General Discussion

General DiscussionStacking neutral camp

Stacking neutral camp in General Discussion

    I have problem with stacking neutral camp in radiant jungle near mid tier 1 tower and tier 2 tower. anyone know exact timing to stack that camp?


      No idea what Camp u mean but its sth between. . 53 and. 55


        Its hard camp and medium camp near mid radiant jungle. Is it possible to stack both camp at the same time? I found way to stack 3 camp at dire with VS at the same time, but still have prob stacking radiant neut.


          M camp 55 L camp at 53-55 if it has the troll stack it at 55

          just Turbo mode

            you wanna know what do u have to do?

            join a lobby start trying and trying with different neutrals...keep trying trying trying and trying.