General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderlord - Where is his place

Underlord - Where is his place in General Discussion
{Mid}dle of your Heart

    A little time passed since gud ol' Pitlord was released. Most of us saw some top or flop Dark Rift's in YT or had to play against him as an offlaner, so i want to collect some opinions of you guys about this hero.
    In which scenario and with what kind of draft you pick him,
    how are you playing against aggressive trilanes or dual lanes with roamers,
    and what are your actions after laning stage?
    Go ahead and share your knowledge

    casual gamer

      he farms a 13 minute arcanes mek IN THE OFFLANE if that wasnt clear and pushes with his team, max lvl q and w means he will win fights against almost anything and from there you are free to knock down all towers and take rosh with the Q

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        A pushing lineup, 3rd position, let him be the aura guy(guardian greaves,crimson,shiva,pipe) can also work as 4th position (tranquil, soulring, then utility items)

        Riguma Borusu

          From what I've seen on 6k+ streams (since my 2.5-3.3k games are not relevant) he's best played in dual or solo offlane, depending on what kind of safelane you're up against, he builds tanky and utility items, goes greaves (kinda like ds), and becomes a fucking annoying shit to deal with because every time you have a glimpse of killing the enemy carry, he'll come out into your vision with one sec of dark rift channel time left and you know whoever you meant to kill is actually safe. He can also frontline fairly well, and in case you kill people, his tower push is pretty good.

          I have never played against a really solid UL because I am in a shit bracket, but what I've seen pros and other streamers do looks kinda terribly frustrating to play against, and it gets worse if you're melee or oa bkb hero since pit of malice goes through BKB for some fucking reason.


            he's offlane core

            solo or dual, either one

            he's very bad solo 1v3, but he's good 2v3

            he has good dps, but has almost no setup.
            that's why he's bad 1v3, but really good 2v3

            he's great in deathball lineups

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              Very good in deathball linups too. Once he wins a teamfight he can tear down towers with his 200 bonus damage


                I can't play him but I don't like playing vs him so I ban him every game lol. Btw what are good heros the pick vs him ?

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                  Nukers like Skywrath are better vs him in lane. For carries, go for heroes who buy a lot of flat damage items instead of stats, since his aura only reduces base damage from stats.
                  You really want to have a fair amount of magic damage vs him in the early/midgame otherwise his aura is going to make his team really difficult to kill, especially if they pick up a crimson guard.

                  {Mid}dle of your Heart

                    That's some nice insight guys. I for my part think that the comparison between DS and UL is quite fitting; both can really pressure the enemy carry if you don't have the zoning capabilities. Furthermore, UL should be considered a decent pick against Morphling, since
                    Morphling kind of wants a free lane to accelerate and gets the biggest part of his rightclick-damage from stats --> hefty reduction thanks to atrophy aura

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      He's a nice support/tank.

                      I play him as a support and so far that has worked well, granted, only 3 games of Underlord so far lool

                      I am working on playing other heroes and spamming my favorites so that they eventually end up on my most played and replace all those nasty carries I used to spam

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                          hovering slightly above dangerous high elevation scenes, so when an underlord ultis someone can exclaim, "get to da choppa!"

                          Free 2 Play Scootz

                            I find he's really good in pretty much all scenarios. I've been using the same build in all my games and it's gone pretty well. Mostly played him as solo off but occasionally I duel lane.


                              Kotl + Underlord
                              Just always have a firestorm on the enemy Carrys creep wave