General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do in this situation as a safelane carry

What to do in this situation as a safelane carry in General Discussion

    You're left solo against another solo offlaner, and you can kill them, e.g you're slark and they're tide, do you try to deny as much creeps as possible to keep creeps near your tower, or do you push it out a little so then they think its safe, since the creepwave is closer to their tower then you could have a chance of getting a possible kill on the enemy offlaner.

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    Dr. Banana

      It depends on the hero you're playing I guess. If you're someone like Sven who can clear camps then you should push and pull & stack the hard camp.
      As for other heroes I suggest keeping the creeps close to your tower.
      As for slark, let them push, and go in for the kill. I don't think you should try to kill the enemy offlaner when he is close to his tower.

      But I'm just a scrub so take my advice as a grain of salt.


        Push the wave if you can take the tower or farm the camp in between waves. Otherwise just keep the creeps near your tower to stay safe

        meteor hammer

          shove the lane and farm the large camp, then shove the lane and farmthe small camp


          or if ur tb you can go jungle and have an illusion lasthit in lane