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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
D the Superior
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      D the Superior
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          2k indog monkey

            Analyze mine if you want
            Preferably the slark game because I felt I went full retard that game


              it's like you know, your teacher gives you a very interesting topic

              and youre so excited to write about it because you know the topic well and like it

              but since you have so many stuff to say you dont know what you should say first so that your work starts out great and relevant all throughout

              its like that for me

              when i watch my replays, i notice my mistakes, sometimes even the smaller ones, but i dont know whats the common problem between all those mistake

              as such idk where to fucking begin, what part of my mistakes i should correct first and stuff like that


                ok kelly, you'll do time stamps right

                D the Superior
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                    @Bwsyou ruined it, no analysis for u kappa,
                    yeah sure, only if u change your avatar
                    @alice, sure ill add those timestamps.
                    @magnus, Of course not you

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                    D the Superior
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                      BUM!! I'M REALLY LIKE THAT

                        I remember when absolute was still offering free coaching, I asked him to add me and he did, but I was on a winstreak then so I didn't want to get coached on a win since I thought it would be better to get coaching on a lost game so I can find out what I did wrong. I was waiting for a loss so that I can get that game coached, but by the time I already lost he was no longer on my friendlist. FeelsBadMan


                          Any1 analysing my games is just going to be hilarious autism along with the abysses autism is enough to drive any1 mad

                          BUM!! I'M REALLY LIKE THAT

                            Hey, you're a little less cancerous than everyone else, that's something to be proud of LUL


                              @Abadass, lmao, I remember when I let cookie watch my am game wherein i stomped and carried team to victory, but when he watched it and said what he said, I never want to play am again

                              BUM!! I'M REALLY LIKE THAT

                                What did he say, exactly? Must've been brutal


                                  theres one thing id like to know

                                  whats that ONE THING that separates me from 4k players

                                  2k indog monkey

                                    Your item build
                                    you should've rushed dagon
                                    aight deal kelly


                                      @Abadass,basically he called me dogshit, which is fine really... :C
                                      @Alice,heres a hint, i told him it was tht 4k's cant deal with splitpush


                                        @bws, he would have ended that stream if he saw dagon xD


                                          Im going in boise, cover my 6


                                            i think i get it

                                            2k indog monkey

                                              Think it's about 4k doesn't know how to cope with structural disadvantages
                                              A.k.a mega = loss
                                              Min 7 tier 1 tower down = tilt


                                                that pic + cookie once said that X mmr players (forgot which mmr he mentioned) cant deal with a hero thats breaking their highground at 25-30 mins who is 2 more items ahead than their carry + me having a SIMILAR game in my last AM solo ranked where i had quite an easy time despite the game being fairly even just because my farm was DOUBLE OF THEIR VOID'S for the whole game

                                                i think i get it

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                                                  not to mention almost all of my core wins involve me having at least 1 more itemcahead while being halfway with the next item im building


                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                    Aight I like this Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom show in Nicks Jr
                                                    Elfs don't like magic
                                                    AM confirmed

                                                    2k indog monkey

                                                      Aight, outfarming by huge margin and structural destruction it is


                                                        oh i just remembered there was a gorgeous alice in wonderland cosplayer a while ago at our school

                                                        i wouldve loved to take a picture with her but i didnt bring my phone god dang itttttt


                                                          remember what cookie said

                                                          he analyzes games and tests what he finds in games

                                                          lets test this bryant

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                                                            we fight till the death for that sweet +25

                                                            2k indog monkey

                                                              I DO NOT LIKE MAGIC -Wise Old Elf


                                                                its time for me to play sven/luna to test this out

                                                                i shouldve followed jacked's ways long ago

                                                                2k indog monkey

                                                                  I'd go with the hard way with AM hehehe


                                                                    i actually know how to play am more rofl

                                                                    lets go with am HEHEHEHE


                                                                      but i have to polish everything again with those challenges

                                                                      2k indog monkey

                                                                        AM it is
                                                                        If we both lost 100 it's fine
                                                                        We already lost the race anyway kappa

                                                                        2k indog monkey

                                                                          What was the full list of challenge? Copy paste it here pls

                                                                          2k indog monkey

                                                                            Alche seems fine too, but hell I have 14% with alche remember


                                                                              OH MORE PROOF

                                                                              u all know how jdf8's playing in 4k rn right?

                                                                              and he posted that "am i famous thread" with the enemy sk asking if hes from dotabuff

                                                                              i watched that for the memes, but jdf8 said that "those 4ks told me to start 5 manning with them at 20 mins; i kept farming because i was against a dagon sky"

                                                                              tbh enemy had so magic damage that game that they wouldve lost that game

                                                                              he kept farming tho, and when he was like 2-3 items ahead, he prevented a rosh fight, won that fight, and they couldnt stop him anymore

                                                                              im guessing 5ks wouldve ended the game earlier, but the enemy slark and sky forgot about his tb, he kept on farming while safely splitpushing, maybe the enemy was so focused about expanding their lead, idk


                                                                                oh gawd am is actually such a bad hero


                                                                                  btw his team was SO FAR BEHIND i actuallyvforgot they were gonna win that game


                                                                                    you might actually lose more mmr playing am hehehe


                                                                                      nice game volvo. i just wanted a nice ez loss and do the 0-0-0 0hd challenge.

                                                                                      team started suspecting something was up with me. issit so hard to just lose sometimes? why do i get godliek players in my team all the time



                                                                                        lol alice, thats what a carry is suppose to do, plus he is playing in na. NA 4k = 3k SEA


                                                                                          LOL who cares we lost the race anyway kekekek

                                                                                          2k indog monkey

                                                                                            Let's not give a fuck for MMR for awhile for the sake of improvement and hunting the truth


                                                                                              why do you think you lost?
                                                                                              haffy is just trolling in my other acc

                                                                                              2k indog monkey

                                                                                                I actually thought my old path of afking 25 minutes while taking objectives if I could was bad and ended up trying to balance farm and fighting
                                                                                                Ughh now I know why I was stuck in 2000

                                                                                                D the Superior
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                                                                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                                                                    Actually after I think about it hitting creeps while taking objectives is more reliable than 5 manning with retards who couldn't follow up a 5 man chrono even after my mad pingings


                                                                                                      XD LUL