General Discussion

General DiscussionSafelane LC HC

Safelane LC HC in General Discussion

    What are you even on about? You're complete dogshit

    saving private RTZ

      nice response. I just debunked your claim that you always carry in the games you win and you always play good when you lose. just look at your last games. You are a non-impact, apart from feeding like a madman


        Everyone shut the fuck up, it's time to get drunk.


          No doubt everytime you play safe lane carry and lose it is your supports faults.




              @op/topic at hand, could work, but dogshit if your team are passive fucks
              @haffy, you're only drunk when the rooms starts spinning and start teleporting


                op whines about his teammates every 5 days. Lc as a safelaner works perfectly fine.

                Président® Salted Butter

                  T H I S P O S T I S R A T E D K F O R K E K


                    LC safelane is not viable. He can get shit on by team that is even remotely good. His main ability is a duel, a team thats anywhere near decent, will shut his ass down, leaving their hc to farm. Just like that game I lost.

                    This last game being a prime example of a shitty team. I was left as jugg to solo against a ds/riki lane while my team trilaned bot. They get a few kills early, get cocky, start feeding. Fast forward into the game, they have 3 invis heroes, and we had 0 dust/sents. None. 3 supports and we had nothing. Who do they blame? Their safelaner who was already struggling in lane because of how retarded they are. They think I can just join them in teamfights whenever they want, keep in mind their dark seer didnt leave offlane until he took tier2.
                    Again, NO dust, NO sents, and who do they blame for their feeding? Their safelaner that they didn't support. Some of the shittiest people on this earth play this game, get over yourselves.

                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                    casual gamer

                      ^ XD


                        lc is great as a safe laner SHE has two healing skills which allows her to stay in lane even if harrased. She has a strong nuke that gets better the more people try to lane against her. She is fairly tanky and great in a 1v1 matchup and even when ganked can often pickup a kill in return. She also scales better than most semi cores and only needs 4500 networth to come on line. Now she is not the best safe laner and in my opinion better as a midlaner but safe lane lc is not absolutly bad.


                          LC is not a safelaner or a mid. He has to STAY active to stay relevant. Why would you give him safelane/midlane farm if he can get it elsewhere? If he takes safe, he has to stay there and farm because he has to be the one outcarrying their HC. Jungle/offlane is where he belongs, as soon as he gets his blink, he shouldn't be laning for a second. Other cores can benefit far more from mid/safe. If he doesn't get duels early, then he's useless late. Putting him safelane means he gets nothing. He isn't a hero that gets stronger by farming items, he needs duels/duel damage and at the same time, applying pressure around the map, not just afk farming. You can easily get a 6 min blink on lc and start being active, no reason to take safelane farm for a blink.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            ^you're 2k material mate, I have no idea what you're doing in 3k

                            casual gamer

                              yeah thats some real 3k insight honestly

                              pugna safelane has to stay there and farm because he has to be the one outcarrying their hc XD


                                Alright, pick spectre safelane and go gank retard

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  ^what the fuck do you mean?

                                  Spectre is an example of a hero that sits in the lane for as long as possible when given safelane. Slarks, BS, Lycan, LC, Ursa, Riki and even fucking slardar/centaur don't just sit there past their core items, they go and do shit, or take the tower, or whatever else.

                                  And if you build a ton of early game items you can still fight with spec, it's just not as good (in most cases) as an early peak hero like LC, BS, Ursa, the fact that you do not understand that LC can work in the safelane shows how you don't actually understand anything about this game.

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                  casual gamer

                                    ur fuckign braindead

                                    tidehunter and pugna have been picked safelane before. theres such a thing as a high tempo safelane who gets core items and deathballs with his team

                                    idk if this can permeate ur thick fucking skull, but whether a hero rices is based on the HERO NOT THE LANE XD. safelane axe is going to fuck shit up, safelane AM is going to rice bfury manta abyssal and rat until he has at least manta, safelane undying is going to try to push at 13 minutes with a fast aghs or mek

                                    of course the fact that ur still raging at ur normal skill teammates after FIVE FUCKING THOUSAND GAMES OF DOTA means you have very little capacity for learning. i was better than you YEARS ago lmfao, with thousands less games. keep telling me all about how you know what safelaners do lolz

                                    casual gamer

                                      and yeah, you have 4400 games of unranked and are stil normal skill xd. so dont try to hide behind ur fucking 600 ranked games

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        ^JDF8, if I pick safelane Axe, and I have a mid Naga and offlane Legion, that means I build AC and rapiers to outcarry their safelane terrorblade, right?


                                        casual gamer

                                          yeah but remember to stay in ur lane until you have 30000 net worth, thats how you play carry

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            Yeah exactly, also I will make sure not to stack the jungle and take stacks later while simultaneously farming the lane, because that's literally impossible.

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                            casual gamer

                                              idk what ur talking about whats a stack

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                stacks are when mommy and daddy creeps love each other very much so they have children

                                                BTW I played centaur safelane in LPQ because clinkz would have been shat on by a brood, I held my lane really well against a brood. I actually simply asked those two guys to go offlane so I can be solo against brood because she can't take a tower against centaur, and centaur can't contest medusa on his own.


                                                There's such a thing as lane dodging, but I don't think your 2k brain would understand that, we won that game because we got really good lane matchups.

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  You want pub retards to "lane dodge"? These retards start feeding if they don't get their mid or safelane. And I repeat, dota is full of trash.

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    If I can tell people to lane dodge in LPQ you sure as hell can in a regular game, you just have no fucking idea how to play the game, talk to people, or conceptualize the win condition. Average MMR of this LPQ game was 3723, which is not much better than your MMR.

                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                      Literally just talking. I just started a game, picked jugg safelane, and this Vietnamese garbage picks mk and says i'm carrying. My fault right?

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        Go win the game, man, you're 4k material!


                                                          No no its my fault be picked mk after I picked jugg and said I'm going safelane. I should just leave him be, I'm gonna be the one losing him the game right?

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            Go jungle and win the game.

                                                            Junglernaut is better than nofarmnaut.

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований


                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                ^pretty much, I seem to have special interest in stupid


                                                                  Watch out guys, we have Dota pros over here. I feel very intimidated

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    You're too stupid to feel intimidated at the right time, though.

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      Bump for more discussion.


                                                                        The fact that you think that you're above me because you're "allegedly" better than me at Dota. That's really sad. I feel sorry for you to be honest, but carry on.


                                                                          I spam AM btw haHAA


                                                                            Ursa is not a safelaner because he needs to be active


                                                                              Ursa is a safelane Bryant, you won't suddenly get 2250 gold for your Blink Dagger, nor get that 1200 gold for Morbid Mask so you can Roshan. Ursa baby sat with a VERY offensive trilane is a legit strat I believe. But yes, I get your point. Ursa leaves the safelane relatively early, in order to take Rosh with team and take objectives, while your Fury Swipes can still 3 shot people and people can't afford Ghost Scepter yet.


                                                                                ? i cant get like 80% of the post in this forum whether they are sarcastic/irony or no

                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                                  just quit dota bro. i really hate seeing someone like you in the game. i know games seems hard and unwinnable when your carry/mid sucks, but blaming people (and you yourself being bad at the same time) is just, something else.

                                                                                  the fact that you take all the credit when you won a game ("Most of the games I win are because I carried") is much cancerous, and yet you say "This isn't a 1v5, it's a team game" really doesnt correlate each other.


                                                                                    I'm sure

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      The fact that you think that you're above me because you're "allegedly" better than me at Dota. That's really sad. I feel sorry for you to be honest, but carry on.

                                                                                      I am above you not because of MMR which is marginally above yours (and winrate which is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay above yours), but because I don't care what my teammates are doing, because I can't control them, I just try to do what needs to be done to win, and don't whine.

                                                                                      Like, you are a fucking crybaby, I don't respect people who whine all the time, etc. That's what puts me above you. Not MMR or winrate (while they're very relevant, yes). If I were 2k and you were 4k, what I've said so far would still apply.

                                                                                      Also, I am not "allegedly" better than you, I am actually better. In practice and theory. I have higher MMR with a higher winrate, all that with less games than you've played. You are barely breaking even, I rise. The difference is actually huge.

                                                                                      I'm sure

                                                                                      If someone has 5k games of dota and can't reach 4k, he's too stupid to be sarcastic.

                                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        5ks full of fucking babbies honestly

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          ^how to git crybaby skill


                                                                                            I meant the communities' replies

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              what are sarcasms and where do you find them

                                                                                              but yeah about half of the shit I said is sarcastic

                                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                Keep going moron. I'm not going to be the only one on my team tryharding to give them a free win if they don't give a shit.

                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  yeah have fun with your zero impact gameplay


                                                                                                    If you're playing solo MMR to win for the team you need to go seek some psychological help