General Discussion

General DiscussionOP picks in 7.00?

OP picks in 7.00? in General Discussion

    you forgot lifestealer with aghs in that combo


      Fighting around trees will become a thing, cuz of new treant and monkey king


        I didn't. The point was to riki and io roam and kill 1-3 man so luna zeus and one other guy can do pretty much anything, since Io can relocate Riki back.

        Although adding lifestealer as the other guy isn't bad at all (duh of course.)


          deforestation will be a thing :D

          monkey king can smoke next to the base and W into a tree without being revealed by towers.

          The DarKNovA

            I just wish they would make replicate NOT illusion based comlpetely, so that a hex, mana or lifedrain and numerous other stuff wouldn't instant kill it.
            The way it is, the +30% replicate dmg talent is useless.

            bum farto

              Alch will become pivotal to this meta with all the additional sceptre buffs.


                Pl maelstrom sounds disgusting now actually. It is probably the diffusal replacement since tbe item sucks on him now. Maelstrom > manta > mjollnir > skadi SeemsGood


                  brood lycan and NS


                    Just get Octrarine + CD reduction on level 20 and enjoy perma Shapeshit on level 25. Shit's hilariously OP(dont forget midas).
                    Just landed 1200 GPM on an offlane Lycan with 7 deaths.

                    Freya 69

                      I don't understand the full implications, but Visage is starting to look really dangerous early and mid game.

                      Also: I think I'm going to go back to building Phase and Drums on CM now that HotD is going to be so relevant for team hp regen. That and the extra 50 damage from the talent tree should give her some auto attack presence in mid game team fights and not just a walking 'hold your stun for the CM ult' hero.

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                        just cant wait to have skadi deso weaver.

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          @The Wise
                          Whoa, I was thinking the same thing! I would rather have +400 Waveform range, but it's pretty shitty compared to what other heroes get at lvl 25, so Morphling sucks now.

                          @Luxon Does Talent CD reduction affects items too?!


                            Anyone else thinking about prioritizing Dominator over Vladmir for Lycan?
                            Lycan's summonings gained damage but lost attack speed wit the new passive. New Dominator provides better stats, better attack speed, more HP regen and you can Dominate an Alpha Wolf for lost damage (hell, that would provide even more damage than Vladmir) and only considerable loss would be 0.8 mana regen and 4 aura armor. (lifesteal won't matter since Feral Impulse + HoD would provide 18 HP regen combined) Also Dominator is cheaper by 500 golds.

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              Benao loving the removal of life steal on Dominator. He can finally go for a huge DPS boost while still saving face as he is technically not getting lifesteal on Drow.


                                Yes it does. 60 seconds on midas is quite strong. You can get to level 25 insanely fast.


                                  Dominator pretty much replaces Vladimir as a core for Lycan IMO.
                                  You can just buy a basilius for mana, or raindrops, or both.

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    OMFG... it actually affects items, that's quite overpowered

                                    Morph, PL, QoP and Enigma are the few that gets 12-15% CD reduction at lvl 15, and since the less resource on map and level exp needed, they could be the next meta heroes. They can all use Octarine Core too.



                                      Treant is one of my favorite Heroes so it's good to see him get a little love with this rework!

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I think anyone referencing a lvl 25 talent is overreacting a bit. How many of your games do carries get to level 25, let alone supports? I just don't see it making much impact.

                                        Stuff like slark aghs and sniper aghs, holy shit that's op. Imagine sniper now wombo combos where magnus or dark seer group em all up then ~1s later sniper crits your entire team lol.


                                          Not really any different than Enigma wombo-combo'ing your team into a massive black hole. Playing vs a DS/Sniper/Magnus? pick a rat draft

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            It's quite different cus enigma's a one shot wonder with black hole basically and can be interupted etc whereas sniper is a legit long range killer so you're taking a right clicker and allowing him to wombo combo.

                                            But I see your point, aghs drow spits out similar amounts of dmg while enemies are grouped up. Maybe it's not that bad.


                                              a lot of this patch just seems to make single target spells hit multiple people

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                How bout this theory craft, lvl sniper with phase boots, aghs, octarine core, and 3x daedulus. That's 351 dmg. Talents are
                                                +20 shrapnel dps, 25% cd reduction and +4 shrapnel charges. Total 50% cd reduction. Do the reductions stack additively or multiplicatively? I'll do additive since I'm not sure. What I mean is total reduction cd times (reduction plus reduction) or is it cd times reduction 1 times reduction 2) cus first method is 50% reduction, second would be 43.75% reduction.

                                                Shrapnel now can have 7 charges on 27.5 recharge. You'll never run out of charges and it does 1100 ish dmg over duration.

                                                Ult is a 5s cd to do 982 dmg + 90 dmg headshot. That is fucking nuts. Every 5 seconds. And he doesn't have to be in attack range since range on that is 3000. You will never break high ground vs a sniper ever again. He can so easily break high ground vs you to if you get him vision, just send like a cent or void into enemy base and sniper can hit them from almost the river.


                                                  Shrapnel charge cooldown with both the reduction and octarine core is 23 seconds. Assassinate is 5 seconds. Assasinate with Aghs at level 16 does more damage than non-aghs once sniper has over 233 damage, though the total damage threshold reduces the more heroes you hit with the ulti, eg hitting two heroes for a total of 325 each which requires only attack damage of 116 does the same total damage as the non-aghs ulti to one person. And the more people you hit the more viable the aghs is.

                                                  It seems very much like the 6th slot item you would pick up once he is slotted with daedalus, mkb, hurricane pike, BoTs, butterfly/skadi. You could swap out daedalus or mkb for rapier if its safe.

                                                  Although I could super late game stacking 3 rapiers and then aghs+octarine+BoTs and just sniping people from 3000 range away being viable too. Like, that's a 2800 magical damage on a 5 second cooldown. Sniper would be the ultimate 6 slot carry. Try and siege high ground? Nope, sniper can just sit in his fountain and team wipe you with his ulti.


                                                    Slark aghs is complete shit. Not as an item, but as an item on slark. Maybe if it gave the shadow dance regen it wud be good as a pseudo naga aghs ulti. But otherwise i can never see a slark prioritizing his teammates.


                                                      What do u guys think of my mk theorycrafted build?
                                                      Treads > blightstone (casual) > wand > linkens(early ring of health) > echo sabre > basher > abyssal > satanic/skadi. I feel like the hero has a lot of dmg and really only needs to stay alive to deal it cuz he is so squishy. Also the linkens makes sure he cant get cucked by swap out of his ulti, or stunned before he can jump to tree, etc. i wud play him safe, maybe mid but only against a melee hero or one that doesnt spam harass too much. Thing is the heroes only aoe ability has a 25 s cd so u cant reliably push wave for runes or to gank (similar to why mid pheonix is bad), but otherwise, just hit a creep a bunch of times and just smack the enemy mid hero 4 times and ur gucci. The mid also has little trees to jump too, so initiation is hard. He scales so well late that i think he takes pos 1 farm priority

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Are you sure aghs sniper is still magic dmg? I think it's physical, which means you need a little more dmg actually cus most heroes only have the innate 25% magic resist but will have a lot more armor than 25% reduction later. Maybe it's not as legit as I thought.

                                                        The rapier theory craft also sounds amazing but it's kind of like saying rapier PA spamming daggers is amazing. Though sniper range is much better. But I also don't get how the targeting works, it says it drops if they leave your vision. So you can snipe people in lane but if there's a debuff they'll know how to drop it cus the channel is so long. I'm going to try it in a bot match first thing.

                                                        I'm also thinking deso sniper is much more viable now cus it stacks with skadi. S&y keeps getting nerfed and with hurricane pike you don't really need it, not nearly as much as before. But skadi is still pretty sick for massive tanking. A deso skadi sniper like 20-25 mins in can kite and do a ton of dmg.


                                                          Woah guys how did I miss this:

                                                          •Thirst now lingers for 2 seconds after a target dies.

                                                          Bloodseeker is so good now because he gets +40 damage for 2 extra seconds!!?!#!

                                                          And more bloodrite cooldowns. I did say he was going to get more bloodrite cooldown. Now it's down to a whole 6 second cooldown. Wow. That will make this shitty hero real useable. Thanks icefraud.


                                                            in my opinion the early build for mk is going to be a 1-1-4 until ice frog changes his passive because it allows you to trade hits very effectively and you only need one point in the others because it doesnt really make you out put more damage or make you more survivable

                                                            not arin

                                                              think 1 1 4 into 4 1 4 is the build on donkey kong yeah


                                                                Spam sf with pike + deso he deals over 400 damage


                                                                  the reducing respawn time talents seems ridiculous


                                                                    @fx you forgot bloodthorn, amp that by 30% and 100% crit too.
                                                                    but pike is counter-intuitive cause your OP aura stops working.

                                                                    otherwise, lategame rightclick carry BH is back for sure. Not saying core farming BH, just transition into items like Deso AC or whatever instead of Dagon Hex and shit.

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                                                                      I dont think its necessarily abt the right click of having jinada on 1 secons cd, but the fact that even a support can perma slow someone. It is still respectable dmg and i will hate it cuz all the complete autistic fucks in 1k who build items that are like 10 patches old like MoM sven and deso BH infuriates me. They now have a justification, no matter how retarded, for building such a shitty item and it sux. Tho MoM sven seems legit now.


                                                                        SF pretty good. he gets like 500+140+150 = 790 range and +70 free dmg now

                                                                        his -armor aura is 900 he can pretty safely siege highground, and getting lvl 25 on sf is not too hard to pull off.


                                                                          respectable dmg, i was criting jinada for 900 last game only with deso linken and butterfly rofl. took the +100 dmg talent though.

                                                                          btw im not saying this just cause i did that, in fact i went for this build after watching waga MK get rekd by this kind of BH (6k+) on his stream.

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                                                                            Treant is insanely strong