General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
mentally handicapped

    oh wait luna isnt a glass cannon in its truest sense my bad. but my point still stands though. unlike pike, people wont know exactly where you are, and dagger has a longer range


      Even with BF I can't seem to get manta 4-5 min afterwards no matter how much I fought and rat


        I disagree with dagger coz she need farm and she also farm really quickly. High ms in the game too so she can go camp to camp really fast. She ends the game at 30min. She isnt a glass cannon.


          If you want me to show you my luna feel free to party with me

          mom said it's my turn to ...


            mom said it's my turn to ...


              mom said it's my turn to ...

                And unlike pike, you can change position even after a stun
                How do you even blink out if you cant in the first place


                  I'm starting to think BF rush AM might be a legit thing now smh


                    Singsongpingpone got 22min lance butter manta mom xD

                    mentally handicapped

                      the point of a dagger pickup, is to force the enemies into focusing someone else other than you. if they do try and still chase you then theyd be opening themselves to counter attack from your own teammates

                      anyways i think itll be better to put my words into practice i hereby decree that every game i shall play with a glass cannon i shall incorporate a dagger, like how i proved jacked wrong when he said i wouldnt be winning games with echo sabre pa


                        The point is you cant end game fast enough. It messes up with your butter or skadi timing too

                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                          Try splitpushing with a dagger
                          With a rad manta spec
                          Or a nyx creeping up to you

                          I did dagger on a few glasscannons as well, but I wouldnt go as far as call it a reliable escape

                          And as you said, if youre dead youre useless. Sure, your team can counter initiate but what use is it if they burst you down fast enough because you couldnt get away because, you know, dagger got disabled? why would it force the enemy team to focus someone else? They just give you a slight pinch and you cant blink away anymore

                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                            What part of instant initiate could you not get?


                              Luna's ms is good enough for mobility, also her night vision is good enough to see and dodge incoming ganks anyway
                              She runs out of slot rather quickly, and doesn't need or able to initiate and find pickoff like slardar/jugg/centor, etc
                              Which is also why SB is a dumbfuck pickup on luna





                                    ive really been considering dagger on luna against sniper.

                                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                                      ^use it to outfarm sniper and take high ground with a huge networth advantage

                                      Then feed that advantage then -25


                                        Or just tell your teammate to pick spectre and swap haHAA


                                          HALP I KEPT GETTING MIN 18 BF MIN 25 MANTA ON AM XDDDDDDDDDDDD


                                            I always got 20 min bf and still win games . Chill the fuck out !


                                              Dog, the point is u get blink maybe as a 3rd or 4th item after butterfly or satanic so u just jump on sniper and ulti evaporate him

                                              mentally handicapped

                                                wait i have had an epiphany

                                                wk pos 4 roaming --> urn oov raindrops arc --> rush aghs --> disassemble arc boots for blood stone --> get blink

                                                1. blink into enemy team, make sure you have reincarnation up
                                                2. suicide immediately
                                                3. get 5 man stun to enemy
                                                4. respawn
                                                5. ???
                                                6. profit

                                                pls tell me someone will be able to meme this. pls

                                                mentally handicapped

                                                  hmm wait alternatively instead of disassembling arc boots for bloodstone make an armlet.

                                                  1. turn armlet on forever
                                                  2. blink in when you have 1 hp
                                                  3. die to something, get creep aggro soak up a spell
                                                  4. pseudo-ravage
                                                  5. reincarnate
                                                  6. ???
                                                  7. profit



                                                    Radiance octarine refresher shiva bloodstone agha meme!!!!!


                                                      thats a poopoo idea

                                                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                        Gentlemen. Today we shall conspire to steal the next page from the europeans.

                                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                          Wait. A modern day MANLIEST SKELETON KING???



                                                              Bws that's what u get for skipping 1000 mmr. U never learned to lane against retarded dual offlane so


                                                                I should've bought battle pass on my main sdfsgdsd


                                                                  Feelsgoodman solo carry the team

                                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                                    the brood spam is starting to go well, being able to at least waste my counters' time is so goooood

                                                                    i still have to know how to outplay them tho, and my timings r still shit


                                                                      haha? did you try to steal the page from me?


                                                                        z u c c m e

                                                                        Shingkay (MASTER)

                                                                          meme with me


                                                                            Time to abuse sven


                                                                              Carried by fx lul


                                                                                TIME TO LEARN SVEN


                                                                                  am is legit now


                                                                                    Dirty am picker kys


                                                                                      lets drink bleach then


                                                                                        Renshin trying to copy my tb :thinking:

                                                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                          i need to stop pick invoker in solo que . i just realize i got sub 50% winrate with him in solo que ROFL

                                                                                          mentally handicapped

                                                                                            fucking zucced i saw a dude getting blown by a fish while his mate was watching it all and holding the fish. i turned off autoplay for videos on facebook right then and there

                                                                                            mentally handicapped

                                                                                              hmm sven getting an insane spike increase in winrate, is it here to stay or is it just because people are still more retarded than usual because of the new patch :thinking:


                                                                                                AM only works if you crush your lane because jungle resource isn't as reliable as it used to before you get your BF


                                                                                                  Rush vanguard on am without any other item and afk jungle !