General Discussion

General Discussionto all the 4K players out there

to all the 4K players out there in General Discussion

    being 4k doesn't mean you're good, i fucking tilted the shit out of my last game , i que solo & end up with 3 other dudes queing party , one of them was a void who was 3.3k party but his friends said he is 4k solo, Okay im like finnaly a good team , YEAH RIGHT , i rather have normal 2k partners than this shit , he bragged like no other before game start saying that he win games in 2k mmr by trolling around with a bloodstone refresher sven ... well just look this game to see "REAL 4K POWER"

    Yes i played bad too, but a real 4k should be able to 1v9 in 2k mmr or isn't it what everyone trying to say in this website by bashing 2k??? fucking worst void i've ever had in my team , i played with better 1k voids tbh

    Fucking 4k's with 3k games played and 49% winrate are what's ruinning 4k's reputation & this game in general , kinda like benao & that spiderman guy

    Ця тема була відредагована
    doc joferlyn simp

      let the rage flow through you, until such time you are one being, united to serve your own petty purposes for ranting, powered by salt and flame acquired from the trenches


        kinda like benao

        and I think spooderman guy is no longer 4k, which is nice

        Цей коментар був відредагований
        doc joferlyn simp

          i just read that, somehow i feel sad




              You're an idiot.. no one wins 100% of their matches ass hole..


                4ks being dogshit is a public knowledge


                  this is it tasaina i chalenge u in dota
                  better deal than leaving ur mother with me


                    and lmao at OP the fuck uknow spodetman i first time see u scrub

                    casual gamer

                      no iron talon on fv my eyes

                      Vem Comigo

                        jefe at least you need to mantain a +50% winrate


                          how is he level 9. but he does have a lot of HD. some games are unwinnable.

                          it is possible that that 4k is dogshit. it is also possible that u have classic lower mmr syndrome: u see good plays as bad plays just because he may end up dying but he is actually applyng pressure and u monkeys are not doing anything with the pressure he applies.

                          classic example is that my noob team always flames me because i die, but im the only one applying pressure around the map, usually end up with highest HD and TD but im noob in their eyes.

                          Président® Salted Butter

                            What jacked said.


                              as a 4k shitlord and the worst dota 2 player ever i believe i am entitled to tell you that we 4k players, regardless of region or language spoken, are retarded.



                                nothing new, 4ks were always a shit mess

                                sometimes 1-3k calibrate accs to 4k,

                                4k has now 0 skill


                                  so cookie now doing illegal boosting. lmao such advertising free calibration and replay analysis to end up boosting scrubs ruining games

                                  Potato Marshal

                                    Most 4ks are just shitty players who can last hit better than average. They still have no sense of coordination, strategy, decision-making, theory crafting or ability to adapt. They mostly know what every ability and item does, but I still see Lunas leveling their ult before taking any levels in beam and Slarks that max essence shift first and levels stats over a single level of dark pact. Any time they try to stray from the meta and try their own gimmick builds usually ends in disaster. 4k games are easy to win if the entire team actually pick appropriate heroes for their lanes and do their jobs while occasionally coordinating for ganks, pushes, and defending towers.


                                      well tbh max essence shift 1st is apparently some sort of oldschool slark build. however its almsot always trash now coz flashfarm is waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy better.

                                      you know what having many attributes stolen for a long time does to you in laning stage?

                                      much like when you lane against timber and he takes reactive first.... you take essence shift lvl 1 and first blood him.

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                      Potato Marshal

                                        Nobody stands around trading last hits like an idiot long enough to lose any significant amount of stats. There is no way you can convince me that this Slark knew what he was doing.



                                          well im not gonna try convince you neither i am gonna check the game. i dont think its valid what he did just saying for the luls that essence shift is a good spell too. but all you need is a support with some sort of lockdown on lvl 1 and bodyblock - 6 hits with wraith band and hes dead (well PMS on opponent can help but still you can easily kill him or if you are alone at least zone him out). not many people expect slark essence shift level one and leave their tower range carelessly.

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                          Potato Marshal

                                            ^^^This is what I meant, people under 5k should stop thinking they're clever by coming up with worthless gimmick builds. You don't completely ignore your main source of early damage and kill potential/escape in hopes the enemy are dumb enough to just stand their trading hits for no reason.

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                              there is no other build for slark that is better than maxing dark pact first. period. getting lvl 1 shift can be ok.. but most of the time leap is just better.


                                                Low MMR logic.. sigh.. I hate you guys so much sometimes.

                                                Can you use your head OP? Look, I'll use your logic and show you why you lack a brain:

                                                "Every black person is immoral. I saw a black guy steal a bike once. All black people are thieves."

                                                "Chess grandmaster's are experts at chess, thus, they never lose a match. Ever. They are literally transcendent beings incapable of making any mistakes. That's what it means to be skilled. I can read a book by its cover."

                                                Why are people so stupid?