General Discussion

General DiscussionNew meta?

New meta? in General Discussion
fx Yesterdays match. Run centaur safe lane double heart. Unkillable centaur. Get all tower ez? Confirmed legit build? I know its been around since alliance strat sd centaur. But this confirms my thoughts for centaur safelane

    casual gamer

      yeah it's a thing

      doc joferlyn simp

        centaur safe without an sd pick is not using the strat to its full potential

        and every build is a legit build if you draft around it + it fits enemy draft

        2k indog monkey

          Barely meta but it works in some occasion
          Only works against heroes that are crap on killing illusions, and you have SD on your team


            ay yo haf up for a game or 2 tonight?

            doc joferlyn simp

              nah man school's got me tied down lmao maybe tomorrow


                alrighty then lul

                doc joferlyn simp

                  wreck a few nubs for me lmao


                    U are 2k player everything there is work