General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero can be first picked without fear

What hero can be first picked without fear in General Discussion

    yeah just like the title
    what hero can be spam but go first pick.
    bcs people keep steal my lane when i already tag it
    and how to be egoist enough to pick the hero you want to spam?
    the desire to pick what the team needs or counter pick is too hard tbh

    Mode adiman

      kunkka i guess


        arc and almost any support/offlaner

        only counters that matter are to your pos 1-2, rarely the other heroes unless it's super-counterable (ex brood)

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          well, if see from my most played heroes. what hero can be first picked in 3k games?


            Sven and am


              am first pick is suck. but sven first pick, well i was wonder is a 3k has enough knowledge to counter sven? tbh i still have no idea what to do againt sven lol


                Pot lord

                Story Time

                  pick silencer - no one will bother to counter u

                  PS Sven is easily countered by heros who kite him


                    Sven has no counter. I mean heroes that allow u to kite him aren't very good themselves so u still win.


                      sd pit necro kunka but 2k mmr trashes (like u ) dont like those heroes who needs skill and arr not core ..fuck u


                        safest would be riki


                          in normal skill it's riki for sure. because everyone pick slardar and bounty hunter against u and riki utterly destroys those heroes

                          in general the hero doesn't really have any real counter especially in normal skill so you can totally pick him.

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                          Forget me not

                            PA I think. She can fit in all position and in any Lane.


                              how bout jug?

                              Story Time

                                Mishi, PA? Versus zeus, bristle or void? good luck ))


                                  omni or oracle i think


                                    Mirana works fine for me when i have to first pick


                                      @difas hi ur beautiful..i love ISIS

                                      mods pls no ban

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                                      casual gamer

                                        faceless void


                                          I pick ursa coz he is very adaptable any lane and jungle too if getting raped in lane..
                                          Fast rs fast farm for me and can handle the game at any point.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            You can pick Jugg if you want, you also get to ban one hero so.


                                              fear nothing on 1st pick.
                                              he good at jungle/mid/off/safe.
                                              good nuker.
                                              but pretty useless at late game.


                                                riki, they always try to counter but it doesnt matter


                                                  my opinion no one :)



                                                    Forget me not

                                                      @P_Pwtf ya PA, I've tried many position of PA at 2-3k MMR range and all of them work wonder, Zeus? It's insta win if the enemy counter you with Zeus, BB you just need to ignore him ez, the only real problem I think is void. But yeah dota is 5 vs 5 it's almost impossible for the enemy team in pub to have counter 1 enemy hardly coz there are 2 more core or 3 more core hero on your team if you choose to play roaming support PA.

                                                      M U R D E R

                                                        Lol pa is food to anything with a silver edge pretty much and also falls off prwtty hard without a rapier


                                                          Hey i know Monkey King new meta guys :)


                                                            Isn't invoker first pickable

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Many supports are fine, lion, witch dr, cm, venge, jakiro. Carries is harder but jug and Sven are ok. Pa is ok.

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                                                              bum farto

                                                                Supports, Offlaners, and a few cores are pretty safe. OD and Sandking are heroes I have found to have limited counters and while they do have heroes that excel against them either late game or laning it shouldn't matter too much if you have the confidence.

                                                                coco crunch

                                                                  I guess pudge

                                                                  mentally handicapped



                                                                      Void. He has no counter and fits every line up cuz chrono is so fucking nuts.


                                                                        Or someone like tide who is generically tanky with good ulti. Hard to counter pick rlly

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          I'd first pick lifestealer too. AA is counter but no one picks it vs him, they only pick aa vs necro and alch.

                                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                                            Void/Any roaming hero/Abaddon

                                                                            BSJ. LGD

                                                                              Nyx first pick is the best pick in the game

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                ^inb4 retards who believe bounty and slardar counter nyx


                                                                                  Doom > Counters everyone. Kappa


                                                                                    1st pick monkey king,it's new and most player not sure how to deal with it.

                                                                                    I know above might be trash meme possible Mods don't like it - dontdon't bann meee.I will do constructive post nowww.

                                                                                    I guess Abbadon suit what you looking for.

                                                                                    1 ) He can play on anylane, mostly play as healer or utility support.
                                                                                    2 ) He can be tank
                                                                                    3 ) He can be carry - who wIl go hit a hourseman that gurentee tank so long and will heal if u dmg him even he have slow/mkb/crit item?

                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                      sven no counter(and it also counters tryhard meepos) tide, mirana and also ls jungle(he is good when paired with bh or slardar or any initiators)



                                                                                        La Lumière

                                                                                          Sven, silencier, a slardar that knows that they are doing, abed meepo, and techies.

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                                                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                                                            I strongly disagree with a lot of the heroes mentioned here. Void gets destroyed in lane by anybody with spammable damage over time abilities like Jakiro or Veno. Timber and Bristle are strongly countered by mana burners and silences. Any healers are countered by AA.

                                                                                            Some good first pick heroes are Mirana and Pudge are pretty versatile heroes that can go offlane, roam, or even mid if they have to. Sven can be countered by constantly kiting him but there isn't really a specific hero that can really hard counter him.

                                                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                              pudge/sven/silencer/mirana , special mention sven it hv high impact in game as a flash farm carry ....
                                                                                     ... just try bot lv2 and its great ... just farm and wait teammate engage ... tp and killl... map control greater than spec , nobody can solo a well farm sven .. kite isnt a issue just break their base


                                                                                                Thing is void can get by against jakiro and veno because iron talon exists and even tho they harass a lot they're kill potential on a void is low. Plus void has good DMG and good armor and a bsh so he cud trade hits favorably.

                                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                                  The purpose is to zone Void out so he can't get lane exp. You're also not going to be standing there as ranged heroes trying to trade hits with Void while he gets into melee range. Duel breath and liquid fire or venom gale and poison sting is going to eat up Void's regen pretty early on and he's not going to feel safe standing back getting lane exp.

                                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                    who will trade hits with void especially u r range hero ... void trash against lion/kotl/na , any range support and mana burner end his story
                                                                                                    btw, a bad void is teammate killer ... which i hate to get void in my team in 3k mmr game


                                                                                                      Eh it's not game losing is all I'm saying. Plus void has a gap close so he time walks a burn or 2 then hits the support. Buys talon and goes jungle. Asks for support rotation. There is counter play. A bad void is ass, but a good void is so good. Also jakiro and veno rnt too popular. Veno lacks the mana to spam gale and wards countered by PMS. Jakiro is a problem due to his tankiness and high burn DMG with slow.