General Discussion

General DiscussionTraining strategy (slark)

Training strategy (slark) in General Discussion
Player 154010209

    Hey there!

    Looking for step-by-step training strategy. Maybe someone can help me with this? I search something like this:

    1. Training buying some items it timings - 3-5 games (list of items against different opponents)
    2. Training chek map+farm creeps on line + jungle. - 3-5 games
    ... etc.

    If it's not a shit - just help me with that training program.

    Btw, if there any semi-pro players on Slark, just add me via skype (nwc.padme) or steam (id/nwc_padme). We can be useful to each other. =)


      Not a slark player but i can give u few timings:

      1. Start with tango, salve, shield, mango or ring of protection.
      2. At min 5 you should have boots, qb (not 100% needed), basilius. At 7 min you should have treads complete.
      3. At min 10 you should have 1 part of the shadow blade (claymroe first is usually better). At min 12 you should complete the sb.
      4. At min 15-18 you should finish your echo sabre.

      From there just get whatever u feel like, linkens, basher, skadi...

      Edit: If you dont miss any last hit and get some kill on the offlaner you acn obviously do much better timings, I just told you some decent timings.

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        Well.. As of my experience of this hero.

        Rule 1. Only Pick him if there are no hard counters or no chain stun/hard disable heroes in their team
        Rule 2. He is not always all about ganks, But once you hit an early 6 and got an early sb. Enemy supports tend to buy more detection and render you useless.. ANd in that case scenario you should focus on killing/ganking with ur team as soon as possible.
        Rule 3. Dont overextend if there are 3 or more heroes backing up your desired target.
        Rule 4. Mastery of the Fog is very essential to being a beast with this hero.
        Rule 5. If you get ahead dont focus on echo sabre item build only. for example if having underfarmed enemy morph on hero team. Then after SB instead of going echo. Go for Malevolence and then Skadi or Bkb depending on the situation.
        Rule 6. Always coordinate with your team in teamfights. If much as possible go behind the enemy lines if a teamfight breaks out
        Rule 7. Don't focus on the carries or cores during teamfights. Focus on the squishier key supports.
        Rule 8. Be creative in choosing either Blink Dagger Build or Shadow Blade Build.

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          ADD ME ON STEAM. I can learn a thing or two from your diverse utility playstyle.


            I usually build blink dagger cuz im used to the playstyle.SB is so boring IMO.

            doc joferlyn simp

              rule 1: there will never be a situation where there are no hard disables in the enemy team, even in 2k. instead look if there are instant silences like silencer and doom, or aoe stuns/damage that gon burst you like timber and tiny, in which case dont pick slark
              rule 2: slark roaming with an sb is gonna melt to his own dark pact + the magic nukes that still sting like a spear dipped in acid and lit on fire. even if you do hit an early level 6 your pounce is gonna be at a long cd since you should keep it at 1 skill point while maxing dark pact. wont be able to use it to escape. farm that echo sabre man
              rule 3: actually you can g if there are no stuns that can be casted on the ground like jaki ice path or lina array, provided your skills are off cd (ez pounce dark pact kill ulti tp)
              rule 4: very true. consider getting a qb even in a freefarm lane. might save you from ganks by cutting into trees
              rule 5: deviating from the sb echo transition will leave you so fragile, malevolence wont do anything for your absolute dogshit stat gain. instead look to your team for assistance, dota isnt supposed to be 1v5
              rule 6: supports are the first to go, unless they arent defensive like oracle/dazzle in which case maybe you can look to burst down their carry with your own team's stuns + nukes
              rule 7: ah yes. consider diffusal blade if youre leading the net worth charts to get rid of their ghost sceps if they ever buy one
              rule 8: yeah

              how is aq now btw


                @Haffy still good. Rarely play it. The pic just reminds me of good ol' days.
                Well aside from going the STandard build. I forgot to mention if there is a really annoying tinker.. Don't hesitate to get diffu or scythe. SLark scales well with items with "ULTIMATE ORB" for he is one Stat-Hungry MOFO..

       Going For Defensive builds also proves its worth more than damage dealing one's in most case scenarios.. In this case SCYTHE OVER ABYSSAL Was very situational, but yet proven worthy. The fact you needed to get close to tinker (Specially w/ Shiva's) just to use the active on ABYSSAL is very hard. Scythe has a longer range and the Stats favor him also.

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                  Hey,great tips over there thanks!

                  I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                    is this some poorly translated russian?
                    anw i think one mistake slark players make is they constantly try to run into the enemy territory using shadowblade
                    unless there is already a clear target you have identified, its better to scout out the area by walking normally, by doing so you identify wards, if there is no wards then the next time you go pass the area you can save the shadowblade when going deeper

                    also dont use pounce too early unless enemy has force staff, usually you should hit him 2-3 times then start pouncing
                    learn how to you the command which allows you to ignore pathing, allows for some sick pounce which would otherwise be really hard to do

                    offensive pounce is very overrated when you have echo sabre /basher/skadi, lots of the time its way safer and better play to just hit people during your pact duration and save your pounce for escape

                    once you have shadowblade try to farm on your offlane + their jungle