General Discussion

General Discussionis it ?

is it ? in General Discussion

    better to have 3 cores who are not hard and require alot farm for example od void and slardar beast (offlaners i mean) than having like anti one offlane and triple lane safe
    cause i was winning alot games with that team
    my enemie have carru 1k gpm 1k lasthit we still together splash him and his underfarmed team

    this is mostly my situation and is it rare ?

    Ця тема була відредагована

      3 cores and 2 supports is standard pro dota

      it's up to you to make a strategy with your team on which heroes will fit those positions(considering you're talking about competitive dota)

      in pubs: pick whatever the fuck you want


        don't ever play defensive tri-lane EVER unless your supports are MINIMUM 5k AND they know what they are doing.

        even most 5k supports have no fuckiung clue how to tri-lane.

        2-1-2 is probably the highest winrate for any mmr that isnt 6k

        Dire Wolf

          2-1-2 it and most important part is having tower dmg and disables. You do not want a gimmicky team with zero right click/tower dmg like timber, tinker, sky, lion, tide or some shit. That team might crush laning and get off to a 25-10 lead but you have no one to hit towers. You can do something like timber, tinker, shadow shaman, pugna, tide cus while ss and pugna aren't right clickers they have tower damaging spells.

          Disables are just hugely important during laning and fights. Really important in pubs cus they don't have the cooridination to push so if you lack disables teams will just run from any fight they can't win and take all the fights they can and slowly chip at you. You need control to make them stand ground and fight.

          lp pesok #2



              Trilane in NS = RIP XP since the supports will only sit 24 7 behind your ass and do nothing