General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do i lane vs a sniper?

How do i lane vs a sniper? in General Discussion
rubick fan

    I'm a mid player and i really want to know, how to lane vs sniper. I've gone vs sniper as invoker and storm recently and i've completely got wrecked. I wish to know what to do and how to survive the lane vs him.

    Unlike with zeus, you cant just move a bit to the side of the creeps to not get hit by his first, you cant deny his clarity and already get an advantage because his shrapnel is quite cheap.

    You cant outlasthit a good player because his attack animation is almost instant.

    You cant harass him because he has better range and ''Headshot'' which gives him an advantage.

    So my question is : How do you win mid vs sniper?

    I want to know the counters ( mid laners ) and how to lane as a non-counter.


      isnt his weakness that he is really easy to gank?

      Dire Wolf

        yes, make sure your team picks gankers and gank the shit out of him. Facing sniper solo is actually quite hard.

        The DarKNovA

          You need aggressive play against a sniper, and preferably a gank. He's slow and has no trick to survive, or burst damage to be dangerous early on.
          Also you can hope has bad luck with headshot, as his base damage is ridiculously weak, or get a stable melee with quelling to get some decent farm.

          casual gamer

            kill him


              Storm is a really good counter (after lvl 6).

              Heroes who fuck him up are Tusk, Spectre, Templar Assassin, Phantom Assassin, Puck (it he player is good), etc.

              Bassically heroes who can cut the distance between you and them really fast.

              If im going sniper mid I hate to lane against a good huskar.


                How awfully out of position must sniper be to be easily ganked during laning?

                The DarKNovA

                  Doesn't need to be awfully oop, a moment of letting down his guard is enough.


                    just kill him, he's made out of paper


                      Mid sniper? That's the blessing I would want to hear when I play support ganking mid at 0 min with smoke

                      LISAN AL GAIB

                        Spirit Breaker on your team with lvl 2 and on ganks. Enojy the other team calling him a feeder.




                            Just like huskar sniper is rlly hard to lane against. However he is as squishy as a fucking rotten tomato. Just get a better block then walk at him. Or have a support walk at him.


                              Or gank him.

                              rubick fan

                                Thanks for all the positive responses. Im going to gitgud.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Viper is a somewhat decent count I think 1v1 mid but you need phase boots or catch sniper badly out of position. Basically make him burn his shrapnels. When he does he'll eat your skin debuff for equal or greater dmg depending on how long you sit in the shrapnel. Then without sharpnel he has to stay away cus ur slows will just let you kill him if he doesn't slow you, and you can harass him down with poison spit. Snipers base dmg is horrible so any time he hits you he'll actually take equal or more dmg than he puts out from corrosive skin. Once you hit 6 if you have phase boots or wind lace he's toast. A build like 2/1/2/1 at 6 or 3/1/1/1 should do it.

                                  Pudge if you are really good and sniper sucks is obvious to cus he can't survive a hook that lands.

                                  I think TA can be good as well. Psi blade spill dmg hits 790/890/990/1090 away so you can hit snipers if you line it up right. And you can negate the start of his shrapnel with refraction.

                                  Alch you won't kill him but sniper can't stop your farm. You just acid the wave and he can't walk through it to hit you or get around cus he'll take too much dmg. His only shot is to get deny crazy.

                                  Kill yourself in the name...

                                    That headshot and dragon lancer is hell! pick nyx assassin or riki (if he has gem as riki you will die but if nyx just use this 3rd skill that stuns him for 3 seconds) to assassinate him also pa works good againts him if he has no level 4 sharpanel or pa will rage.

                                    Mary Poppins

                                      tiny mid is for me the best counter to sniper :D


                                        Tiny is good but in lane. He has no armor and is mellee. If u lane him with io mid then maybe possible, cuz io can bring regen and harass with spirits from range, and use relocate to bring tiny close enough to avalanche toss withoit blink. Once tiny gets blink sniper is food.

                                        Kill yourself in the name...

                                          viper works that slow makes sniper a crap ranged unit.

                                          -FG- k9

                                            A vengeful spirit to come help you melt him


                                              Br...ew? or maybe LD mid?


                                                I think its easier to pick pudge... its because he is a tank, has a slow, can close the distance between him and sniper and his SS is very good...


                                                  If you know it's a sniper mid and can't count on supports then be dragon knight and max your passive, you won't even feel sniper

                                                  Lobster Johnson

                                                    I don't know about very high skill level, but I think Enchantress, Luna, OD, Silencer, Medusa, Viper, Death Prophet,

                                                    I like Gyrocopter too, but normally people problaply think its bad. I just get some mana regen at start, max Missile and keep spamming and get bottle. At some point you go in and rocket barrage him. :D It gets even easier when you get ult.

                                                    And a lot more probaply.

                                                    Of course you can just look at Sniper from Dotabuff and see the worst matchups by percentages, but Im not sure how they work in
                                                    practice. Because its probaply much different in 2k than 5k. Doesn't Snipers winning percentage go lower the higher mmr you go into?

                                                    Lobster Johnson

                                                      Oh right someone mentioned Alchemist. Its strange but you cant stop him from farming, he will acid spray all the time.

                                                      And the stuff people mentioned, like PA who can dagger him all the time and jump to him.

                                                      Then just the teammates. Spirit Breaker just kills him, roaming Riki with the Smoke, or any ganking support.

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        sniper has highest winrate in 3k, but his winrate in 5k isnt bad

                                                        i honestly think the hero is really fucking good, if he gets buffed or a bunch of other heroes get nerfed he will probably become cancer

                                                        hes one of the faster farmers especially in the laning phase, and he becomes complete cancer to play against when pushing high ground or if he gets a bunch of items


                                                          arc warden shits on him
                                                          get an early point in field if hes really harrassing you out but besides that long ranged flux at lvl 7 EZ catch and kill


                                                            Sniper is strong if you get the right setup, if you pick him in a bad game he's quite garbage however. Like JDF8 said one more buff and he could start to bring back 6.83 flashbacks.

                                                            In mid I'm pretty sure Viper can just sit in his shrapnel and stand on Snipers hill. Alchemist gets free farm if you start pms. I'm sure there are a couple of others that can deal with him. With any rotations from support Sniper is food as well.

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                            4pos pudge/grim only

                                                              idk about vhs bracket but im always pick pudge against sniper, no matter if im a mid pudge or just a roamer. basically sniper will chicken out and stay very far back to avoid being gank, and it helps your mid to last hit more easily. if im a roamer pudge, lvl 3 is enough and i will camp mid waiting for that little child to outposition himself and its always an easy kill (only if my mid got level enough that he can fight)