General Discussion

General Discussionmeepo help/discussion

meepo help/discussion in General Discussion

    so ive played 3 meepo games today and i sucked so bad in those 3 games

    like, i could never get a pre-10 min BoT for god knows why and my aghs timing was so shieeeeet

    also i die a lot but i think thats purely a mechanical fault on my part that i have to improve on my own

    any tips on better farming patterns during the early game? i feel like this hero's most crucial point is during laning to early game, if you cant farm a fast bot aghs ur gonna be a dead weight 100%

    also, my farm with 5 meepos is so goddamn slow, how do i split them up efficiently in the map and how should i play him after i get my core items? for starters, should i play like an AM where i just focus on putting map pressure and getting farm? in my past 3 games ive focused on just taking heroes but i almost never got a tower out of fear of getting killed :/


      Recently I grab iron talon on both:

      - safe lane meepo
      - and mid Alchemist

      For both heros iron talon speeds up your farm a lot.

      Laning phase for meepo:
      - communicate with your lane partner so he set up a kill for u on lvl 3. If not, just farm and stack camps in jungle with your second meepo.
      - on lvl 4 between waves u can take the big camp with iron talon + poof,
      - when u have 3 meepos, keep clones together and farm jungle with them, while u take big camps and waves with the main one (iron talon helps here a lot). Keep waves pushed for more space. U need to buy time just like u would do for Anti Mage.
      - when u have scepter blink around 16-18 min u can start ganking or farming up your dragon lance if u have loads of space without risk of feeding. Meepo feeds a lot of gold.
      - When u have dragon lance and at least 3 clones (4 would be nice) u do rosh, and push till the very end. U have bots so u dont have to go back to base. I prefer treads so i just carry tps.

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        I go iron talon and a set of tangoes mid.
        When you get ur second meepo use it to stack the creep camp, keep stacking till you get ur level 4 poof and then take that camp. In lane play safe, don't underestimate the damage of ur poof sometimes when the enemy extends you can jusy net them double poof then net again and finish them with right clicks. Iron talon helps you farm better with a single meepo in lane as you can use its active ability to lower creep health and take that creep down with a single poof.
        Dont die during early game and play safe, you scale amazingly well with levels.
        What i do to farm is set my number 4 and 5 hot keys for my 2 other meepos like 4 for meepo number 2 and 3 and 5 key for meepo number 4 and 5, through this you use groups of 2 meepos to go to camp to camp and farm separately where as you can use ur main meepo to be in lane or roam etc.
        I'm just a normal skill player but i play a rather decent meepo for my level. If you need any other help you can ask me :)


          HueHueHue use one of the best nad least complicated binds. Totaly recommended using that, but. How are u 1.3k mmr ? lol

          U are good in theory i guess.


            I'm just not that good to win 1v9. I try my best but doesn't work all the time like my last match lol.
            My friends who are all in vhs keep telling me to make a new account and all but I'm just too emotionally attached to this one lol.


              And i never really try harded to raise my mmr until like a couple of days ago lol so hopefully you might see me rising now who knows (hopefully)


                get iron talon at the start of the game go for 0 2 0 1 build from there attack every creep once the double poof and u got 4 cs then u go jungle u get that extra 3-6 cs then u go lane by 10 mins u should have at least 70 cs ur BoT timing 7 min max if ur lane is shit ur aghs timing max 14 min of u have shit lane by 22-25 min u should have 2x dragon lance and blink agha BoT and u should be level 17 then u go rosh and fuck everyone the only way i lose as meepo only if they have sven outfarmed me or my team rage quit cuz they are fucking retards also as meepo u dont want to take the game super late or u will have small chance to win


                  I would never skip net. Its so ez to kill offlaner with eg. Cm.


                    Knowledge alone will increase your MMR by at least 500
                    I have experienced it, trust me fam


                      @Lex idk i play meepo mid and find this way more useful than net sure if u have ur supports making rotation then i would skill it but eh NS


                        where do i find the option of doing those binds? is it under ctrl groups?


                          Yes it is under control groups.


                            i play dota till now ... only meepo and ivk i cant play becoz of my noob multi control and memory ...
                            btw meepo is god tier hero that come online so fast and solo kill every1 in hand of decent player...


                              In no way am I an expert. My two cents however is having a good meepo game takes commitment from your team. You need uptempo heros that can create a little chaos and not lose their lanes in the first 10min. You should have bots with in 10min going iron talon which will allow you to farm and help your team from here on in. Which i feel is imperative.

                              Go bots because 99% of the time with meepo you will want to be everywhere on the map this allows you freedom to be where ever asap if your team needs you. Also think about whether its better to join your team or finish split pushing a lane.

                              I wouldn't go deffusal kinda a waste of an item. The game "MUST" be over by 40min at the latest. Items that are usually achieved by this time range from Bots, Aghs, Blink, Dragon Lance, Etheral, and a Vyse or another Dragon lance. In that order if you really need anything else different from that your meepo is becoming a hard carry which he is not suited for normally.

                              Hope this helps.

                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                Try watching pro meepo replays.


                                  Why play meepo tho? Is this regarding the am issue?

                                  Bill Cutting

                                    Hi guys,

                                    Please could someone help me understand why I'm not winning many of my meepo games

                                    I'm in NS and not saying I'm great at the hero (<30 games) but I do pretty well with him but lose.


                                      I'm not sure if this spoderman guy is that 4k cancer who suddenly became a nice guy or another person

                                      Bill Cutting

                                        Nah that's another guy, I am a 2k shitter looking for guidance. All ears.


                                          Spriggan 9 min scepter, 12 min dagger. I quit dota. I will never farm that fast.

                                          And.... he gets Treads. Not Bots.

                                          2ks have huge problems in turning their advantage into objectives. If u free farm your games should end under 30 min. U probably go back to farming while u can rosh and push till the end. 1 mistake from enemies where they die and u should be able to take 2 sets of racks solo.

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                            u die 2 much also try to get BoT instead of treads they will help alot with farming also try to end game early afap like if u see enemy far look if who have tp then push u can take t1 t2 t3 and racks less than 3 min if they are retards

                                            Bill Cutting

                                              I get sucked into to killing people when I have an advantage and not pushing. I don't do treads,bottle anymore doing the iron talon BOTs now so much better! Ty for the help guys


                                                We can play together today or tommorow if u want to Good Vibes.

                                                add me STEAM_0:0:31107078


                                                  @Absolute Zero
                                                  yeah kinda, but most of it is just me wanting to learn the hero

                                                  btw do u still do coaching?

                                                  ALSO HOW DO I DIE LESS WITH THIS GODDAMN HERO

                                                  a few other questions
                                                  supposed i just got aghs bot in 15-18 (yeah bad timing but its the best i can do atm) what should i do? farm more til i get blink + 1 lance + 1 more meepo or take aegis then get objectives?

                                                  when is meepo most powerful?

                                                    Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                      also im still not used to the control groups, but i see their worth, ill try practicing more poof blinking and ctrl groups

                                                      kek learning meepo is so fun

                                                      ARC WARDEN

                                                        the hardest part learning meepo.
                                                        when chasing enemy, and you trying catch him with ur net.
                                                        ur main meepo miss ur net, and u confusing which one the closest meepo to enemy.


                                                          Thought that I could use an example
                                                          This meepo was a 5k smurf, and what I have seen from his playstyle, he outfarms everyone and helps his team starting from minute 10, and that he always try to position himself very well, farming while trying to find pickoffs and turn them into objectives, he rarely wanders around alone, usually he has at least one teammate next to him
                                                          Oh, and he only misses a few net


                                                            That game was the only -25 I got that made me happy
                                                            Learned some cool things from him

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                              i only play with meepo when im with my friends
                                                              so is my meepo games good or bad :/


                                                                cool example, i'll try watching the game if ever the replay's still available

                                                                also ill try following more what Lex said, gotta practice the pattern in a bot/1v0 lobby (since i cant play online until tomorrow) so that most of it becomes muscle memory


                                                                  Don't forget the 600 LH 30 min challenge
                                                                  I only managed to get 530 with AM bleh (only 1 try tho)


                                                                    hi alice i still do coaching btw on my free days maybe we can plan a date or something? just pm me on my smurf( p.s this smurf is my playground)

                                                                    Bill Cutting

                                                                      @Lex that would be cool, I will be playing at 6 o'clock. I'm in South Africa


                                                                        sure thingy, but i cant really get full days on our PC anymore since my bro got back in here

                                                                        i'll try hitting you up this weekend tho

                                                                        i got 630ish with AM on my 6th try

                                                                        ill try doing that with meepo next, also so that i can practice managing my control groups


                                                                          alrighty then.


                                                                            2.3 k coach ?

                                                                            Good Vives im sorry but i cant play there. Too high ping.


                                                                              nay, CK guy = absolute zero (aka free coaching for sea shitheads guy)

                                                                              Bill Cutting

                                                                                @Alice I also die a lot with meepo I think it's cuz my micro isn't good enough. Enemy focuses one of my poor meepo's and I panic. But I've seen abed is really good at poofing low meepo out and carrying on with the fight.

                                                                                @Lex no problem, understand.

                                                                                Bill Cutting

                                                                                  Just went 31-3 and rampaged them. Life is good and I am basically Abed now.

                                                                                  Himas Bayabas

                                                                                    meepo is not that hard to use. first of all, u must understand ur hero and its ability and the right timing.
                                                                                    -early game: avoid team fights. try to farm ur BOT and agha(at 12min) then outfarm ur opponents
                                                                                    try to get ur blink dagger as fast aas u can.

                                                                                    Kia Boyz Leader

                                                                                      first items: boots and quelling blade and tango from teammate.

                                                                                      then make it a talon. then BoT in 6-7th minute.

                                                                                      in that way, you have a higher chance of surviving

                                                                                      Always always always stack!