General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti mage in late game

Anti mage in late game in General Discussion
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    4k+ please take a look in my latest game, i was AM, get quite harsh lane but still sufficient farm to be said. I lost at the end although my NW is so high compared to others. Any anaylsis why it happens ( why i cant carry late game ) ? And any suggestion as by far imcnot a good AM player.

    Super Senko-san Time



        Sell agh get bkb. Butter over skadi in some game? Maybe that game you need butter to kill someone or force centaur ult.


          Pathetic, your team had the advantage 99/100 of the game and you still lost. Anyways the first mistake I saw is you opting to get Agh's over BKB.

          rice cake

            throw is the problem. all advantage is in favor of radiant, then a high networth and xp swing at 55 min marks to the dire. Judging from the buildings left, they dont waste any time at all to end the game through mid lane after that said throw.


              Also that Skadi should be removed and perhaps a Linken's should be used to replace it. Pudge's Dismember goes through BKB so you'd need that I guess.


                wrong itemization

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                  @fx im quite confused actually, if i do sell aghs, i could only fight effectively for 10s and less. Im thinking that perhaps i should buy bkb and utilize backpack. And for butter im thinking that i suffered a lot from magic dmg compared to physical, thats why im grtting raw hp like skadi. And i didnt chose taras because i think it wasnt necesary, perhaps this is where i gone wrong

                  Super Senko-san Time

                    BKB > Moonshard


                      In that 10s if you manage to kill the MK and Tinker you would be able to just hit towers and the other enemy heroes won't be able to do a thing about it. Their crowd control is pathetic and if anyone comes near you besides the Cent you'd be able to straight up kill them.

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                        @that poppy we did not go intofiuntain or do anything rash as far as i remembered. We won war and try ti get objective. And at that 55 min mark, we lost war due to my positioning. Got perma stun and died. Thats where m team all died. And suddenly boom


                          You should get bkb and butter and with that 10 sec bkb you kill 2 guy exept centaur. Preferably tinker and mk. Also you need to consider taking the 3sec blink at level 25 if you need to chase the tinker. If you hit the tinker hes dead because hes stupid for not buying ghost scepter. You should make your bara get lotus orb instead of echo and bm. Your goal that game is to kill tinker no matter what. If he buy ghost scepter just buy diffusal. Im not even kidding because if you kill tinker its game over for enemy team


                            AM is not that good lategame
                            He excells at outfarming and coming into the midgame 1 or 2 items ahead and win with said item advantage
                            Also why did you buy aghanim against tinker lul i reflect laser once haha lul
                            Skadi wasn't that good that game, no snail BKB reliant hero to kite


                              obviously the problem was your teamfights and individual battle skills (Probably focused attacks on Undying and Centaur alot)

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                "If he buy ghost scepter just buy diffusal."
                                Ooooor you can buy hex and not waste an item slot for a 3000 gold item that overlaps with AM's signature UAM
                                Or position yourself well and do the typical abyssal manta mana void combo by pinpointing where he is by gamesense


                                  (In case if you didnt)
                                  I would take the 3 sec blink CD over the agi because tinky winky was their main damage dealer and you need to chase him down
                                  AM can remove him easily, chasing his ass is the challenge, and the blink CD red really helps


                                    How's that a bkb game


                                      Did you see that pudge have lotus orb? If he have quick reaction he will just lotus before u hex. Which can we game losing at that point? Why not buy bloodtorn? You kill pudge with abbysal and bloodtorn and mana void if that not enough. Then let bs take care of tinker while you kill centaur with your bloodtorn and team.


                                        And i think ac would be super great because all of their team have low armor and you would kill them like a paper

                                        Goblin slayer

                                          1. BKB > AGHA.
                                          2. Could have sold batfu for butterfly/mjoll. ( att speed for ez mana burn = ez SS)
                                          3. 3 sec blink > 25 agi in late game since you bought skadi

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                            u shouldve replaced some of ur items like aghs with bkb, eye with butter or even have bots in backpack in fights and butter and eye in inventory
                                            i honestly wouldve sold the bf u got ur farm u got enough dps to clear waves in 3 to 4 secs anyways

                                            bkb tho was pretty much needed (tinker himself is enough lategame with hex to force u buy it, centaur stun isnt target based, and to kill tombstone u gotta tank damage and not die i think thats enough reasons)

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                                              Okay thanks a lot guys which i didnt mentioned one by one. I will be sure to keep the suggestion in mind.


                                                To fight into Tinker it's best to have at the very least a bkb, but mkb could possibly do the job too.


                                                  he's still gonna be nuked that way tho,not to mention the schyte


                                                    Pr you can just go full attack speed and minus armor and rat while your team fights. Go for throne and only centaur/tinker can stop you. They must fight while your bs can disable the mobility of tinker/centaur blink.


                                                      Bkb is one of the best item of the game because it gives 10/9/8/7/6/5 of magic immune. Means you can do anything without getting stun slowed or anything. You can kill like 3 guys with od with 10 sec bkb. Making the fight 2 vs 5. Dont ever underestimate bkb on anti mage because it is very good


                                                        yea and why do u need it against their heroes

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                          lol why no bkb? prob could have won you the game

                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                            bkb for what? Cent stun?

                                                            I mean, you don't really need it until tinker has hex and he got it 46 min into the game, the game could've been over at that point.
                                                            As far as i see you lost a fight without buyback. Also i'm not sure Aghs is the item there, i would've probably went for Heart or smth.
                                                            Also butterfly might've been better than skadi but im not sure. I don't think it matters that much.

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                              I don't see why people are suggesting bkb

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                ^because they have 1.4k mmr and don't know how to play this game

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  ur bfury, manta, and abyssal are all 4-6 minutes late. ending an hour long game with 800 gpm as AM means you essentially failed, because you did not get rich early enough to end the game.

                                                                  Aghs was completely worthless this game. There are no targeted silences or long duration stuns that you can reflect until tinker's hex 7 minutes later. That's cool, but tinker is just going to pop it with laser and hex you anyway

                                                                  ur next 2 items after abyssal need to be some combination of MKB Bfly Skadi or MJ. Considering how close you were to closing the last set of rax out, you maybe couldve just bought AC, even though their team has a ton of pure/magical damage