General Discussion

General DiscussionShould i pull when...

Should i pull when... in General Discussion
Lic. en Diseño de Pascual...

    Should i pull in a contested 2v2 lane despite the creep equilibrium? Denying gold and exp to the enemy, but making my carry farm under tower. Or stay in lane trying to deny creeps and harrass the enemy?


      It depends on how the lane is going and what hero your teammate and your opponents are
      Only pull if you can double pull or have stacked the camp once
      Or it will simply push because the lane got doublewaved (sometimes you want it to happen but its a rare scenario)
      Example, you don't fucking leave a spectre to pull against SK and venge, but you can leave her alone to pull against some clowny heroes

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      doc joferlyn simp

        check how much sustain your carry has and decided if he can remain at greenish part of the hp bar, bcs if he gets to half hp the offlaner/s will definitely try and jump him. should be easy too, considering at that time the carry has a very very small hp pool

        but yeah like bws said only pull when you know each and everyone of your creeps will die, bcs if you pull the small camp (with a dual offlane you will never get the chance to pull the hard camp) and only once stack is there, only one or two creeps will die. your main goal for pulling against a dual offlane is to deny them the exp they are sharing allowing you and your carry to get ahead in terms of levels

        or go to gameleap ask for bsj hell tell you the secret to everything, which is to pull at xx:53

        Riguma Borusu

          Probably not worth it at all, if you try pulling you leave your carry solo against 2 likelay aggressive guys, they might dive him, or they might go kill you instead, and kill both lane creeps and neutrals. In a situation like that just do whatever possible to keep your carry safe. I remember maxing armor on Lich when my friend played spectre, we were aggro dual laned, and there was no hope of ever killing them, so I focused on denying as many creeps as possible, and always casting armor against PA dagger spam, so we won the lane in the end. There was not one point at which it was a good idea to pull.

          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

            you should pull because your carry should push


              Your carry isn't Hao
              Leaving him alone might lead him to feeding and tilting, people just can't get supporting isn't just about staying next to the carry babysitting his ass and securing his farm, but securing all 3 lanes
              Only pull if you're sure he won't get killed or has a brain

              Riguma Borusu

                ^If your carry (and you) are getting aggro dual laned, things are much different from you having a trilane against a solo offlaner. In that case you often want to stay glued to the carry and pull whenever/if it is safe. And even if you say that the "carry should push" that is kinda naive if you do not see the situation in the lane - maybe the problem is that you're melee against good anti melee offlane, and you can't actually push because you endanger yourself every time you come in for the last hit. There are a ton of variables here and there's no general answer, just that pulling against dual lanes is problematic in general because you place both yourself and your carry at a disadvantage should the offlaners choose to go on one of you.

                Also, there are heroes it is almost impossible to pull against unless you have a strong trilane, like underlord, because he'll actually end up taking more farm if he contests the pull, and even worse, get more atrophy stacks, making it even more impossible to trade with him.

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                Dire Wolf

                  Just please don't make me try and cs under tower. Shit base dmg heroes like sniper, medusa, drow before 6 and some aura levels, it's just a nightmare. If I'm on sven by all means pull away.