General Discussion

General DiscussionPure Damage

Pure Damage in General Discussion

    Does Veil of Discord amplify the damage of Pure type Damage ?


      "Emits a weakening blast that increases the magic damage enemies take. Lasts 16.0 seconds."


        ^ Because i recently saw a OD with veil . IDK if its for his ss.

        BSJ. LGD

          its TRASH DONT BUY IT

          2k indog monkey

            Its for farming with his imprisionment (or imprisonment what rhe fuck that is)

            casual gamer


              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                veil od really isnt good now there are far better items for him for same price range


                  Sanity's eclipse also deals magic damage as well as imprisonment does (which should oneshot ranged creep with veil?).

                  Count pretty nice build up consisting of some stats from null talismans, armour+hp regen from helm makes it pretty nice early game item for OD.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    People buy Veil on OD because it gives nice INT and armor, also some regen. The active is useful only with your ulti, which does a lot of damage sometimes. Also Veil is not a solo item, it helps your entire team, so having one in your team is never bad.

                    2k indog monkey

                      It is useful in high level and coordinated matches


                        If you're not playing against heroes who can purge it off (its purgeable now) like jugger, slark, pl (it used to be great against pl, now its shit), etc its a very efficient item.

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                          if ur team has magic dmg too why not

                          Dire Wolf

                            The way it increases dmg is by reducing magic resistance so nope, it shouldn't affect pure. Also it wouldn't be as effective if you have ET on your team I think, not exactly sure how magic reduction is calculated.


                              With ET's Aura, the aura applies its armour and magic resist reduction before any other reductions or amplifications are considered. So First ET would reduce their magic resist to 0 (Or almost 0, I don't think it goes all the way to 0) and then Veil would reduce it further to a negative amount, meaning it amplifies the magic damage.