General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    dont be like that adarsh. at keast you have a cool voice no kappa

    Président® Salted Butter

      You weren't, see bws's comment LUL


        I answered you man come on


          yep for sure they dont but i got really addicted to them and my mom started to blame my declining grades on them (rofl i do too)

          also how does grade/highschool grades affect ur future anyway? afaik the only grades that jobs care about are your college subjects (which ppl said will be show on your transcript). i only see grade/highschool grades as something like an illusion of u being smart to impress ur parents

          for example, our salutatorian was my classmate in physics 2, she failed and i didnt and she ended up transferring. i expected too much from her tbh that i thought id get lots of help from her but nope seems her title isnt worth crap


            Haffy, do not doubt my credentials. i studied psychology in university. i calibrated low as fuck. and i played games to observe them like lab rats. i'd like to think i actually know a lot about what goes through the minds of different skill groups.


              Lul what is it with my voice, I still don't get it XD

              doc joferlyn simp

                savage alice is savage


                  smash was my first ign and peopel i know from back then still call by that, and yeah i stood in for them and boi that game was easy af

                  Président® Salted Butter

                    High school is overrated kek

                    Sometimes I even wish I could just go straight to college because all of this almost seems pointless, I'm getting bored of all this shit

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      ayy i heard your pleas so i gave all of you complete right on the steam group

                      go crazy lmao


                        Ember on the other hand, is shit to play with retarded teammates
                        You can't push
                        You can't siege
                        You can't reliably deal damage without CCs from your teammates
                        You don't farm that fast
                        Everything that you don't want for a hero in pub games, you can find them on this matchstick


                          also pretty funny because we could hear them talk through their mics (though i cant understand ur language)

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            smash is too boyish for the best grill of the seatards ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                            Président® Salted Butter

                              And people still pick him below 3k. xd

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                if you know how easy it is, then imagine how im having a blast

                                the guys who introduced me to the game were 2k when they let me play, theyre still 2k now

                                eziest moeny of my life i swear i almost feel bad like im stealing or some shit


                                  haha i'd actually play with harmless again to listen to his voice.

                                  don't u need good grades, to get to a good college? what u say about jobs is true. but u still want a good foundation. it's better that way. i feel like a lot of kids have the mentality that there's nothing useful to learn in school, and you go through it just so u can get to college and get a job.

                                  of course this is entirely untrue. there's so much useful shit u learn in school, and nothing beats having a strong foundation early on.


                                    I remember naming myself Penis Cupcake and Pootisspencerhear like 4-5 years ago
                                    Some people still call me poot I'm fucking embarassed

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      ember for the imba rapier daed bfury rampages

                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                        And what the fuck is up with all the kunkkas building battlefuries?

                                        Even my 2k friend who I so desperately begged not to build it just doesn't seem to listen and rushes it as a fucking first item right after phase.


                                          highschool is good for one thing:

                                          enjoying life with people u see everyday


                                            The guy who got me hooked to DOTA2 was that Wong'Z niger
                                            He still forgot to use iron talon and tread switch as slark [*]
                                            Still a good support tho
                                            For a 2.5k guy


                                              Fuck off haffy I don't want to see more dual BF dual daedalus cancer in my games against 5 WKs and shit

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                true that alice. friends are what i look forward to everyday. also that reporting session in economics class where my classmates reports shit and i get to be obnoxious by asking them entirely legitimate questions but the questions are ones which i know they wont be able to answer

                                                edit: i cuck hard and fast

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  well yeah thats true

                                                  but i cant get in a good university even if i tried and wanted to, we moved to the province and almost all of the good schools are at the capital (its too fucking far), plus all the provincial universities dont even have entry exams

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    id sell weed but daddy digong's gonna punish me kappa


                                                      Well where I live on u just have to pass highschool to get into college provided u pass the entrance exam, so idk for me my highschool grades didn't matter that much, I passed the medical entrance well enough and now nobody cares about my former grades lul

                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                        There's this freshman (the typical 2k cancer carry player) who keeps talking shit about me being bad at dota, I challenged him 1 v 1 with 50 pesos as a wager. He chickened out. xd


                                                          Shits I learn in highschool are actually fun and quite useful
                                                          Idk is it because I'm a nerd shithead or my school is amazing, but I hope it's the same case in pinoyland

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            adarash do you also cut open cats like renshin does

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                              who the fuck needs to learn how to pay taxes. u wanna learn how to optimize and avoid taxes. they're not gonna teach you that.

                                                              i know its a meme but. im the kind of idealist who'd rather learn about the mitochondria in a cell and have people actually knowledgeable or inspired enough to do bio medical research, maybe find some kind of a cure for cancer. math is incredibly useful in today's economy too. there are so many skills/jobs that require you to be incredibly proficient in math.


                                                                Not yet, I haven't started with college, I'll start in january

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  well yeah shit we learn is fun too but our system makes it such that there will always be lessons repeated every year, only in a different level of complexity

                                                                  but things are easy except math and science where computations are needed. after a few years of that a person will get tired


                                                                    I'm not even 18 and I feel so old kek,all my classmates are gonna be 18+ lul


                                                                      welli dont know about how accessible are opportunities in your country but, same advice u hear on this forum everyday applies to your life. just get fucking good. get good enough that ppl will pay you to study in a good university. then u can play dota all day everyday while u skip classes and fuck bitches because college is the easiest shit you'll ever do


                                                                        I still remember that osodaime weirdo who flamed me for being unable to carry my 30 min aghanim jugger friend and his clowny ES BF who complained about shit teammates after 3 wards
                                                                        He asked for a 1v1 SF
                                                                        He got shat on hard (he never had 25+ souls)
                                                                        He complained about the courier not being able to walk
                                                                        I asked for a rematch
                                                                        He went offline
                                                                        Now he talked to me about DOTA2 once after that incident
                                                                        He said I'm a noob cuz I never go carry bounty


                                                                          That guy has 3x more play hour than I do and he couldn't even reach 1700 yet

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            lmao education is good here, everyone is raised well

                                                                            but after they graduate everyone scrambles off to some foreign land since the economical opportunities of our country is quite limited. despite our high gdp increase we are still a third world country after all

                                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                              of course, the way you deliver education to the masses is extremely political. usualy its one size fits all, and so is hardly ever as enriching as it should be. its just the nature of the education system. it should be tailor-made, yes. but the one thing u need to understand in life is to be resourceful and not blame the system, like how you all of you know u shouldnt blame your team. you are the only constant. same shit applies to real life. if u wait for the system to feed u shit to learn, u never gonna get gud friends



                                                                                I think I'm going to stay in indog for awhile after I finish college
                                                                                I have faith on this place

                                                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                  Show him my support bounty hunter winrate and let him compare it with his own. Along with avg gpm/xpm, gpm record, etc. I want that person to feel bad about himself.


                                                                                    the school system here pre-K+12 was utter dogshit

                                                                                    like haffy said shits gonna be repeated every year with a few bit touches, so the rate of which ur progressing is extremely slow

                                                                                    like when i was highschool i still had to study those fucking nouns ive been studying since fucking kindergarten as if theyre new topics. people must think that we're all stupid which in the end rly makes us stupid

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      jacked sounding like cookie but contextualized into the real world

                                                                                      doc joferlyn simp


                                                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                          Why am I getting padre ads


                                                                                            yea in the end your degree is all that matters. and your mmr. remember kids, good degree + good mmr = fuck bitches.

                                                                                            good degree + bad mmr = loser. no education + good mmr = loser


                                                                                              i've seen aghs jugg in shit tier. and i must say its so gud lmao


                                                                                                He will say "dont compare a 4k to me" obviously
                                                                                                I met so many shitheads in my life that I can analyze which person should I treat seriously, as a good friend, as a playmate, or shouldn't be treated seriously at all
                                                                                                He's the kind of guy that I shouldn't treat seriously at all

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  what's a padre


                                                                                                    Well a medical degree is the best degree in m ycountry so I guess I m set in that regard , now I just have to get out of 0.5k