General Discussion

General DiscussionBrewmasters gather

Brewmasters gather in General Discussion
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    How do I play this hero in every stage of the game, general tips, item build etc.


      u press ctrl + w, then u press w on enemy carry

      thank me later


        You press ALT+F4 in the middle of a team fight

        thank me later

        This disunity must end.

          use your ss to take down the towers

          < blank >

            I need tips from people who are higher than flat 4k


              hmmm, really makes you think :thinking:

              This disunity must end.



                  u press ctrl + w, then u press w on enemy carry
                  thank me later

                  here u go

                  This disunity must end.

                    much better is pop your ultimate and smash their buildings


                      Genral tips- try to get ur dagger maybe faster and gank a lot.
                      Soul ring is also a good option for him...
                      Main use of this hero is actually as a disabler try to get ur aghas and use ur skills more frequently and learn to micro effectively.
                      The storm skill is very op and continuously use the wind walk to get high damage out put during a team fight.
                      U can be the best at him onlt if u learn to play around his 3 bodies nicely :)
                      A great hero as a disable escape but u need to farm atleast ur dagger and aghas fast..

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        tango talon
                        skill e lv1 in 90% of the cases, very hard to deny ranged creep with talon+crit
                        ferry stout and salve when cour is free
                        boot midas into w/e u need (dominator, blink, echo, greaves, ac, shivas, radi, linken's etc)

                        jungle or sap exp from pulls until supports leave or push the lane to ur tower, then just spam beer on enemy cary
                        try to get someone into ur lane once u hit 6 or 7 to kill the carry
                        if supports don't camp ur jungle and rune u get ~9 min midas
                        i'm a garbage offlaner, pretty sure someone's decent(not u) can rape offlane with this hero

                        playstyle is pretty straight forward and brainless, fight and take towers when ulti is rdy, farm or pick heroes off when it's not
                        stone ur rape victim, euls the biggest threat(usually the carry) or the next rape victim, if u gank someone and their teammate runs, windwalk the panda and eul them
                        storms q instakills most illusons and summons, counters ck super hard(also super good vs tree and warlock ults which are popular rn), use q to end ur eul prematurely, spam windwalk for extra dmg
                        hit buildings with earth panda, it deals huge dmg and u have enough range to hit and throw stones around, generally when u're raxing ry to hit buildings not heroes
                        try not to feed storm, if u realize u are fucked u can try to windwalk away and feed earth, sometimes works
                        don't jump first if u play vs lion/dis/etc, i think that's pretty obvious
                        set u neutrals to q-cast if u haven't done it yet, affects brewlings too

                        i think that's all

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          oh also never get aghs

                          Vem Comigo

                            ^lul Never get aghs, LuL only reason he is picked in the pro scene lul never buy aghs shit item


                              dominate midgame with blink agression and cheap teamfight items, or accept ur endless tornado as the only useful thing u gonna do till the game ends