General Discussion

General DiscussionItem choice on juggernaut

Item choice on juggernaut in General Discussion

    Hello good sirs, this is some random 2k shit that is begging for some advice,

    I'm spamming more and more often juggernaut and getting more and more often flammed for the items I buy. I would like to know what you think of my item choice and what you would buy on him.

    So some of my item choice:

    - Echo Sabre
    I buy it as an early game item because Hp, Int, mana regen and slow. Ppl often think its dumb since jugg is an agility hero but it works with omnislash and blade fury. What do you think about it?

    - Shadow Blade / Silver Edge
    I buy it for initiation and burst damage (and the backstab with Silver Edge). I can understand that ppl insult me when I buy it and we already have Riki+Mirana. Do you know some goods alternatives?

    - Desolator
    It works on towers and low armor heroes but i wonder if I should not buy something else. There is often anothere carry buying it maibe i should buy some agi items instead?

    ( )
    My build works really well in 2K and allow me to snowball but I wonder what would happens against smarter ppl.

    Lester, Moe

      "Works with blade fury"

      You're one of those juggs who spins 25 minutes into the game?

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        I actually want to try a build centered around Echo Sabre and Mjollnir, but for now Manta is a safe choice against silences and follow-up with Mjollnir because illusions get attack speed now. HotD is also a decent early-game pickup if you can make good use of the dominate ability, otherwise don't bother with it and just get a Yasha instead.


          If you're getting flamed, just mute them. The build may not be optimal or whatever, but i've seen far worse Jugger items. I think looking at high mmr (5-6k) Juggernaut games would help you a lot.

          Riguma Borusu

            echo sabre is a terrible DPS source because your bat is really really low, so building a tiny bit of attack speed scales way better, the slow's goodd, mana regen and mana pool are good, etc, but it's one of the worse mid game items for jugg


              @MvpBoy: You mean like spinning instead of right-clicking in mid/late game? Only when I'm panicking... which means often :p

              @Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah: Interresting i want to try it and see what happens. About HotD I'm good at micro but if it's for ancient stacking and then just dominating a wolf for damage bonnus, I might manage it.


                arteezy does phase hotd yasha maelstrom


                  @Esuna: Ty good to hear it's not that bad^^

                  @mladen: Yup it's what ppl often told me and I'm starting to agree with it and searching for better items

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    Phase Aquila Talon - every single game ever.

                    HotD, Diffusial, Manta, EoS, Abyssal, Mjolnir, SE, BKB, MKB, BF, Bfly, AC, Satanic, Dagger are all situational.

                    Manta is too good tho.


                      Echo sabre is inefficient as fuck
                      You're getting an item which is good on heroes that hits hard and hits slow
                      SB/SE is situational, good against those pesky passive skill heroes like spectre, BB, huskar, etc
                      Blink is universally better on other cases
                      Deso is not that good although it looks good on paper, there are way more better items
                      Diffusal is cheaper, allows you to slow enemies for you to spin, to kite enemies so you can have your HW not killed after 2 seconds, amps your rightclick alot, you can mana burn during omnislash, also low BAT = sick mana burn damages, purges those pesky ghost scepter, sick shit
                      Deso only gives damage, and thats it
                      Manta is a good farming and fighting tool
                      Abyssal is good and quite mandatory I think
                      HoTD is good, it's the new drum of endurance
                      Butterfly is good (do i have to explain?)
                      Skadi is good (damage, BKB piercing CC that also works with omni)
                      Mjolnir also procs on omnislash, gives insane AS boost which also amps your illusions and mana burn ability, the active also prevents you to die in 3 seconds when you have everything on CD


                        BF only if you're winning so hard or your lategame is WAY BETTER than the enemies'


                          I did soul ring VG build before for super agressive gameplay, but just stick to the more universally good stuffs like manta rush into other items

                          casual gamer

                            hotd is an every game purchase if you do not suffer from severe brain lag i believe


                              But but but aghanim refresher is sick on jugg xd


                                Even a yasha feels better than echo on him tbh


                                  Ty everybody for all these advice. I think I will have a lot of homeworks to do!

                                  @JDF8: That might be a problems :p

                                  @Centaur spammer grill: O.O! aghanim refresher! I want to try it! Well maibe not in pub match, it might git me lowprio ^^'

                                  casual gamer


                                    the greatest jugg build known to man

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      ^that's so omnislash-centric it's disgusting


                                        I hope you are joking XD, I was being sarcastic
                                        The only person I know that builds agha refresher consistently has 1k MMR after 1k hours of gameplay and has 30% jugg winrate with 1 KDA and 300 GPM


                                          The cancers have finally showed up huh


                                            Typical 4k acting cocky and edgy without even contributing anything

                                            Lester, Moe

                                              Aghs bfury refresher isn't even a bad build for jugg.

                                              casual gamer

                                                ^ except you can't farm until ur second item bfury (lul), do 0 damage out of omni, and dont even have enough mana to double ult


                                                  phase aquila manta style maelstorm skadi build is also decent


                                                    u have to make a sheepstick with scpter + aghs build otherwise its trash.


                                                      So i have tried a more standart build and... it work!

                                                      I was solo safelane against huskar (+ a sandking after 3 min) and had some difficulty early game. But after that it was ok.
                                                      I have forgot to buy HotD, i will try it next time.

                                                      @Centaur spammer grill: Half joking :p