General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Im fx i ban void necro veno btw

    boSS emat

      Just don't give fx nyx and we gucci

      boSS emat

        Got cucked by my mom FeelsFuckingBadMan

        chicken spook,,,,

          im 16 and i go to collage

          chicken spook,,,,

            The fuck irl face as profile pic clement fuckboy confirmed?


              thats not him 🌚

              chicken spook,,,,

                No, it's him
                Don't ask how


                  Nope its not . I have his facebook



                    chicken spook,,,,

                      I have him

                      boSS emat

                        this profile pic isn't mine wtf lol


                          U like my draft?

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            this profile pic isn't mine wtf lol

                            that's what you think ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                              Im the only one who looks innocent?


                                I really hope this forum has block button

                                chicken spook,,,,



                                    lmao kicking me in discord you guys are heartless :(


                                      Nah jk, even academic organizations kick me out

                                      chicken spook,,,,



                                          look at this game
                                          and CRY
                                          for i have done it
                                          they thought it was impossible
                                          BUT IT TWAS NOT
                                          BLACK KING BAR
                                          IS A GOOD ITEM


                                            Raj cant won a 0 stun, lane won game eith morph. Also 20 min linkens

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              What the fuck are you trying to say

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                Wish people STOP CHANGING THE MAP OVER AND OVER AGAIN in multi lobby
                                                Can't these fuckers think that not everyone have fast internet

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  Worse is if the map they actually pick is some shitty mainstream anime op that every fucker have farmed


                                                    Raj cant won a 0 stun, lane won game eith morph. Also 20 min linkens

                                                    boSS emat

                                                      Bws do worldwide choppers pls


                                                        I WONT LET THIS THREAD DIE

                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                          To be fair, you have to have a very high MMR to be able to play anti-mage. The skillset complexity is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical efficient farming pattern most of the finesse will go over a typical player’s head. There’s also Magina's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from /r/truedota literature, for instance. The players understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the height of the hero's skillcap, to realise that they’re not just challenging- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike anti-mage truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the depth in anti-mage’s existential catchphrase “Magic shall not prevail,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion how trying to figure out how get min 15 battle fury as IceFrog’s genius wit unfolds itself on their monitor screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂
                                                          And yes, by the way, i DO have a anti-mage tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 50 MMR points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

                                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                            No reference to his 1.9 legs?
                                                            I'm disappointed

                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                              Bws do worldwide choppers pls

                                                              #3 85,172,900 97.35% China rustbell 1908 1701 / 59 / 3 232 36 5 None

                                                              cancer map confirmed

                                                              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                Bad copypasta rewrite I rate 0.322/3154, I could do much better watch out later

                                                                TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                  Also fuck me I just unleashed the retarded remixes monster upon myself by offering the idiot the aux cord to my home audio system

                                                                  Can say suicide?


                                                                    Why is this thread still alive?

                                                                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                      Because the family friendly van keeps it alive

                                                                      Screw the rules im Seto K...

                                                                        yay Mark is gone godbless

                                                                        LIL KASALANAN (REAL)

                                                                          MUH NIQQA UZUCHAN

                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            bws can't pass shits in osu


                                                                              Seatard inhouse this saturday bois confrim if you can come plz

                                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                I cen


                                                                                  yay Mark is gone godbless


                                                                                  boSS emat

                                                                                    Come on bws no sissy

                                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                      I died 20 seconds in

                                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                        You're expecting some 12k pleb to pass a map even top 100 players have problem passing xD?

                                                                                        boSS emat

                                                                                          eks deeeee


                                                                                            Qop is actually so fun


                                                                                              I CAN COME
                                                                                              TO INHOUSE

                                                                                              boSS emat

                                                                                                solo q is so boring

                                                                                                qop is actually so fun


                                                                                                boSS emat

                                                                                                  My page