General Discussion

General DiscussionThe most stupid thing or funny thing people ever done to you in dota 2.

The most stupid thing or funny thing people ever done to you in dota 2. in General Discussion

    Mine: a guy is flaming me and look at my stats in ths last 20 games. He say that i have 400 gpm over last 20 match. Which i play 15 over 20 games as support.


      Pudge hooking me for the rescue while I was ruptured.


        A guy who managed to land 3 man chronos every time
        On teammates
        Good thing it was a pub match and everyone was having luls so no flaming actually happened


          I sacrificed for my slark as venge and he flames me for having a bad kda


            calling me russian noob when i have way more farm kda TD HD than all of them combined also buying them support items lul


              I ganked a guy so hard that he added me to flame me after game

              We're good friends now XD


                Boasting their performance as Juggernaut in IMBA game mode and think he would perform BETTER at it in normal mode because of it.


                  "Venge u going support?"
                  "No, carry"
                  Lowest net worth in the match while he afk farmed forever

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                    Happened 2 Days ago basicly we won the game enemy ancient was on 200 HP and I was Solo atacking it. All enemys were dead. but creeps destroyed our own ancient cuz juggernaut in my team did Not buyback.


                      my last game using anti mage.
                      my teammate chat to all player in game:
                      Am, you cant use am right?
                      End. Am ye kontol.

                      end up carried team and win like a boss


                        funny - nothing, everything is srs bsns

                        stupid - everything i do


                          Told you SEA is full of shitholes from any country
                          Carry their ass and make them feel bad about themselves


                            Idk had a game as pudge where I want to say I was 12-6-14 with a couple denies, a jug who did nothing all game while we were taking racks I missed a hook and he spam pinged me saying my hooks are garbage all game, few moments later he got ruptured and I Hooked/ force staffed him to death 2 times, good times man


                              was in a game where me and one guy was arguing. he added me in the end to 1v1. but he has a frend as a coach. still lost

                              ?.Stock @zzo

                                In a game I picked weaver cos there was a Omni that selected safe lane and everyone thought he was supporting. Once the game starts he says "support me, i'm carry". Since there was a solo offlane nightstalker against us I decided to leave him alone and don't suck experience and I tried to get some farm by pulling nearby camps. Btw he died 4 or 5 times in lane solo vs ns, he started flaming the team and stating "don't watch my stats now, watch it at the end of the game". We lost and he went 0-10. Kappa.

                                The worst thing is that I'm not a toxic player, so I didn't flame him so bad. FeelsBadMan

                                yung griphook

                                  i played a game against a cliff jungling dagon rush NP, who absolutely shit all over us. I had to rethink my life after that game

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                                    Owned phantom assassin so hard, she bought a blademail.


                                      Mine is when I was farming creepwave splitpushing and Tinker tried to gank me. He hexed me, laser+rockets, rearm and then he suddenly suicided himself with bloodstone. I thanked him in all chat and he responed "you're welcome". They still won that game tho


                                        'trading' items with other team in a stomp


                                          my carry farm shit and tell me look at his stats record is higher than me while i spaming all offlaner he is playing carry atw ... just difference less than 100 gpm

                                          in most of the game win even less impact by carry , carry would say : i carried you.
                                          if u flame a support , support would say : ok i will stop warding .
                                          When u ask for ur teammate help when u losing lane : noob mid/offlaner say solo , then back up nvr came.

                                          A funny conversation i saw b4 in game, Carry flame support :
                                          Carry : noob support donno how to gank
                                          Supp: damn carry farm slow i ward alots for u
                                          Carry : So ur ward only for me ?
                                          at the end of the game we won,
                                          Carry : i carried u noob support...
                                          damn those 2 shit talk , while carry noob farm n supp donno how to supp ... im the 1 who carried them kappa.
                                          ** every1 just feel great abt themselve , carry think if game win they carried team even they shit ... team effort is ntg.
                                          support think they are great coz they do warding for team , but they poor gameplay is ntg ... (supp job only warding , some only put few
                                          wards its consider as ALOT!!) so in mmr game , if ur team win no matter u shit or wat , u still gain mmr .. why would u feel so great abt ur supp not to say u do great as supp role ... only few ward and keep feeding

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                                            ^ yea that happens me too, they think they carried the game but in reality it was all u

                                            Mine is, well... i was in dota fails of the week 162 i hate neutral centaurs from now on... and svens


                                              Was spamming chaos on my 2k smurf then outta nowhere this dude said this in all chat, "ck spammer huh? Time to say goodbye to that green days :) '' ended up 24/1/8 800+ gpm lul.


                                                Well my victims will tell u of a kotl who stole all their farm while laughing at their meager farm all game.


                                                  spamming "gg" in a league match

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                                                      LATE game dic core hero dic at the the time of decide win or losss !


                                                        i saw this on fails of the week
                                                        slark pounces onto bloodseeker
                                                        attacks etc, tiny comes in, uses avalanche
                                                        so slark and tiny dont have stuns yet... so bloodseeker uses rupture on slark
                                                        bs starts tping to base, and right we he finishes tping, tiny tosses slark, who still is ruptured
                                                        and slark goes flying halfway across the map while ruptured
                                                        wp tiny

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                                                          also when riki ultis while void chronos with his whole team inside yea thats pretty funny

                                                          Full Давай

                                                            i solo killed terrorblade with shadow demon yay

                                                            also i almost had ultra kill with pa illusions.

                                                            how is this hero balanced xd


                                                              Playing as cm i accidentally double warding in same cliff because of lag

                                                              While playing as lina i planted blue ward before engaging against bounty hunter. i came to bounty hunter and move back to my blue ward. He came invis at me while he is warded so i can roast em up with my ult.

                                                              Preap Sovath

                                                                The most stupid: Song of the Siren wrong time

                                                                The funniest: When I die as Techies then I bomb them back within 1 sec

                                                                Jay the Bird

                                                                  Had a tidehunter going treads vanguard s&y
                                                                  We told him to get blink, he responded "i don't need blink you noob"
                                                                  Had a void with vlad's on team, slark flaming him for not going MoM

                                                                  ARC WARDEN

                                                                    player from last match use LC so bad.
                                                                    at pick and ban hero, he said to me "dont pick carry Kejora(my nickname)."
                                                                    i pick his hero last match "LC".
                                                                    win the game even get rampage.
                                                                    and talk to him, this is how to play LEGION COMMANDER.

                                                                    His LC jungle til 10 min only for Power Thread.


                                                                      I remember my classmate (the ES)
                                                                      Here's the list of the ES' flames
                                                                      "Jugger obviously buys aghanim first...." against slark and AM lul
                                                                      "Wtf alche no blademail"
                                                                      We had a fight after the game ended, I was like ye ok we lost its just a pub game and he went full Chernobyl on me like "omg u poo mid i never gon play with u agin" like a typical SEA player would do
                                                                      I told him to shut it and settle it in a 1v1
                                                                      He asked for SF (obviously underestimation)
                                                                      He got wrecked
                                                                      He said his courier was frozen
                                                                      I asked if he wanted a rematch
                                                                      He went offline
                                                                      Never treated him seriously ever again both irl and in dota since that day


                                                                        was in a net cafe today just loitering

                                                                        watched some shirtless guys playing dota like stupid shits and listening to their equally stupid discussion

                                                                        "build bloodthorn on your pa it rekt clinkz/jugg/slark/wr" xD


                                                                        guy playing PA had boots of speed domi bfury, asks his friend what to build next

                                                                        "get butterfly so they cant kill you" aYy l ma 00

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                                                                          Once I heard some minecraft fuckboy telling his friend to build SB on DP
                                                                          Against bounty hunter

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