you should be gaining mmr.

        anyways, saying my teammates are bad/smurf is just an excuse.

        everyone gets bad days, on the off side, i just had a game with 5 cores on my team

        what happened? i solo carried that game because i'm not a cuck who blames his teammates.


          I am gaining mmr and also quite fast.
          At no point I said that I lose BECAUSE of them. I just said that they are usually bad and most of the times cocky assholes. :)

          "smurfs are always gonna exist, that won't change the game difficulty"

          I disagree, changing the game difficulty is basically everything they do. There are hardly any people who's main account's MMR is similiar to their smurfs, I think we both can agree on that.
          So either they are little/much worse or better, which is in the end changing the game difficulty.


            only if it's a freshly calibrated smurf, then yes

            but those are rare.


              the games just get worse once you get into 4k. just stick with party and try to have fun lul.


                I heard of it :(

                My current goal is to reach 5k hopefully this year.


                  U want to improve from 3.7 k to 5k in a year ? Well it might be tricky.

                  Dont worry op. 4k - 4.3 k range is the most toxic place u can ever imagine in a video game. Have fun there m8.


                    ^agreed 4k-4.3k soo bad, luckily i escaped that shithole


                      I am excited.

                      2k indog monkey

                        @Lex You sure?
                        Never been there but isn't NS fucks are way more cancerous?


                          Yea man, the worst bracket i've ever been was from 3,8 to 4,3k, I got stuck there for so long I actually believed I could never get out of there, after lots of games I realized I had to support more and I finally got out of that bracket, once I reached 4,5k it was jst climbing until the 5,3k im now where I feel games are really hard most of the times.

                          I also have another account with 3,9k mmr and I play there from time to time and it feels really easy, there are few games where I end with lower than 800 gpm if I pick safe lane. So yea, teammates might be bad but skill matters.


                            Nah 4k flat is far the worst. U meet both 3k ego maniacs who are 9k irl but team holds them back and they flame u to the ground for every missplay u make, while they feed 0:7 10 min mark themselves. On the other hand u have those tilted 4k guys who lost 500 mmr recently and are on the way down back to 3k and want to take u with them.


                              well its not the worst bracket anyway.
                              I was calibrated at 3.8k but my first game in TBD was 4.3k and then i feed one game and down to 4k an so on then my calib was 3.8k.
                              I managed to get up from it 3.8k - 4.5k now :)
                              just relax dude. Don't flame if ur teammate throw, nothing well change. Just spam ur best hero the one that ur master already. Just stop talk trash to ur team mate .


                                U want to improve from 3.7 k to 5k in a year ? Well it might be tricky.

                                it took me a week to do that

                                tutorial: stop taking advice on this forum and actually go practice


                                  In one week? How many matches did you play? Prove it.


                                    ye, i'd love to find my old acc and scroll a thousand pages.

                                    i don't think it was 3k, but somewhere low 4k to 5.x something

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Every time I get right around 3800 I get those matches where someone doesn't get safe lane or mid and tries to jungle pa or drow or something really shitty and throws the game for us. Extremely toxic, I lose like 3-4 matches in a row and then everything's normal again.