General Discussion

General DiscussionDo not complain about the skill level of players in your servers unti...

Do not complain about the skill level of players in your servers until you play in Japan in General Discussion
Potato Marshal

    In my last 4.2k ranked game I saw

    -A slark who couldn't farm, maxed out essence shift first, didn't level dark pact, had one point of pounce and leveled stats instead
    -A jungle Ursa who started with nothing but a headdress, failing to pull and stack
    -Mid jugg who kept running up behind enemy towers trying to right click enemy heroes then get surprised when any of the enemy's 3 invisible heroes were there
    -A last pick offlane morphling who did nothing

    I couldn't do anything as a solo support because everybody was dying non-stop and I couldn't even afford sentries.


      You probably played against some sea players who qued there.
      edit: NOW you experienced the SEA Cancer

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        I play at sea server high skill and normal skill. today sea had server problems so i played in japan. players are wtf dude. i just stomp them lol. High skill here got played on normal skill on japan lol


          its just those delusional SEA fucks thinking their fellow SEA teammates are dragging them down and tried to find some creative way to cheat their MMR
          Japan is cool man
          Although they're the ones who spread the weeabo syndrome


            do people in japan really play dota

            afaik those guys are all about speedruns and shit like that

            doc joferlyn simp

              australia is the best shit ever

              Potato Marshal

                If this keeps up, I just might as well quit Dota. The skill level is all over the place and games are so one-sided.

                Johnny Rico

                  little people play on japan, since many koreans play on the chinese servers i think, and japs arent that good on these kind of games.

                  Kill yourself in the name...

                    SEA asia is full of drunk retards internet cafe pignoys, indonesians and malaysians.

                    Kill yourself in the name...

                      their like "its way bigger caps than this" STUN STUN STUN MO BOBO WOOO! WOOO! WOO! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        :( sadlife at sea


                          Japan dota best dota no jappa

                          Martha Stewart

                            My friend and I once played on a japanese server. The weirdest shit happened. So we both went to the safe lane like normal. But we saw no enemy players anywhere. And the rest of our team didn't even go to the lanes as well. Basically except the two of us, the rest of the 8 players in the game simply kept going into the jungle, autoattacking a neutral camp, dying in like 2-3 minutes. and then rinse and repeat.
                            It was funny for like 10 minutes, then we got fed up and just abandoned.

                            imagine the messages :
                            Player A got killed by a neutral creep
                            Player B got killed by a neutral creep
                            Player C got killed by a neutral creep
                            Player D got killed by a neutral creep
                            Player E got killed by a neutral creep
                            Player F got killed by a neutral creep

                            mentally handicapped

                              id farm them rush 6 dr's and have fun

                              casual gamer

                                5k us west is a clown fiesta lmao


                                  Japan server = south korea server


                                    mods pls ban that kill yourse1f guy. he is being offensive and insulting countries

                                    Luis Miguel joven

                                      If I queue in Japan ill surely being looking for lolis at jungle or somewhat than deal with rat kids


                                        Japan wont play dota until is on PLaystation console and has more 12 year old girls

                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                          SEA server is the most competitive region in Dota 2. Some even says the a 5k sea player = 6k european player.


                                            Sea is tHe Best server to increase your mental, trust me XD


                                              idk why everyone play at SEA talk shit about his own server. Atm on my recent games on these few months i rarely found a really stpd ass ppl, u can check my recent games, their itemization, farms, etc. Mb its cuz the mm system that makes u all found much retards cuz pretty much birds of a feather flock together xd.
                                              also i once i clicked jp server by mistake but strangely i deported xd to korea, and yes somehow theyre like a newb, i can still win even my ping is so high af with only stay on line an pushin twrs, but yea its not fun and i dont want to do that again.


                                                quit shitposting, probs just account buyers