General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat kind of a buff/rework does Puck need to be a legit pick?

What kind of a buff/rework does Puck need to be a legit pick? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Somehow, when I see that my team has a Puck vs Jugg lane, I immediatelly think "wow, the enemy has a useful hero mid, we have this... thing". I've never felt the hero really does much in the game, that wouldn't be done better by another hero, sometimes a hero that can play pos 4-5.

    So what's the deal with this dragon shit, and if you wanted him to be a legit pick, what would you buff/rework? I'm curious because that'd point out his weaknesses.

    Ця тема була відредагована
    4pos pudge/grim only

      puck is hard very hard to kill once he(she? it?) got blink and eul and thats his(her? its?) advantage. that dragon is fine the way it is now. only that its power spike is at early to mid game and it gonna fall off in the late game if it didnt have enough farm and items. but overall it is fine as it is.

      (but for rework, i would say make its Q and W deal 300 damages each at max level. fuck 280 just round it up, easier to do calculations)

      Potato Marshal

        Rework aghs to give some sort of new ability.

        Riguma Borusu

          a lot of heroes are hard to kill in different ways, that doesn't make them good

          I mean, look at bristleback


            isnt puck really good against jugg lol


              Orb and silence deal 400 damage each and ult deals a aoe nuke for 500 damage seemsgood


                puck is a legit pick in pro games


                  Puck offlane is quite good