General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get out of 2k?

How to get out of 2k? in General Discussion
Kim Shin

    Hi guys, i started playing Dota2 last March 2016. The last time i played Dota1 was December 2013, more than 2 years ago because i've decided to quit the game because of addiction(even though I am already finished in my studies,HEHE). In Dota1, i am not boastful but i must say i have quite a skillset to play it. During the adjustment stages when I first started playing Dota2, it was a struggle. Well, I know it is normal but I have came to the point where I have already adapted to Dota2's environment. Skill transitions are much faster and gold is much faster earned in 2 than in 1. What my problem is getting out of 2k, I am almost to 3k but my teammates in the Solo Ranked are usually selfish, and everybody wants to pick Carries, and then i will play support and then the carries can't even handle their responsibilities as carries. Can someone who has the same experience share how he got through it? I mean, it is really hard to go to 3k because even though I play well, if my team is bad, it always comes to losing. I think that when you are in 3k, it's much easier to climb up because people there are much matured to adjust the roles to be picked. BTW, i am in the SEA server. So, expect many cancers to the game.


      First pick carries. U usually don't need support in 3ks Anyway. If u r forced to pick support and that's a problem for u its be cuz u r not as good at support. So learn support role better.


        Know that you're actually not as good as you think
        Focus on trying to get better
        Find your own mistakes and sloppiness, and fix them
        Analyze your every decision, it helps you to notice your mistakes
        Spam your best heroes, you'll notice your mistakes much easier
        Build items and skills according to the situation
        Diffusal exists for a reason
        Eul exists for a reason
        Ghost scepter exists for a reason
        Lotus orb exists for a reason


          I only posted general steps to improve because I don't want to dictate anyone to play a role they're not comfortable with

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            Git gud. If u deserve 3k u will get there soon, its 5v5. If u blame teammates then its not 5v5 anymore, its already 5v5 dont make it became 4v6 or 3v7.


              How to get out of 2k ? Play better. Carries on 2k farm very slow, have poor decision making, bad timing for items, dive towers like morons, going back to farming instead of taking objectives when they have advantage, feeding cos of being unaware what can kill u, bad positioning, weird item builds or skill builds, slow reaction time, forgeting about to use active items in teamfights, loads of space for carries, games usually lasting for more than 35 min, cant deal with heros like slark. Its all common.

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              lp pesok #2



                  I played carries in my climb through 2k and 3k I didn't resllly mess with other roles until 4K , I would just focus on your carry skills until atleast high 3k , you can always switch roles later .


                    Try alch and slark 2 braindead hero can get you out of 2k really ez


                      I love how he thinks 3ks are good :D

                      lp pesok #2

                        Git gud


                          1k 2k 3k no big diffrence all ppl on these bracket are bad but every 1k mmr u go up u suck less but still u suck

                          Kim Shin

                            I'm not really good at playing support role because ever since, i am really a carry type of player. Anyways, i'm not a blamer to the team, but if someone keeps on making huge mistakes that lead to the whole team's faith, i make sure to say to him what he do is wrong. Like feeders for example, those without common sense of the game. I really feel bad about it, because i am doing my best yet they are in their worst..


                              Ezpz 2ks
                              @cookie btw is that your smurf? Lmao


                                2k ranked is liek the most cancer place. id probably just make 2nd account and calibrate it at least to 3k and climb from there if i was you.

                                Kim Shin

                                  i will do my best to get out of here. it's a challenge. all my sets will be gone if i made another account. haha


                                    I started at 1.8k and right now I am in 3.1k (Started in August to go up). Its pretty simple really, ALWAYS pick what your team wont do; and, that usually means a support, specially if noone has picked anything yet. Its sad but true. Remember in 2k mmr you have to treat your teammates like babies, and babies are cancer and get themselves killed.

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                                    Herald Pride

                                      there is always some obstacle to deal with. i grind my mmr from 900 to 3100. on my case, i found hard to get out 1500, 1900, 2500, 2700.
                                      just play as best as you can and spam at least 3 of your best hero.
                                      sometime SEA server is shit, i know that... hehehe....

                                      Kim Shin

                                        i'm now in 2700 and up and down to 2600. i'm about to get to 2.8 but shit happens all the time as noobs are on their way.. hope i'll be lucky enough not to team up with cancers..

                                        #828 nun wrong widdat ya ...

                                          Git gud is the only solution


                                            "sometime SEA server is shit"
                                            No it's always shit XD
                                            But your teammates being shit does not matter
                                            Shit teammates will only make you a more independent and better player faster


                                              Maybe u r the cancer. Lol


                                                You cant get out of 2k. I was stuck there for a year before calibrating new account at 3k. You will see much diference in team comunication but peple still dont know what hero counters which one. Still bunch of bad players but less then in 2k.


                                                  I dont agree with jacked. In my opinion its possible to climp as a support, but you will need to put somethings in your routine.

                                                  Always look for kill potentials: it's possible to kill ppl even if u are level 1!

                                                  Deny offlaners XP: zoning him or even make pulls so you can make XP too!

                                                  Be proactive: if you can't do anything for your carry in lane go gank other lanes rune traps or stack jungle.

                                                  Always carry tp: you never know when you will need to tp to save some frend and get a commend xD

                                                  Ward the map correctly.

                                                  A game is never lost. Yes, the comeback is real. Use ur brain to fix the problem in ur team, there is always a solution. Once I was playing with a guy who was blaming me for everything that was going wrong in the game. I got so pissed that I gave 15 kills for the other team for free. About the mark of 55 minutes my team got a team wipe and ppl just wrote gg. The enemy team went for our mid barracks. My team mate Sven bought back, so do I. 2 vs 5, blink, stun, gods strength, then my repel. What happen? A rampage and we won. There is always a turnaround. Just use your brain.

                                                  Forget me not

                                                    Try to watch David d. Bowie channel on YouTube about what pro player do and so should you. It's a good reference to improve your MMR.
                                                    Atm climbing from 2.1k to 4 k because the knowledge I get at that channel. And improve your decision making upon teamfight , ganking, taking g objective.
                                                    And yeah I found its hard too to climb when I reach 2,7- 2,8k and 3,7-3,8 k

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