General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker: When to QW and when to QE?

Invoker: When to QW and when to QE? in General Discussion

    I've been grinding MMR with Invoker, I was wondering how to know when to go QW and when to go QE.

    The criteria I've been unsing is:

    If my team has enough disables i'll go QE.

    If my team has high damage but little disables i'll go QW.

    Im sure there is a lot more to that though.


      Nope, that's pretty much it


        Im honored. Cookie answered my noob thread!

        mentally handicapped

          now go suck his dick


            Anime spreading like cancer...


              Im not a fanboy. But cookie really helped me in a thread I made a week ago I think.

              Be grateful, not hateful.


                i think u always play QE in pubs

                mentally handicapped

                  i dont see why sucking his dick isnt an act of gratitude though


                    Thing about QE is that im really vulnerable to ganks. More often than not i'll put a value point in Wex just to have early acces to ghost walk.

                    Asides from that I have to stay in mid lane much longer. In my bracket, things get bloody really fast, people somehow think this is a shooter xD. With QW I can rotate a lot more.<

                    Is orchid viable on QE? Sometimes I feel like getting it but end up going Eul anyway.


                      @chill the fuck out yall
                      i dont see why sucking his dick isnt an act of gratitude though

                      You made me laugh


                        orchids bad, you shouldnt rotate, you shouldnt skill wex till level 9 or 10, ure as vulnerable as any mid hero as well.


                          Hi Goat,

                          I don't rotate as QE (sunstrike!) but I thought I should rotate for ganks as QW, I can't figure out how staying mid until lvl 10 as QW can help my team.

                          Please iluminate me

                          (Im pretty bad at this)


                            you should rotate as QW yes if theres an opportunity, but QW's just generally bad especially in pubs unless you are way better than your opponents and can go beyond godlike in 15 minutes

                            Kill yourself in the name...

                              WE? No one tried that ever? in dota 1 i use that combo for sun strike, chaos meteor, emp and defending blast.


                                I would say that if u dont have a good teamwork in your team go exort if your in a stack do what ever


                                  <3k mmr spam QW that mmr tier don't know how to buy detection


                                    invoker invis isnt really an issue <3k. ppl do buy dust. it's those perma invis or mirana invis that fks shit up in <3k

                                    BSJ. LGD

                                      My boi ddz played quas Wex and Dumpstered my whole team even with my pro as fuk wards scouting his noob ass 24/7, he then proceeded to scale into exort and Dumpstered us even more, so yes qw op vs death balls like drow runner strats


                                        kek. ddz is noob anyway.


                                          qw op vs death balls like drow runner strats
