General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Kreygasm de feel


      rofl this my gamenet acc. You can understand how shitty the gamenet pcs are by seeing my party games wr rofl


        i won another game with feeding intentions with insta agha np (riki was banned)
        its like i control how the games end result no matter how hard i tried to joke around and feed


          why np u may ask?
          free tp means more feed
          plus i can also feed treants especially with agh


            and again riki got banned and im playing np again


              a guy is rushing rapier on weaver this guy outmemed me


                rofl translation : pu$$y tournament (i'm 5th سیا = sia)


                  gg think my party mmr is going up despite feeding


                    i can feed, get shit stats, and still win
                    np iz gud


                      jacked how much did u go up? 3k yet?


                        its like 2.9 think is started 2.8. i think i have to really afk + feed and not touch any creeps


                            not just bringing this to top again


                              This thread is ded


                                Should we make a team for ti? Like seatard. We will win ti as 3k shit

                                mr. rabbit

                                  won 2 solo ranked games, one on my main and another one here feelsgoodman

                                  i might reach 3k faster than haffy ahahahaha


                                    Lost 25 today
                                    My god I'm so trash right now


                                      why do u ppl pick am cuki style smh

                                      mr. rabbit

                                        what do u mean by that?

                                        btw i think AM kind of extremely luck based to climb with in my case even tho he's one of my comfort heroes, reason for this is because if u get retard teammates especially communication wise u cant do anything to reverse the situation, the enemy will keep up on building up their lead because the bad players will keep on running around like headless chickens and AM is really weak post laning when he only has a bfury + vlads/yasha

                                        unlike alchemist who can fight from min 10 with just an armlet, i managed to kill a bristleback at this minute and made a troll run away from me earlier, alch is a lot more independent and he can defend hg unlike am roofll


                                          I'm an incompetent retard now someone pls give me a 1k account and I'll probably still feed there

                                          mr. rabbit

                                            i really hate communicating with players in this mmr range. its like babysitting toddlers because u have to type every single detail on what to do at the current situation, some even flat out refuse to listen. enemy team dead? lets farm and not get rosh because apparently sf sb slark cant do it. this can be rly triggering at times w/c could actually be game losing. i wish i was good enough to win without typing a single letter like i do in this account, but im not

                                            it just takes too much mental energy to reliably win in this bracket as a legit 3ker


                                              Or just git gud


                                                Things have not been well for me playing cores on 3k
                                                I think I'll analyze some replays later and stick to playing braindead role and support since I've been doing WAY better on support than core recently

                                                FREE PALESTINE

                                                  Just pick some braindead support like ogre or slardar Kappa


                                                    what i mean is u gotta suck ur own dick after u cleaned all jungles and lanes and still got time but everyone's missing cant go for more farm cant push needs items in a fast paced map doesnt deal damage as much as other meta cores

                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                      spirit breaker is more braindead and game winning than both of them combined

                                                      mr. rabbit

                                                        btw clement u shit why werent u online from 12-3 i was waiting for someone to meme with but no ones alive

                                                        FREE PALESTINE

                                                          @bws practice riki LUL

                                                          FREE PALESTINE

                                                            I actually felt really lazy today, I didn't even want to leave the house


                                                              Alch is fucking op.

                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                bws my lane-jungle patterns sucks shit, especially during the period when laning is starting to fall apart, any advice on this? i get 80-90 cs maximum at 13-14 mins smh

                                                                the other time we played its true that i only have 47 cs at 10 mins as alch LMAO

                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                  I have much lower CS but I earn more gold and exp because I jungle only mid/high/ancient camp hahaha


                                                                    Farming pattern as alch should be like this after lv 6
                                                                    Clear lane
                                                                    Take rune(secondary oddmin)
                                                                    Clear 2 jungle
                                                                    Clear lane
                                                                    Clear 2jungle(primary med and hard)
                                                                    Hp full use ult in lane
                                                                    Hp low use ult whenever available

                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                      how about before 6


                                                                        Farm lane and when you almost hit 6(1camp before 6) go to jungle

                                                                        FREE PALESTINE

                                                                          @fx let's bring the seatards dream back to lief

                                                                          Inb4 buys battlecuck tickets and become champions by doing meme strats

                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                            but by staying at lane pre-6 u spend like 40 seconds doing nothing because u push the lane with acid inherently

                                                                            and by not using acid ur crippling ur already weak laning

                                                                            i saw EE do some sort of pre-6 jungling rotations using 1-2 clarities i guess i'll have to analyze his games more


                                                                              Then don't push the lane with acid spray xd

                                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                                and by not using acid ur crippling ur already weak laning

                                                                                which is really important because u have to at least try to zone out the enemy laner

                                                                                its not like you lose farm by using acid; u just lose time


                                                                                  look at q cd each level, drop spray before wave arrives, kill it fast, rotate jungle, kill 1 camp with spray, back to lane, normally kill 2 waves, jungle, and so on. just try not missing lane creeps while going jungle is all. like dont go in jungle if it's --:10 or --:40 go if it's 10 secs left to lane wave respawn or worst they just spawned



                                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                                      i probably need to do some lobbies to see what time in every minute the creeps meet each other and memorize them


                                                                                        X:00 and x:30
                                                                                        Just got used to the timig rwcently to cut waves but I'm still an incompetent retard haHAA

                                                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                                                          no i meant the time when they meet in the lane

                                                                                          thats the time they spawn

                                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                                            most of the time i jungle i forget about the lane creeps so i end up missing 1 whole wave


                                                                                              ok i tried it. every jungle camp i did and got back to lane, i lost 1 lane cs. in real games ppl are gonna deny tho but i think even if u could get 1 cs of lanes creeps + jungle creeps it's more worth it than sitting on ur ass. best thing tho is to make jungle stacks and get back on lane in odd mins, then kill lane fast in even mins and go clear stacks. i think it would make it more that 100 cs@10 this way

                                                                                              also mine without doing ^

                                                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                                                so lane on even minutes, try to stack a camp, 1 jungle camp on an odd minute, lane again until next odd minute, etc etc?


                                                                                                  I think I hit my skillcap guys
                                                                                                  Time to retire to take responsiblility haHAA


                                                                                                    Fuck this shit I'll go analyze some replays mainly to try to figure out how to play from behind