General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to strategize for lategame?

How to strategize for lategame? in General Discussion

    i feel like I farmed alright but with tinker keeping all lanes pushed in, I could never split push.

    Did I itemize wrongly? what could I have done specific to the matchups for this game?

    Riguma Borusu

      you had a moon shard and BoT 2 but didn't have heart, which would have allowed you much greater endurance in a lategame fight, in which I assume you either died or had to back off


        Your teammates picked bad heros. Next time in hero picking phase spam PICK TANKY HEROS


          Dunno if ure team had ever bought a gem against techies. That could be game winning.
          Doing roshan is important too Another game winning decision. Knowing to when blink in to fight and target which hero first matters a lot.
          And My item build would be bot. Bf. Mkb. Vlad sell it for Hearth later. BKB and manta

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