General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Lol is this mine?
    Btw dog ur on the right path tho imo. If u meat shield her she will probably feel thankful and thats ur opening.

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    pls be patient very noob ...

      Wait till she finds my hidden meat shield ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


        I got into a flame war with some YouTube fucktard who thinks void is a hard carry because he has long timewalk at lvl 25 and brings up Shadows' void game in TI
        I should fucking hang around the YT community passively so much fucking 1k retards thinking they know shit holy fuck


          I also found another retard who thinks invoker is one of the best hero right now and will always be like that because his skillcap is high
          Holy fuck


            I'm triggered because I spent like 100 hours mastering this purple fuckface and he just talks like he knows shit


              void can be a "safe"lane pos 1 but if he thinks he shouls solely be played in pos 1 carry hes wrong


                HARD CARRY =/= POSITION 1
                He just doesn't get that shit
                If he's replying again I'm not going to even bother replying him


                  Hard carries are obviously pos 1 but heroes that can be played pos 1 are not always hard carries
                  He's just fucking spewing bullshits out of his ass "ya he is still HC but not as cancer as he used to, mom and kill everyone"


                    If you stop replying I am ashamed.


                      Worst part of all he brings up wings.shadows' void game in TI to back up his argument, what the fuck was he even thinking seriously


                        I do fucking hope think he gets my point now


                          Void can be a hard carry and fills that role quite well. However to play him exclusively as hard carry would be idiotic and counter-intuitive.

                          -Basically what Yves is saying but rephrased


                            tbh i dont really classify heroes with the typical support/hardcarry/ganker tags

                            i prefer classifying them by that game's farm priority

                            so i dont have a fucking idea on what a hard carry is


                              If a guy can't seem to get your point, insult him to submission.


                                even the support classification confuses me sometimes

                                how am i still core role despite me having purely support items as underlord? is it just because i "farmed" for them

                                thats why farm priorities are far more accurate for me xD


                                  Hard carry is usually refered as pos 1 heroes that can only do well if he has enough farm (A LOT) because he has insanely good scaling abilities
                                  I don't see void needing BF mjo butter daedalus to start wrecking heroes right now
                                  I'm triggered by the way of him saying "VOID IS HC OMG" like he fucking needs to get 4 slotted to start being relevant without chrono


                                    Heroes that fit in this figure are morph, AM, spectre, etc
                                    But definitely NOT void


                                      lol That is complete bullshit. Chrono is one of the most game breaking skills in the game, it sets up a ton of other spells (Split Earth, Requiem, many more others) or just be a set up for right clicking.


                                        Morph? Haven't seen the infamous Morphling stunbot build?

                                        Basically max Str adapt for guaranteed 4 sec stun or some shit.


                                          AM doesnt scale well

                                          does this make him not a hard carry

                                          confusions everywhere, now pls stop using role classifications and use farm priority instead ty


                                            I don't see morph being played as pos 3 60% of the game running around the map creating space with 3 2000 gold items 30 minutes into the game


                                              Well fuck this discussion, let's meme and shit
                                              I also hate role classifications anyway, too much subjective thinking
                                              Alright fuck youtube


                                                before u flame me am doesnt scale well because his purpose is to be 2-3 items ahead of the enemy carry

                                                if him and the enemy carry has the same amounty of items (which shouldnt happen if ur AM btw) ur gonna lose

                                                thats why he is strongest in the mid-late game transition

                                                pls be patient very noob ...

                                                  i followed up with
                                                  Me: hows christmas going for you M?
                                                  Her: well I could just eat and I'll be fine the rest of the day haha. Everything's quiet now. Wbu?

                                                  Ohohoho I think this is teh opening boise


                                                    Stunbot morph is rlly bad cuz he is the slowest farmer in the entire game by far. Also my youtube name is SOLIDPYTHON bws and i might have commented there i dont remember if i commented but i definetly saw someone saying what u described on a vid regarding invoker.


                                                      "Chrono is one of the most game breaking skills in the game, it sets up a ton of other spells (Split Earth, Requiem, many more others) or just be a set up for right clicking."
                                                      Exactly, he doesn't need to get super fat to do shits (definition of hc), which is why I disagree putting him 100% in the 'hard carry' category


                                                        A true hc who needs a lot of farm is dusa, or spec.


                                                          Ive won games on void with chrono alone. I didnt do any dmg, i wud just set up freezing field and split earth and the enemy team wud melt lol.


                                                            Think I misspoken then
                                                            Let's say hard carries are heroes that are greedy as fuck and can only do well if he has shitton of gold
                                                            But fuck that seirously "oooy cen u plei hurd curry" like some redditard or some shit


                                                              Oh solidphyton is you
                                                              Basically I was flaming the fuck out of the guy who was saying invoker is one of the best hero in doto and will always be and I agreed with your arguments of MK's counters

                                                              pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                Why the fuck am i so picky with words. I hope i dont mess up and sound so scripted or shit


                                                                  huehue le bryante reyj


                                                                    "+SOLID PYTHON Well , if none of them were hard counter to mk for you , then who or what is hard counter for you then ?
                                                                    Invoker no matter how much he get trashed or nerfed , he still one of strongest heroes in dota , it's just depends on the player if he able to play him well , then you are fine vs mk.
                                                                    +Russian Piony So , Just because they nerfed his forge spirit in this patch doesn't mean he is strong hero ?
                                                                    Nigga please , For invoker spammer like me and my friend who has more than 1.5k games on invoker , his nerf or 1 forge spirit doesn't stop you from playing him well and owning.
                                                                    As i said before on my previous comment " Invoker if you good with him " , If you good with this hero you can win or own , doesn't matter if he got 1 or 2 forge.
                                                                    It's all about your experience with the hero and your teammates , This is dota my friend , team game where anything can happen in it."


                                                                      What the fuck i don't even know anyone can be this dense

                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                      pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                        Give me link of youtube vudeo so i can join in

                                                                        pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                          If the spirits were just nerfed, k cool
                                                                          but lets not forget everyone else got buffs, even taking into account his own talent buffs


                                                                            I think he contradicts himself on daily basis
                                                                            For sure
                                                                            Can't he just fucking use common sense, if invoker is one of the best hero right now why don't everyone spam him and just win every game without being competent (hi OD)


                                                                              Then he fucking wrote a novel which pretty much contradicts what he was saying in the first place

                                                                              pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                                well i could argue invoker is not for everyone, pretty much like you cant spam meepo ala abed if you dont have the micro skills to back it all up


                                                                                  He fucking thinks invoker counters MK because if you are good enough you can destroy MK with invoker
                                                                                  I'm genuinely triggered

                                                                                  pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                                    Fuxking give the link already


                                                                                      How to git vhs?


                                                                                        It's like I'm saying 1+1=3 because I had 80/100 grade on my last math exam


                                                                                          "Is necro good counter to mk?" comment chain


                                                                                            Any hero can counter MK if you are good enough lmao


                                                                                              Which vid is this i dont remember?


                                                                                                He says timbersaw is a counter to MK


                                                                                                  Batmon spomming negropos


                                                                                                    its easy to counter MK

                                                                                                    dont let him hit you during the laning phase so he cant snowball


                                                                                                      Its ya boi