General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I improve in the game?

How do I improve in the game? in General Discussion

    This isn't a rant about how I am being held down by my team mates or how I deserve high mmr, I genuinely want to improve on this game and I know I have the mmr I have because I derserve that mmr. I have looked up a lot of guides and stuff on improving your game and few detailed ones say to truly improve in the game you need to improve your macro skills rather than micro/mechanical because micro skills wont get you too far in dota.

    With that being said how does one truly improve their macro skills? Is it acquired mostly through experience? Do I need to play a lot of games?

    How do you improve your decision making, game sense and map awarness and stuff like that?How did you guys improve your macro gaming?

    I have heard a lot of people say analysing your own replays or better player's replay helps a lot and I have been trying to do that but I dont seem to get anything from it. Maybe I dont know what to look for in the replays I watch, so the guys who have improved by watching the replays what do you look for in those replays?

    It is remarkable how good players seem to know exactly how you are supposed to play against given hero or lineups, how does one acquire that knowledge? Is it by playing against that hero a lot? How do you learn when to split push or when to team fight? I know that some heroes are really good at team fight like death prophet and I think that split pushing against such hereos is good but what does one do against heroes like Luna who seems to be equally at both split pushing, team fighting and objective taking?


      replay analysis and thinking about the game


        Focus on one thing at a time in the replays. Say split pushing. Think about the lineup in both teams. Maybe in focus on one hero first. Then work on that one thing in your games. Also it is as you say, experience. Experience translates what you know into muscle memory


          @cookie Bro did you actually read my post, because you are literally telling me to do the thing I asked how i should be doing.


            step 1. find a replay, either yours or some high player who plays your role/heroes

            step 2. if it's yours: analyise the mistakes and figure out what you could've done better, if it's a higher mmr player: figure out what he's doing, and most importantly WHY he's doing it

            step 3. test it, if it works then gj

            step 4. if it doesn't go back to step 1

            and repeat

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              @Cookie Thanks for the reply I'll definitely do that.


                @inx I have seen that video but he is way better player than me so he knows what he should be doing to win and easily spots out the mistakes made in the replays? I on the other hand dont know what I should be doing to win against my opponents to win and that is what makes it hard for me to analyse my replays? For example What should I do against lineups who run at me continuously in the early game? or What should I do against teams who just takes my towers and avoid fights? There are many such scenarios that I simply do not have the answer to. Do stuff like this come solely through experience or maybe you learn it through watching pro replays?


                  i'm just trying to figure them out and think out loud there, it's not majic just a good imagination


                    @ Cookie Ok thanks I'll try to think more when analysing the replays and figure out what they are doing from now on.


                      Don't waste time with watching your own replays. Honestly who has the time for that? Analyze your gameplay while in game. If you die, ask yourself what you could have done differently, if you only have 38 cs 10 minutes in ask yourself how could I have gotten more. If your team is about to fight ask yourself should I be with them now or split push. Unless you have countless hours to throw away this is what you should do


                        i don't think the majority of the playerbase can think that fast^



                          Riguma Borusu

                            if you aren't gonna analyze your replays, then instead of analyzing what you could've done after you're already in the deep, in game you should focus on what you can do RIGHT NOW

                            like, if the lane is pushed out and the hard camp is stacked, as sven you should probably just ult and take it, but only if you're sure you can lose some HP and not die, you have vision/they aren't smoked to gank you/you see heroes on the map, etc, but thinking about this retroactively while still in the game is stupid since you're too caught up doing all sorts of things in the game that later you'll likely forget all about this

                            if they smoke gank you in lane, and you think, shit I should've gone back since I didn't see people in the lanes, you are very unlikely to actually learn from that at the point where you should put more focus on the game as is

                            so, actually think in game -
                            "what I could be doing at this moment, that would be maximally beneficial to me and/or team"
                            "am I safe"
                            "who's the best target to jump"
                            "should I fight or farm now"
                            "which team has stronger teamfight at the moment"
                            "which hero should we remove before the fight/push in order to up our chances the most, and how likely is that hero to be somewhere alone, farming"
                            "is the enemy dazzle way behind so I can't kill this guy"
                            "what should this enemy jugg build next, and if he goes for it, how do I build against it"
                            "where is it likely that they have wards"
                            "it's 8 minutes, the first batch of wards has run out, it's a bit likely they don't have wards very close to lanes, so I can jump some people here maybe"
                            "which enemy is the most likely to cause me and the team later"
                            "should I tp to this lane to gank or should I keep my tp in the inventory in case my carry gets jumped by a slark with a newly-acquired shadow blade"
                            "should I just actually split push, take this T2 tower while my team is stupidly taking a fight they can't possibly win even with me present, so I might at least also force some rotations?"
                            "what can kill me and who can I kill and under what circumstances"

                            and so on, I think the best way to "lazily" improve (without reading guides, actively practicing, and watching replays) is to simply think in the game, like all the time, this is guaranteed to take you to at least 4k if you can keep it up and think about it all the time

                            I mean, even if you spam stupid and inefficient shit, as long as you think more than an average player at your MMR, you are still going to both improve and gain MMR

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                            House Window Licker

                              Here is one thing that has helped me be a better player which is not focosing on my team but rather my own mistakes

                              I used to almost always blame my team for all of my losses wether if i fed or not some how it was always my teams fault for loseing. I am sure the people above me have allready said this but i will say it to. don't blame your team every game it's not always there fault. some times it is you that is causeing your team to lose by miss plays, little comuncation and so on. if you focus on blameing your team you stop focusing on your own gameplay and how its affecting you team chances at victory. I am not saying that its always your fault when you lose. sometimes it truley is your teams fault when you have a SF feed a invoker mid or you are a support and your carry is doing stupid shilt like diveng and refuseing to itemise corectly, but if you are diveng as the carry and dieing and start blameing the support you start to get this mindset that you are dong nothing wrong and your support is doing everyting wrong, are your the sf thats feeding and blameing it on poor suporting when in reality you are the one thats miss playing and feeding the invoker, but you to busy on focosing on your team don't you wont see that you are the one missplaying insted you always have this ringing in your mind " fucking shit support never wants to ward gg".


                                Watch Purge, definitely the thing that helped me improve the most.

                                Jamie Lorman

                                  Hi op. I'm pretty new to dota, so I am am also in the learning process. As a top 200 ranked HoN player, I have both the perspective of someone that near mastered a moba game, and someone that currently sucks at one!!

                                  When I was learning HoN, I always hoped there was some simple thing I was doing wrong that would make me a great player once resolved. This pov does injustice to the complexities of the game. There is no shortcut to becoming a good player. It occurs once you truely understand the game.

                                  You've partly acknowledged this already, so as for your question of how to achieve this - hard work. Think critically, expose yourself to as much information as possible, follow better players where ever possible, and most importantly, just gain experience in game.

                                  I know it sounds like somewhat of a non-answer, but it's like if someone asks you how to get in shape - eat well and excersise intensly. There is no trick to it.


                                    @RPQ-sama Thanks for the advice I'll try to impliment that in my play but it will definitely be hard as when I play games I find it very hard to concentrate on doing two things simultaneously like thinking about what i should be doing and lasthitting. From replays of pros I have realized that they seem to be adept at doing these things, they are lasthitting but at the same time they seem to be aware of what is happening in the map, guess such skill just comes with experience and figuring out your mistakes through replays.


                                      @Execute I definitely am not a toxic player that is the thing I can say without hesitation. I try to motivate my teammate sometimes but I never blame my team mates on their mistakes or report them for it. I just suggest them ideas sometimes but I never flame them for doing what they want to unless of course they are intentionally feeding or they are being a toxic asshole in which case I just mute them and do my part. Thanks for the advice anyway.

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                                        @Jamie Lorman Thanks for the advice, I do think I haven't worked enough to get what I want I will certainly do what you have told in your comment.

                                        feeding weaboo

                                          "follow better players where ever possible"
                                          Trying to copy better players without knowing why they do specific things (shoutout to those miracle wannabes) won't make you a better player
                                          Knowing WHY they do specific things does


                                            @feeding weaboo Yeah lot of comments above make that clear and I am not going to do that either.


                                              Be proud you aren't part of the ''How to git Vhs 1001'' club, it's actually an achievement lul


                                                I play strategically, plan stuffs when I play, predict opponents next step and try to counter that, and analyze my playstyle and gameplay objectively on-the-fly when I'm on a match
                                                It's not easy for some people, but you can always do that post-match by replay analysis


                                                  Everyone says that analyzing replays makes you better, which I agree with, however most people don't have enough time to do so, i have school till 17:00, need to do projects for school, socialize, stay in shape and spend time with the family every now and then. In total that leaves me with about 1/2 games a day if I'm trying to get some sleep. I think that telling everyone that analyzing replays is the way to go, without suggesting alternatives isn't really helpful to most people

                                                  4pos pudge/grim only

                                                    @norussian everything you do in the world has the cost man. you cant simply ask for alternatives which is maybe not even there. the road to git gud isnt short and happy, and you have to cost your time and effort for it.
                                                    you say it yourself, you have to stay in shape (i guessing that you are doing sports) and im pretty sure theres no short way for you to be better at that particular sport if you want to improve, eh? it just the same here.


                                                      @Hephaestus I just see no reason whining about Vhs when you arent good enough. I just wanted to know how to git good.


                                                        @No Russian The comment above by Rpq-sama is good if you dont wanna analyze replays otherwise its like saQil said.

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                                                          im wondering since you got all your answers, how many replays have you actually analysed?


                                                            @Cookie Not really much, only 3-4 replays but I took a lot of time to analyze each replay and I couldn't watch a lot of replays because I have also been watching the streams of pro players at twitch a lot especially bsj, I also watched few videos in aui_2000's channel which were excellent.


                                                              you need memes to git gud. I welcome you to the secrekt shifest club 4head.