General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
D the Superior
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        dont reset ur brain after every game

        i know a lot of people irl who juat mindlessly press that find match button without reflecting on their mistakes

        tunnel visioning has always been a bad thing


          Johann cucked up


            Red days lads



              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...





                    I need 2 more party ranked games to have my party memer.


                      Yo Joe play with me ur party ranked will be abysmal lul


                        I haven't played at all today renshit. Only can real late. Still haven't done support sven


                          Fine you try support sven
                          I'll try support CK


                            Just read cookies' 2 part guide of carry
                            The only thing I didn't knew was farming patterns
                            Bws is carry god
                            Bws should be 5k
                            Banned free cookies this forum making 3k 5k


                              Support gyro guys?
                              Or is it too risky becauae gyro is a dead hero lmao


                                You should be 1k bws you couldn't even carry me kek


                                  Nah that would not happen. Believe in yourself more


                                    I have carried shit tons of people who are more retarded, oblivious, stubborn, and shittier than you
                                    My time will come
                                    And I will prove it I deserve to be in KKK
                                    Believe it dattebayo!


                                      On a serious note 3k isn't that different to 1k
                                      It's just 3ks know how to destroy the enemies' ancient better


                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          im not gonna join you guys for a while. need to figure shit out with my solo mmr. after i get 3k ill get back to yall i promise lmao

                                          will still be active in the forums. im done shitposting for now, gotta get my fire for mmr back


                                            I just pissed haffy off royally

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              and no, there is no assurance ill get 3k but hey, its motivation

                                              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                wat a game


                                                  Goodluck haffy my boi

                                                  Edit: Meet u in 3K bruh

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                                                    Yo haffy u OK mate?any psychological trauma?


                                                      No just dunning kruger


                                                        I think I'm going to reach 3200 first before going back to party memeing with jugger support again


                                                          Today is not going well for me it seems,


                                                            I will always remember Kellys' words to keep me motivated for MMR grinding


                                                              You can always make the best out of losing by figuring out what the hell did you do wrong that game


                                                                @bsw, damn straight Bryant, tbh I already knew you were a good player, and now that you are winning games at 3k, that proves that
                                                                @haffy, stay strong fam, your probably on tilt, or just lost your mojo


                                                                  cya in 3k soon haffy

                                                                  as i said before, once our mmr's meet i'll race you to 4k, bws can pitch in too if he wants heh


                                                                    'I am the tenderloin steak'

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                                                                      tho honestly speaking i think bws or even haffy can beat me to 4k because i improve really slowly

                                                                      SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                        Disclaimers everywhere man up boi

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          i wonder where zero is. i attribute my fast growth because of zero's constant tutoring on our games


                                                                            hes playing on his other acc rn

                                                                            but yeah i agree, i improved really fast when zero was constantly nagging at me to stack my camps pointing out various mistakes i make and how to correct them

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              well i guess we should let him do shit

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                im genuinely curious as to why my improvement halted


                                                                                  This is really not a good day for me


                                                                                    well if u really really REALLY want to improve u could always try to do hardcore self analization on ur games not just from ur perspective but also from ur enemies/team

                                                                                    like for example, you take a huge chunk of solo games, watch them from both your and everyone else's perspective, and try to notice a common mistake then find a way to capitalize on that

                                                                                    but that is way too time consuming and boring, personally im not going that far rofl

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      hey alice

                                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                        can you analyze my doom game. arent you an offlaner

                                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                          just look at my bad calls

                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            or lets do that later. im gonna play one last game of offlane

                                                                                            SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                                              hahhaha ^ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) was meant for alice's super motivational comment ROFL

                                                                                              Try playing darkseer

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                                                                                                I m never supporting in my bracket again


                                                                                                  I AM


                                                                                                    THE BESST