General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can i play highest mmr in TBD ? VHS? KDA? WINRATE? GPM-XPM?

How can i play highest mmr in TBD ? VHS? KDA? WINRATE? GPM-XPM? in General Discussion

    Advice me pls :)

    Art of Piko

      u need more VHS lol

      Art of Piko

        The calculation of MMR starts from the first game you played there are 3 things on getting a high MMR GPM, Damage Dealt & Hero Healing.
        a 450 avg. GPM can get you through 3.5k tops (includes Damage Dealt and Hero Healing). Preferred heroes are Zeus (Damage), Tinker (GPM & Damage), Oracle (Healing) or suggestible WK (Damage, GPM & Healing) *lifesteal is counted as healing (Aura)*. You can Vlad's, Mek, Greaves or Urn to increase your hero's healing i.e PA with Vlad's can accumulate Damage, GPM & Healing with Vlad's or Urn and Greaves on SK. (well correct me if I am wrong tho)


          spam zeus on tbd dude
          thank me later


            you'll calibrate 9k, dont worry about it

            Art of Piko

              what about mee ?