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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

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    doc joferlyn simp

      Now go fetch me a GIF my hound.


        BTW an answer to an earlier statement, I farm like a snail cos I m not trying to afk farm, I know my teammates are retarded enough to get caught out 4v5 so any pickoffs I can make happen greatly improves the odds of my team serving.
        If u want me to rice creeps just look at one of my Sven games where I was tryharding


          i am a snail. its a random pic ifound. i dono where it's from


            well apoo. you obviously haven't played a game where youre top cs, top networth, top kills, hd and td.

            doc joferlyn simp

              I think it's from the movie Epic. Not sure though, that movie was ages ago.


                I have but those games are few and far between, I m not 4k hell I m not even 1k I can't just outplay every1 1v 9
                All the time so I take the easy way out and try to make the game safer

                doc joferlyn simp

                  5 games with Luna 80% winrate

                  3 games with Sven 100% winrate

                  ohmagaad best carries her0 playr evarH!


                    my point is you can farm a lot and still be active in fights bruh. u just gotta know way of the ninja

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      I don't have time for bullshit. For you to be a ninja bring a fucking teleport scroll wherever you go.

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        edgy teen chilling, come in here yall


                          Tell me u have played or seen quite a few of my games,how many of the banks that my teammates were caught in could have easily been dodged? Even today when I was plating slark, only I caught the rotations that the enemy team was making and pingig. My team to to keep them alive


                            haffy if u spammed those heroes u would've already been 3k long ago. kek


                              feels good to beat luna spammers tbh

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                Might do that if the leaf guy has good knowledge regarding position 1. From what he said to me though he is mainly a position 2 player, which means he is far more active in the map compared to a safelane carry.

                                People don't give a fuck when some stack though, no attempt to contest/block the pulls. Will try that if I ever get a proper line up that needs a position 1 (ie never).


                                  a good strat for 1k dota is to let your team die, because them dying is hardly ever a loss. as we've alr established, outcomes are highly uncertain in 1k because of massive throws on both sides (so not just your team can't dodge games). which is why is always better to just ignore them and farm in 1k.


                                    yea its actually tough being pos 1 when ur lane is fkd msot of the time and ur playing catch up in the mid game. but it makes u a better player too. i found luna mid so much easier because i got solo xp and farm. but im pretty sure it makes me a bad player overall to play luna mid. lul

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      In addition to that I believe Sing's tactical feeding strategy also holds some merit. For example I am a Slark who has mediocre farm because I have 3 person trying to take farm (2 enemies 1 teammate). When my teammates feed I can just go and search for people with my OP night vision and exploit their neglect of buying dust and sentries, then collect the bounty and start the comeback with the gold obtained.

                                      Basically comeback gold is OP.


                                        SEA FOLKS i hope you guys are supporting our boys faceless. they are playin right now wew

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          If you are a mid player that's respectable. But since no one does coordinated ganks in lower brackets the only thing that you could be proud of when playing mid (superb map awareness) that goes to the trashcan as you're basically just farming. Still need a good sense of lane balance and game tempo to play well though.

                                          Play mid Sven next. plox


                                            death to DC

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              Thanks for the info Jacked, tuning in now.


                                                Uh I think ppl in lower MMR are learning to make coordinated ganks happen just ask bws or renshin


                                                  dont think theres any real advantage to playing sven mid tho. he has no kill potential and would purely be farming. at least luna can dominate noob midders quite well.


                                                    winter is seriously my favourite caster. the shit he says is so damn insightful


                                                      The thing is
                                                      3k is not like that
                                                      A single death, even a retard with 1k net worths', can, and usually translates into objectives and advantage security to the enemy
                                                      I don't afk around shitting out 600 GPM+ every game in 3k for a reason although the farm is still quite uncontested


                                                        faceless dogshit


                                                          They're not fucking 1k I tell you
                                                          My last OD game was a nightmare
                                                          If apoo was your usual 1k support that steals farm, never ward, never rotate or gank, flames shit (fuck that dazzle), did nothing but sucking xp, we would've lost the game with me having 0-5 10 minutes in or shit

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            ^^True. Both outplayed and outmaneuvered.

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                                                              Or it's just that 1k are so autistic that they think kills>>>>>>>>>>>>objectives>farm
                                                              So they would be willing to do anything just to get kills



                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  Unfair Apoo does exactly the opposite in my games.

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                                                                    I see my performances objectively and I know which games which I got carried and which games I carried
                                                                    Helps me to grow


                                                                      I rotated ao such that game that game lmao, this is the reason I don't support in my brackets most carries blame for playing like a true support


                                                                        Oh fuck off haffy how am I supposed to kill DK with that insane regent without lvl 6. I only got lvl 6 when I had commitedy stun and had no more mana


                                                                          Well the thing is
                                                                          Roam only if you know your teammates actually know the fucking basics of dota
                                                                          3 minutes in is enough
                                                                          If you see your teammates doing sick aggro pulls, maintains lane equilibrium well, CSes well, go for it
                                                                          If its your typical forever AA creep hoping to get some LH kind of shithead, then your future is grim


                                                                            faceless destroying DC go SEA


                                                                              OHHHHHHHHHHHH TERRORBLADE


                                                                                nvm its a 22 min rax. wtf


                                                                                  OHHHHHHHH THEY LOST, EZ DC


                                                                                    tide+terrorblade cooldown dependent crap heroes. wtf

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      Pro player logic: hit the tank so that the enemy carry can free hit on the edge of the fight.


                                                                                        we fokking lost boys.


                                                                                          Peenoise player logic = kill the support, then go back to farming until the support is alive again and kill IT again (yes supports should be treated as animals)

                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            Their fault for drafting around walking ultis.


                                                                                              how did they have no answer to eclipse?


                                                                                                Yo apoo how did you like my countrymen's gaming
                                                                                                That LC and drow was a disgrace to this potentially amazing country I didn't even bother talking to them in our language
                                                                                                Cuz they were muted AHAHAHAHAB


                                                                                                  luna is completely broken even without sd. good bye rax?


                                                                                                    Are you talking about the mjollnir lc?


                                                                                                      @apoo and that 4 yellow weed starting item drow