General Discussion

General DiscussionTry hard vs raw Talent

Try hard vs raw Talent in General Discussion

    Who will win? A super try hard or a naturally skilled player?
    Basically EE vs SumaiL, who wins?


      EE says thanks


        sumail too


          is sumail naturally skilled though? even though he's young, he also started playing dota at a young age didn't he?

          Ryan Gosling Fan

            EE vs sumail ramzes would win. Try Hard and Talent.


              no player is naturally a pro


                everyone worked hard and tried hard


                  i dont think anyone half decent even thinks about comparing or just separating these two
                  u dont get dota skill naturally granted. no one does.

                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                  Riguma Borusu

                    why do you believe you can tell those two things apart


                      Hurdwertk bits taelent w0w im an edgi instugrum fukboi im so kool

                      LIKE A SOMEBODEE

                        guys I'm not saying that SumaiL didn't work hard for how good he is. But we got to admit there are people who can easily pick up something. And some others need to try hard to become good at something. I got a friend who plays casually and sits at 5k mmr, some are at 3k. All of them don't try hard, so I think its fair to assume that the 5k player is naturally talented than the 3k player. But that doesn't mean the 3k will never reach 5k if he tries hard. Try hard and Talent will win any day though. I think those are the 9ks, but who knows..


                          talent is a fool's excuse

                          ''i'm just not naturally good at dota"

                          i know 1 guy who got to 7k mmr 1.5 years after he STARTED dota.

                          is he talented? hell no.

                          he did the same tryhard shit that got me to high mmr, except he did it 10x more intense.