General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat Hero Should I Practice Next?

What Hero Should I Practice Next? in General Discussion

    I feel like I can only play three heroes (Blood, Nyx, Underlord) at an acceptable level right now and it's somewhat embarrassing. My goal isn't to increase MMR rapidly, but to learn how to play all the heroes well and be flexible at all aspects of the game (including the human aspect of increasing team morale, shotcalling / giving advice, and dealing with people who don't want to listen...I'm actually am fairly good at this, and I enjoy it).

    Right now, I tend to lose the most against teams with strong stall and re-engage potential because I like to play heroes with strong ultimates where one ulti = dead enemy or won teamfight. However, since the CD is very long, if that does not happen, my hero becomes a substandard right-clicker on failure. The teams where the target I attack is saved from immediate death (omni, oracle, Dazzle, SD, OD, Kunkka, Abaddon + Aghs) or cannot be hit (multiple force staff / euls + blink / glimmer / ghost) blunt my ultis so I can't initiate or immediately kill the target and force me or my team to always gank the save hero (or lose teamfights by default), to chase the enemy deep (and lose positioining), trade ultis (but in a way that doesn't favor us because we have longer CD), or tank all their harrass and defensive spells until they are finally exhausted before I counterinitiate (which often is impossible). What kinds of heroes / items would be a better way of breaking this kind of defense?

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        Harambe pls


          Magnus is good, or sk
          but i suggest axe, raised my mmr to 4.6 with that hero


            This maybe long but bear with me for better skills
            Any aspect in the game?? Okey this is one long writing task
            I learn carrying my game from alchemist. This is seriously a great hero in ns. You learn how to last hit in practise lobby without leveling anything and get at least 70. Then you proceed to normal game. With alch you will just spam your Q while you lane. Then you will hit level 6, after that you will farm your jungle if you feel you are very threated in lane. If you feel threated but can survive in the lane while having your ulti then farm the hard camp and go to lane with ulti. With that you will get around 12 min rad/if you are going armlet 1st you will get around 14-15 min rad. Mind that you will have almost 0 potential killing your enemy solo in lane so just focus on your farm if mid is full of fighting and you dont have rad or armlet yet go to empty lane and farm or jungle. Also if the fight is near you would should consider going there. Try forcing a fight after armlet rad/rad octa manta/6 slotted/agh to a important guy: drow agh with mjonir
            I dont know much about offlaning but heres goes nothing:
            Void: this guy is one of the most basic/easy offlaner and powerful at almost any lineup.
            Laning with him correctly is hard. Generally is trade hits if you can bcause you got high damage early. Farm if you can. If you receive more than 300+ damage its almost always a good idea to reverse the damage. Once you got your lv 6 try ganking a guy or go to the jungle with a iron talon . Dont be afraid to gank 1 guy with chrono since in early game its worth it. Farm jungle get vlad situationally get blink/sb then go for diff and manta. Keep in mind that farm the jungle a lot dont gank when ulti is down and dont force a gank too much ( ex walking 5 min without gettinf kill or farm) you gank fail farm gank success farm.
            Other offlaner is the same until the ganking part. Gettinf a talon on offlaner is almost a must.
            Other guide will be posted in here sometime sooner

            Super Speed Snail

              I dont remember when or where I read it.

              There is three menus you gonna chose whenever you pick your heroes.

              The menu where your world rotated on gpm and item advantages compared to enemies. Its all about how to farm.

              The menu where your focus is how to expand space by killing enemies hero. What is space? its those area on the map where you sure wont be ambushed, that often...

              Its the menu where you start playing whack-a-mole, with enemy wards as the mole. Countless place to check where enemy have wards and "whack" it. Outwit your enemy, because your ward is also a mole for them. Bigger vision from the wards, is the better support.

              Chose your menu, if your teams chose good combination of it and able to execute it, you will get the win you really desired.



                I play him some, though I feel like I can be much better. When should I leave the jungle and start ganking / pushing? L6 or when I first have mek? (Or am I asking the wrong question because Enigma should have mek and L6 at the same time and I'm too noob at farming?)


                Good suggestions, I think I'll try SK and Axe first though. Magnus feels too team dependent.


                Can't alchemist push with his team (deathball style) once he has radiance + a HP item? The earlier he takes towers and pressures the enemy with radiance, the harder it will be for the enemy to react (because less likely the enemy will have mek or pipe or the HP totals to withstand the burn). Even if alchemist loses some farm temporarily in the process, the gained control over the enemy jungle and lanes means the enemy farms even less, which now properly belongs to alchemist and his team.
                Also, would it be better to switch to physical alchemist late-game if the enemy's HG defense is too strong to break?


                By that definition, I'm mostly a core player.

                Dire Wolf

                  Just play whatever you think is fun and don't worry about it. Avoid super hard heroes and heroes with major counters and super bad ones and you'll be fine. Like don't go trying to lean meepo for example, and if you want to pick ck make sure es isn't going to be picked, and stay away from shadowfeind.

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                  anime is the best :3

                    i would recommend wisp, but since you are dogshit go with broodmother

                    Super Speed Snail


                      Then I suggest you to learn invoker.

                      A scary hero to learn, considering all his spell. A mountain task to be able to use him good.

                      Though, all of those hard work, it pays.

                      He is a nasty nuker, no one will argue with that. Long range tornado, sniping tool of sunstrike, mana burn emp, flaming meatball that melt the reality itself?

                      I mean, seriously, that meteor alone easily kill my paper health diffu deso built riki. Just one good hit and my riki dead.

                      You like to go to war and clash with you enemies, use him.




                      Oh yeah, with bonus. He is not bound only a core hero. His alacrity make him a good right click hero. If you chose to be or the situation requires you to be your team carry.

                      his fire elementals wrecks tower, if you chose to split push, a strategy that not many people in low rank can handle.

                      He got ghostwalk, ice wall, and many more utility stuff that help your team if some how no one do the suport role.

                      Seriously, it hard to learn him. But its worth it.


                        i hope u just want to learn every hero because a human cannot master and play every hero perfectly. Thats why professional dota players focus on just one role. Same reason why messi never played as a goalkeeper


                          First of all, there are just too many heroes to play with and we could just call names i suggest u play all of them alphabetically then decide which ones interest you yet dont have hard mechanics so you won't end up feeding bc u dunno how to react with the hero. When u decided to play a hero first off learn to last hit and get comfortable with his/her attack animations, even as a support. Then u gotta watch some replays of the hero which is probably available on YouTube and then proceed only in normal mm till you actually know how to play him/her

                          Second, wtf@snail invo rly ni99a -_-

                          And third, about alchemist, almost always it's better for you to farm up early game till you have manta safely rotationg in jungle and lanes that are pushed to ur side of map, after manta considering you have BoTs too you gotta rotate anywhere that the enemy team isnt and destroy the towers while farming waves and/or jungle with illusions, learn how to cut creepwaves wuth the illusions, it's not as hard as naga you only got two and u can send one to farm in jungle and other one behind towers to cut waves. You said pushing with team is better in your opinion the simple fact that grouping up splits the xp earned and also ppl wanna farm too, gives you a disadvantage. Also when you can solo drop towers you dont need your team but keep in mind to always be on the fights that aren't a lost cause yet. Sometimes when u know if u tp there's no difference in the result of the fight or if your whole team dies and you get a barracks it's better to stay and do so


                            @ OP it depends what youre trying to achieve
                            Raise your mmr? Heroes who can 1v5: Sven, Fv, Invo, Morph, Sometimes timber, AM
                            Just have fun?: pudge, invo, earth spirit
                            Get better farming patterns?: AM
                            The thing is in normal skill people are way too slow to use euls, force, ghost, or glimmer capes and more than often never buy them, so you should not worry about any of those. Dota is not always about a 5v5 teamfight, because most often some idiot will get caught out then one after another kids will feed, you need to be the one to catch that idiot out


                              If ur looking for fun and rekting at the same time ,just go for none other than the butcher itself "Pudge".


                                Mek and dumpster all tier 1
                                Enigga can get it retardedly fast


                                  @Dire, Analyzer

                                  My idea of fun is stomping enemies due to outdraft / counter-item or pick / better teamfight decisions or shotcalling, rather than superior reflexes (I'm too old) or mechanical skill; I practice and improve my mechanical skill only to the degree necessary to survive the laning phase and not feed (hence my name). In other words, whatever heroes players think is meta in my bracket are the heroes I learn to counter. Increase MMR, reach new bracket with new meta, repeat. That to me is more fun than practicing last-hitting and 1v5 every game. This is why I prefer a larger hero pool; I need to stay one step ahead of balance patches and the meta at all times. Even if it's not practical to be good at every hero, I still want to have a bigger hero pool than most of my opponents.
                                  This is also why I ask this question. My normal fighting style (mid-game heroes with big L6 ultimates with very easy to win teamfights or quick kills of enemies) tends to work well against facerush and ganking styles, but I lose too much against heroes who can stall fights, heal the team, and reengage / defend. You are right in saying that I'll still gain MMR because my bracket doesn't have enough players with FS / glimmer / euls but it's still frustrating to throw those games (and it's not always just those items, a blink axe/shaker/SK/slardar is equally troubling). Usually in those games, our team has an advantage, then the enemy utility heroes get their key items and we cannot take high ground and start feeding every teamfight. Maybe I'm too impatient, but I want to know how to beat that style.

                                  @ don't feed

                                  The rat carry style? That mindset is a bit strange to me, but that's something I should learn, if only to improve my teamfight decisions. Thanks for the advice.


                                    This isn't called rat style it could be called naga style farm up jungle and lanes @ the same time and always be on fights that arent totally lost
                                    Rat style is nature tping while the fight is happening

                                    I said push lanes when u know the fight is totally lost even if u tp in it right away


                                      learn to play heroes that can do pickoffs retardedly well or heroes that can completely destroy the enemy's early game. make it so that their defense wouldnt matter anymore because you are extremely far ahead that theyre helpless.

                                      since you like outwitting ur enemies, then youd prefer the strat where you wouldnt even need to deal with their defense right?

                                      id say heroes that do this well are slark, timbersaw, and lc, coincidentally theyre all low cd heroes (opposite of what youre used to)

                                      but of course this isnt 100% fool proof, there will still be times where youll still fail at it and youre forced to fight them in the neutral game, but since these heroes have low cd's they have a small window for error and u can still come on top if ur decisions are right (isolating their utility hero by bursting him really quickly, in short knowing your target priorities)