General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo in 7.00+

Meepo in 7.00+ in General Discussion

    U guys all got my points, that winrate graph says it all. Meepo is like 4th tier hero atm.


      U cant judge a hero like meepo by winrate. He is too difficult for him to have a good winrate. And he has a good amount of soft counters.


        Its like judging oracles viability by winrate. It was almost never above 45%


          ^ dumb logic. Don't try to make yourself sound like a retard. The stats says it all, period.


            U cant judge a hero like meepo by winrate. He is too difficult for him to have a good winrate

            did you even see that graph i posted? coz you make no sense


              No i didnt. And why dont u post it here. actually u can judge whether a hero is bad or good by 5k+ winrate, but when a hero is rlly hard there will inevitably be games that were winnable by a good meepo but lost cuz it was a shit meepo. In 5k+ people tend to be less shit, but it still happens. Can u explain what u mean instead of just saying "ur wrong lol". Maybe im missing something.


                -Multiple pros and high mmr players come out and say Meepo is the strongest he's ever been
                -All the meepo spammers on my friendlist agree he's fucking broken and have gained 500+ mmr with him this patch
                -Fastest levelling hero in the game gets talents which are overall stronger than stats and which benefit fast levelling heroes
                -Hero gets the perfect way to fight in an extremely active meta by giving him free stat share if you go treads+double dlance+blink
                -Random 5k on dotabuff still thinks he's bad because of joke dotabuff stats that encompass sub 6k shitters...


                Random 8k saying he's good


                343 saying he's the most broken hero this patch


                6.5k friend of mine talking about his overall thoughts on patch, as it's gone on he has realized that the changes aren't just a slight buff they are actually quite massive

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                  ESL genting picking him many times mean he is not shit as the op said he is


                    ^ Whatever dude. FYI, I can also tell a story as below:
                    -Multiple pros and high mmr players come out and say Meepo is the shittiest he's ever been
                    -All the meepo spammers on my friendlist agree he's fucking shitty and have lost 500+ mmr with him this patch

                    My fucking 9k friend told me overall he's nerfed to hell, and no one is gonna pick it.

                    For me, I banned Meepo every game, so that my teammate would not be able to pick it, or else the jokers would pick it and lose my game.


                      current patch is the best one for meepo in the last couple of years


                        ye i mean ppl who are unfamiliar with the hero and low mmr, may eventually not notice him being stronger than previously, but i got no clue how you came to a conclusion that he became worse.


                          well tbh i didnt see a meepo win yet unless used as a tool to quickly push throne as he gets carried by his teammates

                          but im playing in uber trash mmr


                            I like how multiple blue stars appeared and backed up Daddy when he stayed to argue after the Danish blue star just gave out an ethnic insult which is what he expounds in most threads anyways huehue good shit


                              Ye its cuz i dont have my head stuck up my own ass.

                              Giff me Wingman

                                why are dogshits still discussing this?

                                I already answered, that's all you need. End of story.


                                  Cuz the dogshit 5k player doesnt understand the complexity of ur statement blunt. Clearly our intelligence is too much for him, thus he is intimidated and trying to fight back.


                                    I don't want to sound like an elitist jerk, but Danishblunt and JDF8 are just so right (like most blue star players). Every pro player ever: "One of the biggest winners of this patch: Meepo."
                                    You just hit lv3, snipe the bounty rune of the enemy, clear all bounty runes with your main Meepo (since probably he was lower HP and has less lane sustain -> proceed to stack the camp closest to your mid (it is now 2:55) -> Proceed to farm that camp with LV2-3 poof at this stage -> Regen at shrine -> go back and poof the wave -> go on a bounty circle again -> stack camp -> clear medium camps with poof while laning mid (it is now 5:00 and you are halfway to dragonlance while having pt). At min7 you are farming ancient stacks. Meepo so weak pls buff LUL


                                      Minute 19: Enemy Slark has Shadow Blade, Echo Sabre.
                                      Meepo has Dragon Lance, Dragon Lance, Blink and Sheepstick. GG


                                        lower cooldown poof is op, meepos all have the same stat gain even without aghs, root buffs, and even dragon lance...meepo is better than he was in 6.85 and prior. much better.

                                          Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                            ^^^ im face palming so hard right now to those "meepo stronger now" comments. You guys sound so stupid to actual meepo players

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                              The powertreads/dragonlance build plays completely differently to bots/aghs and I think a lot of people have struggled/can't be bothered to adapt.

                                              In the right hands meepo is still a cancer but bad meepo players are punished a lot more easily than in 6.88


                                                no offense, but u as a low 4k player havent ever even met a single actual meepo player

                                                  Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                    EleGiggle parte shit talking someone who is like 3000 mmr better than him. Dude what part of high tempo, and root buffs, is so hard to understand.

                                                      Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                        I checked every account in this post. Players who claimed meepo got nerfed are actual meepo players while the ones that claims meepo is stronger has little to no meepo games. Except boosted danish guy.

                                                        And we are posting actual stats and proofs about meepo being weaker this patch while all you guys say is "my friend thinks meepo is stronger so it must be stronger" or this 8k random reddshitter said "no my meepo is pretty bad, hes just good this patch- i have only 14 games with him in last month but it feels stronger"

                                                        you need basic knowledge to know that this is indeed a nerf.

                                                        stats dont lie, but people do

                                                        @triplesteal non taken buddy coz i aint no 4k

                                                          Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                            arteezy is still on learning phase has no meepo games before 7.00 patch. hes "opinion" changes nothing


                                                              Is that winrate for 5k+? Cuz if u incorporate the shitters who play meepo and only know how to blink poof and whine that net doesnt cancel tp anymore, then u will have a lower winrate. A gr8 meepo will shrek harder but a shit meepo is now even shittier. Even if said shit meepo is a spammer.

                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                op is a massive retard

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  oh sry that's not op my bad


                                                                    winrate drop for 5k+ is even worse but there is no graph for that. Meepos winrate never dropped below %53 above 5k before 7.00 patch. now its around %50. Btw i think some of you misunderstood me. I still think meepo is strong. And i believed meepo was op in 6.88. All im saying is meepo is a bit weaker not stronger.

                                                                    no need to discuss it more, proofs are there. not gonna comment anymore cos autism is real in this topic

                                                                    remember. Stats dont lie, but people do

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      7k slahser says meepo is imba right now
                                                                      8k ccnc says this is a good patch for meepo spammers
                                                                      6k inkdota (who has more meepo experience than about anyone) thinks meepo is back and is playing it often

                                                                      Honestly I'd take any of their opinions over yours op


                                                                        maybe autism is real, or maybe you are just shit

                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                          meepos a hero


                                                                            4k spamming Meepo lol you shouldn't even be allowed to have an opinion legally. That hero is as broken as it gets for solo mmr and my mind boggles that anyone who can play it competently can't even crack 5k.


                                                                              >i'll ask arteezy


                                                                                this is really funny at 1v1 almost all carries killing meepo on this patch... pt boots, 2 dragon lance at 20 lv each meepo has 1700 hp. Slark has echo sabre and shadow blade and he kill me with 5 hits already you can not do anything if he use ulti also he has nice health regen now they give damn lifesteal too... weaver can kill with only desolator. Sniper hurricane pike and maelstorm and q so meepo died. Any support with dagger they can easly nuke meepo. Meepo can easly farm yeah but worthless, other carries can do a lot of things with few items meepo can do just a shit. Get tarasque etc. but u have 120 damage. Get agl items but you have 2k hp if any carry gets bkb you have no chance.


                                                                                  they still nerfing fckn meepo now they decreased base armor...

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    good remove this hero from the fucking game


                                                                                      because icefrog listens to reddit crybabies

                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        no way the average redditor has ever encountered a good meepo


                                                                                          Why'd anyone aside from real Meepo players resort to this retarded analysis and claim that a certain thing is a buff or a nerf?

                                                                                          One who has a high winrate and tons of games on the hero obviously has more idea, what he's talking about, than theorycrafter, who has had no practical idea of the strengths/weaknesses the hero had initially, for he hasn't even played that hero before.

                                                                                          Besides, only winrate changes will tell the truth. Quarry and bragging are pointless.

                                                                                          Not backing any of you. Just chill.

                                                                                          Time will tell, which ones of you were dogshit shitstains and which ones were right.

                                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                            Lmao @67436788 the whole fucking point of meepo is that he is like 3 items and 8 levels ahead of everyone and wins by 35 min. No one is arguing that given equal farm meepo isnt anything soectacular.


                                                                                              Everybody talking about winrate but they forget something about it. I'm pc programmer if you buf or nerf a hero cuz of winrate its totally bullshit. Why? Firstly some heroes are really hard to play so its mean only good players choose them to play and its increases winrate. Example tons of players pick io, kotl, chen, tiny to troll their team so its decrease winrate. About slark in 1-4k mmr he is really strong and have higher winrate but more than 5k mmr its decrease his winrate. meepo players smurf or they really have high mmr its why he has high winrate. I have about 4500 hours dota 2 time, 20k games in dota 1 but i swear i saw only 5 or 10 times a meepo player in game exept me. Win rate doesnt prove anything.


                                                                                                @67436788 exaclty. Most people thinks that Hard heroes have lower winrate because they are harder to play therefore people fail more with it. Thats not the case. Its vice-versa, they have higher winrate. we are talking above 5k mmr here. Heroes like meepo, chen, visage only their "fans" will pick them that means their winrate will go up. Noobs will tend to just completely ignore those heroes because of their skill gap. But most people does not ignore braindead heroes like pa-slark. Since they are easy to play, most people think they know what they're doing with them and fail. Also they attract bad players.

                                                                                                @4k Anger Management Practice. I couldn't agree more. I show them visible winrate drop after 7.00 patch as a proof instead of telling my point of view as a meepo main player. Coz it doesnt matter how good i am with it, only stats will tell the truth. But they are the one claiming its buffed or nerfed with 0 meepo games


                                                                                                  on one side, we have an opinion of someone with a lot of meepo games and no clue about the game and decent meepo players overall

                                                                                                  on the other hand we got an opinion of high rated players who played with ppl who know to play meepo, including weeha, notail, etc. and also we got a couple of high rated meepo spammers

                                                                                                  the value of the first opinion is ~0 in this context