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General DiscussionNeed your help

Need your help in General Discussion

    am 1k mmr player who's sick of that bracket so please if anyone can take a look at my replays and check on my dotabuff profil and advice me what i need to do to get out i'd be so greatefull, about the mechanics of the game am kind of good at last hits, always eye on map, trying my best to communicate with the team & am pretty much good at offlane & safelane depend on my team picks i can also roam still am lossing most of my ranked games everytime i get all the way up to 1.5 or 1.7k then go the way down back to 1.2-1.3k, thnx in advance

    EDIT: i got calibration back in the old dota the moment i had my foot on lvl13 started ranked and i really regret it.

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      create a smurf, play 20 games on that and take a look at the MMR of some of your opponents between games 15-20 since sometimes people with high mmr unranked for lulz. Your game performances at that early stage will match you with people with similar KDA, XPM, GPM, Healing etc. You may find yourself matched with people who are 3k or 5k. It Looks like you play a lot of core roles so I'd focus on spamming them on your smurf.

      Dont listen to people on here who will say that if you're 1k and better than it, that rising is easy since you can play 10 games in a row with morons, leavers, flamers, rage-quitters and feeders. 1k is garbage and the techniques to winning at that bracket are vastly different than what is required to win at 3 or 3.5k or above that. My smurf is playing games with 3-3.5k players and I have noticed a lot more improvement in my game since playing at that level. Teamwork, smoke ganks, supports who actually zone out the enemy carries and teammates hungry to take objectives.


        Dont make smurf, spam sven in ur main, 2k in 2 weeks


          nuke tried to make smurf the problem when i did it some how i felt like am the biggest noob in team no idea why didnt check the guys i played with mmr tho


            lul as much as i love sven tried him few times in ranked and it never work they will make sure to kit u every single game you'll be their number 1 priority even if u had od, slark or viper or even pa who can snowball they leave them and go straigh for u :/


              Thats what im saying about it making your game better. You gotta really learn how to lane well or deal with adversity, rotations etc. Its like when you play against an enemy Am or Alch, your focus for the first 15' needs to be ganking the hell out of them so they cant come online. 1k players dont get this.


                try using heroes than most of people doesnt know how to manage.. good examples are zeus, warlock, death propheth, abbadon, legion commander, slark and even sniper


                  As someone who has survived that bracket myself (from 1.3k to 3k atm), all i did is spamming heroes that can snowball and help your team winning lanes, winning teamfight (in my case its q-w invoker).


                    nuke yea but its kinda hard to do so if u're playing solo sven trust me solo safelane exist in 1k mmr.... sarllo death,zeus and warlock am suck with them but abadonne is he that good i think i should give him a shot


                      Plebs in 1k dont even bother to rotate or helping other lanes, mostly they will stay in lane forever.


                        pick sven or luna, rush HoD stack ancients. XP sap with slark, jungle till shadow blade invade their jungle and gank, play timbersaw mid. you can never lose in 1k if you di that.


                          your dislay photo needs help


                            if you really want to climb just play omniknight. or go brain dead zeus. zeus ulti at the right time can win you two lanes from the get go...


                              your best bet is to be asking actual questions about dota instead of asking ''how tu git X mmr''

                              because there's so much information required to grind 1k+ mmr, you would need write a whole 100-200 page book for every 1000 mmr

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                              4pos pudge/grim only

                                even in ranked games there is still people picking 3/4 greedy carries and you SHOULD and MUST pick support. no matter if you feel like losing, just play support unless no one gonna pick carry, then you go carry. but pick the right support tho, don't just pick greedy support like necro and maiden if your team already consisted of more greedy carries. pick someone who actually help the team (bounty is actually pretty decent at 1-2k level). just do the support things even feeling like losing, just don't give free kill to enemy and you should be fine. no item is fine as long your carries get theirs. hope this helps although i know its a pain in the ass playing supp at lower level.


                                  about picking support i once started to pick supports like lion and omni knight at ranked well that didnt work quite well mmr lose was better then the profit in 1k mmr ur team doesnt even look at the map, but i must admit from time to time u get a really good player but mostly u stuck about picking zeus nah am not gonna go for him first am noob at mid and i wont take it and risk hole team lose cuz of me also most zeus work focus on ks, about timber am practecing u can check my profil you'll see that but on offlane and cookie the actualy question is how to get good how to rock in 1v5 how to carry the game like a mother f***** spartian warrior


                                    saqil i play bounty from time to time i find him fun to play also can do the support job well he pretty much get tons of gold & xp just by roaming warding and zonning but i always be afraid to pick him in ranked dunno why


                                      alice u mean my profil pic ?


                                        yes, she meant your profile pic
                                        and to answer your question to 1v9 the game at your level, pick sven.


                                          what's wrong with jeff i really like the guy :v, well sven then its time for spam.....


                                            i suggest you watch some pro players play him first, you might learn a thing or two
                                            or try him out in a couple of unrank games first, sven really is a good hero
                                            anyways glhf


                                              learn tinker


                                                The downside is, you cant rely on your 1k support early game as sven. If your items got delayed then u cant do anything


                                                  yan once i get my helmet of dominator done i can do better on my own stacking jungling pushing when i get chance, once bkb or blink ready start team fight but yeah no way to rely on 1k mmr support there was once a game sky mage told me to pull the lane, buy cour & ward also he screams stop stealing my last hits i was anti mage i still laugh hard each time i remember that game lol


                                                    How is it possible to be in 1k after over 1100 games? Did u get 1mmr for fun at some point? Then found yourself suck at 1k?


                                                      In low tier mmr u wanna play someone who can snowball off of their stupidity, and function on their own. Strong laners (or heroes who people think are strong) also work really well, as people are really bad at coming back. If u can either secure lane and first buildings to get a gold advantage u can usually win. Or u secure a gold advantage by snowballing ez kills into a few buildings. Good example is ursa, huskar, pa, zeus, riki. People will say that u dont really need to make special picks and just spam a certain role and a couple of heroes in that role. I agree with everything except that picks dont matter. If ur pick is one ur already good at u will probably have a good chance of winning, but even if ur a little worse at a hero but say its a pubstompy hero like riki, u r more likely to win. I wud suggest picking a pubstomp hero that u have the highest winrate with, unless theyre all low, then just go with what ur good at.


                                                        And im at that mmr level too, but look how many of my games are ranked ones and how long ago i played some of em.


                                                          As a 1.6 K MMR player with a 76% Winrate over the last month. I recommend gaining by doing what you're good at.

                                                          You can rise below 4k using any position and any style.

                                                          I gain by spamming support. I know how to stack and pull, how to apply decent pressure in lane, and I constantly keep wards up, have dust, buy gems, and such.

                                                          I'm ok at last hitting, terrible at itemizing, bad at ganking, and can get careless in the late game.

                                                          My fav heroes are Abaddon and CM. With winrates of 86% 100% respectively in ranked over the last month.

                                                          If you're enough better then your rank to the point where you can do anything and be above a 50% Wingate, some positions and heroes will be better then others for gaining ranks faster. However it doesn't seem like you are in that position.

                                                          Pick a position or selection heroes that you are either are good with or enjoy, and get better with them. Play those heroes, watch tutorials, and notice your mistakes. Know that no matter what your position was, the 5ks and such would done something differently to be in a better place then you were. They may have differed as early as not playing the hero you picked in that certain game. Realize that losses will happen, but not unfairly offen. Every hero is viable, and focus on continuing to improve.

                                                          4pos pudge/grim only

                                                            yo OP, in conclusion, just play hero that you most comfortable with, and can somewhat help the team, or just play some hero you think is worth spamming (sven and bounty is decent in 1-2k as some of our friends mentioned earlier) or if you got the skills, play tinker or invoker as those heroes, in a good hand, can easily 1v5 given you have enough items. and as you said you kinda afraid picking bounty (or basically any hero) at ranked, just do it lol if picking that hero seems like a right decision. always pick the right hero for the team, not for yourself only (im sure your hero pool is wide enough after 1k+ games) anyway glhf


                                                              If u are a grill, pick cm.


                                                                You have a 59% in ranked, you are just going through the grind.
                                                                However heores that can 1v5 win you more games, sven, morph, fv. they can solo push, get kills. all you need to do in 1k

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                                                                casual gamer


                                                                  The Medic Guy

                                                                    drop your solo to under 500, then trade with my 3k account, add me at steam for this offer :D


                                                                      trade me your account with a 4k account and problem solved


                                                                        for the guy who asked how am 1k mmr after 1k games as i said i got ranked calibrated at the moment i unlocked the ranked mod it self on lvl13 i had 0 experience then i feel sorry for my self and sorry for all of those who was trying to climb and luck puted them with me back in that time


                                                                          about sven i was doing well with him last games but what i hate the most is when other carry take my stack when i need it the most when playing sven i tend to go for x4 ancient stack scure my blink + echro or blink+ bkb and start fighting and keep stacking then someone take all stacks happen like 1hour ago to me with jaug who failed so bad, who ever i always no matter what win most of team fights using sven and in few games i still go down and lose cuz of split push my team never ever buy tp they never go for tower def wish will take u down not just money advantage for team but also less secured area with less protection and vision, about bounty i start roaming at lvl3 and i always get the kill done most of time the moment i go for gank its 100% kill still i lose cuz i tend to go semi-supp with bounty grave,warding,drum..... but right now i have started playing anti mage in ranked and he's kind of cancer for people here i got 73% win rate same goes for bristle as they have 0 idea how to conter him except for lucky silver edge hit, but well after my last ranked games its look like soon ill be 2k hopefully, and nah i cant trade account am attached to this acc otherwise i'd make new one and ask any of my 4k friends to smurf me on it :v

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                                                                            MMR hell does not exist, pick a dedicated role and get good at it. Pick a small hero pool to improve yourself mechanically with.


                                                                              esuna i like to play tanky heroes offlane tho they cant do that much in 1k trust me, that's why am practice more on carry at the moment just to get to 2k from there maybe things can get change and i finaly can start playing in offlane *.*