General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying ember spirit

Playing ember spirit in General Discussion

    I really enjoy playing ember, very good early game and good at carrying rapiers , what would give more damage 2 rapiers and 2 deadulus or 3 rapiers and 1 deadulus damage wise because lategame If you don't go all in you become irrelevant. Or what else could I have done differently to carry the team.
    Linked the game in question , would appreciate the help.


      Think 2 rappers 2 Daedalus


        I think your right , normally I go 2 deadulus 1 rapier but at the time , we just needed damage desperately I guess, almost like an impulse buy

        4pos pudge/grim only

          late game should be BoT, mkb, double daedulus (or one deadulus and one bloodthorn if u need silence), one rapier, and any utility (blink, silver edge, linken, manta) and stock up rapiers in stash. only go multi rapiers when defending base, but never bring more than one while pushing lanes.

          casual gamer

            ns saying to skip bfury on ember? :O


              I dont think he meant skipping bf he meant after bf which one is more efficient damage wise


                Oh u were talkin bout saqil guy ye dat i didnt read first lul


                  Although u did manage to win but keep in mind when u wanna get divine on ember most of the time u need blink and in a very high amount if situations also linkens

                  It goes like bots bf then the build is situational Daedalus is a must habe but where u should get it is game dependent
                  And abiut blink pros get it sometimes even b4 bf but if they dont get it next thing to bf they get it after right before divine stacking


                    ah ok obviously I don't skip bf, blink after bf , after bf I tend to always go linkens since it protects you from instant disables like orchid duel etc , then blink after that ? . At the time though our carrys were useless they had no damage and we had to defend base. I had bots I tend I just left them at base to hold the 3rd rapier


                      BOT, 5RAPIER,


                        Not just ember, every hero needs different items in each games but some items are must have. So instead of fixating ur mind to build the exact same items and buying priorities buy what u actually need

                        Example if ur raping, blink b4 bf can actually help u more, if enemy jas instant disables linken straight after bf and if u feel like u lack hp to be more than a w bc it's not enough get eye if ur enemy dont have good armor and their heroes dont seem to buy ac deso is ok

                        Just take a moment when the game starts and u got nothin to do but w8 4 rune to think about ur item choice and change it however u feel as game progresses


                          Dropping BoTs is ok i guess if u have remnant near base but it's so dangerous honestly i wouldn't risk it

                          4pos pudge/grim only

                            oh shit i forget bf lmao okok my bad, just change mkb to bf and u are all set