General Discussion

General DiscussionSearching for mid hero to spam

Searching for mid hero to spam in General Discussion

    I want to add 1 more hero to spam on. Currenly i spam slark and brood as safelane or offlane. Sometimes when there are no mid ill just go mid as slark. But i feel like i need 1 more hero and either that is support or mid. but i dont feel like playing supp right now. Who is good hero to spam on right now?


      Try ember hes really good rght now


        Ill try to learn ember but hes item build is really wierd after viel bots can someone tell me his item build?

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



            Alch is my best hero mid. But hes too slow to win right now.i need those 25min games


              Qop is better this patch with the 80% or something lifesteal build
              invoker is always viable pick with a decent power spike
              OD is very heavy rightclicker and respectable midlaner
              ember is very cool this patch with a ton of fun but i recommend waiting a bit until you get a clear view a bout his new build since pro players didn't play him that much
              i am not sure if MK is a viable mid (only played him one HS match and i didn't get a chance since i was vs skywrath with no roaming on our side)


                Embers remnants deals a ridiculous amount of damage. I saw bm for him. I saw a lot of veil bot blink mael. Octarine core seems good after mael. I dont know when to get bm and rad though


                  try arc, works for me


                    Dude, u dont deserve to get 1k. I guess u deserve an about 5k-7k.


                      Ember go bottle -> brown boots -> veil -> Bots -> choice of Radiance/Octarine/Blink/Maelstrom/Linkens

                      Go radiance if your team needs more damage or you are snowballing and don't feel like you need to tank up
                      Go Octarine almost 100% of the time (1st-3rd item) as it allows the spam-ability of chains and flame guard with massive spell lifesteal and tank
                      Blink is almost always good however sometimes it doesn't take priority over bigger items
                      Maelstrom/Mjonjir is a great farming and dps item however i wouldn't stack it with a radiance (procs also enhanced with veil)
                      Linkens - useful if enemies have silences/target disables that can stop you from jumping to a remnant (ie. Storm/doom/hex)

                      Hero could also benefit from an AC or Manta as a pickup if your team needs minus armour and tower damage, or if the enemies have silences without hard disables

                      Ember is also a blast to play with a good start (try not to pick him into lane stompers (Viper or Razor) as the long cd on flame guard makes rotating into the jungle extremely difficult without proper levels)


                        use bsj meta guide:
                        mid ember/sf/dk/razor/sniper/ta
                        carry (and offlane but carry style) ursa/lc/slardar/venge/luna
                        offlane abaddon/ds/underlord

                        also slark is bullshit this patch dont spam him


                          @red mist also blademail in the item choices


                            Mjonir vs rad? Who gives more spread damage? I saw a loy of pro player go for blink after bot then mjonir/rad then octa


                              totally game dependent u gotta think for a min in games

                              Super Senko-san Time

                                SF is fun

                                Jonas Kahnwald


                                    You demolish midlane and if some1 takes your mid, you can go offlane as well (not preferable but can be done with some success).

                                    You build phases/treads, aquila and lance, then manta/SnY (depending whether you need to purge yourself of more cripple), pike (buy pike sooner if needed to) and proceed to some luxury sh!t such as butterfly, aghs, skadi, ac... depending what you need to close the game.




                                        sf and storm


                                          Smh sf is not spammable because pudge is everywhere. If there is a pudge on the enemy team you will feed as sf, ember is not spammable, just because some pro can pull off some new bs build does not mean you can, embers build gets countered by a bkb and you are left to do nothing but feed.
                                          Ta, razor, used to be invoker but now not so much are spammable.
                                          Pls don't bring that veil ember trash into my games

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            at 1.4k just spam alchemist and grind to 3k and then start thinking abuot picks


                                              My games with alch is around 40 mins. I need to end the game at 30 min so that i can play 2 games a day. Alch is a sure win though for me. Ill just pick storm or od and spam them to 3k

                                              feeding weaboo

                                                Storm is a good choice
                                                You won't find any decent AM or silencer in 1k bracket


                                                  It looks like it dont matter lol. Looks like im better than everyone in my branket. 2game i lose is because of 2945 ping for 15min after i get bloodstone. I could win that game honestly. And the brood game where i throw the game and my team just afk farming my jungle xd.

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    dont pick alch hes top 10 worst heroes imo


                                                      for sure it's shadowfiend

                                                      fear is the mind killer

                                                        I like storm and TA, sf if you're good

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          dont pick alch hes top 10 worst heroes imo

                                                          in sub 3k, alch is an autowin if you can hit creeps during the game, and this guy has 77% wr with him, so he can spam him to grind some MMR before getting serious


                                                            Below 3k picks don't matter that much
                                                            I can spam AM all over again xd


                                                              I don't think it really matters which mid hero you spam if you can play him for a few hundred games and get extremely good with the hero.
                                                              You'll learn an insane amount doing this.


                                                                dont listen to jdf8 he lose midd to 4k alche is op in 3k

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  pls listen to jdf8 and don't pick alch he eats insane amounts of space and does nothing until 25 mins

                                                                  don't mind me

                                                                    sandking offlane is pretty good


                                                                      i agree, sandking is amazing


                                                                        i agree to agree, sk is one of the best heroes in the game


                                                                          ^ this guy needs a hug he is so lonely


                                                                            alche in 14 min arnlet radi allrdy do all he needs retard in 25 min hes allrdy 6 slots vs treads domniator carry gg ez


                                                                              Armlet radi in 15 min already makes him the strongest in mid game fights. If you get 4 sec stum with rad and armlet the guy instantly dies. Lul cookie thats a lot of account. Anyone have guide to be a better mid player? Or sandking player?




                                                                                  does radiance ember make sense now

                                                                                  The Medic Guy

                                                                                    disruptor still the best sup to spam, and glimpse is one of the most OverPower lv1 skill


                                                                                      radiance ember is good.

                                                                                      4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                                        tbh any carry hero can be put mid. its depend on the enemy mid whether your picked hero is the right choice tho.


                                                                                          Im thinking of luna mid or am mid lol


                                                                                            Im thinking of rad octa qop yo spam? Is that good? Farming hard carry qop?