General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes winning matter in calibration?

Does winning matter in calibration? in General Discussion

    Check my calibration, will I get atleast 4K? :( I got 2wins 3loss 😿

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          -renshin no as in I won't get 4K? :0

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          M U R D E R

            Winning itself doesnt matter, but if ypu play good to raise calibration you likely win, if you play bad you likely lose.


              Winrate doesn't matter
              Performance does


                what ppl above said
                if u r losing tho, in most cases it means u perform poorly and as a result ur mmr gonna be low


                  Hehe no random shit can always happen in 4k winning is not in your hands you have to do much better than the other players in the game if you want to increase calibration mmr don't desperately try to win kda and hero damage and far more important n calibration poster above me is plain wrong.


                    -saying the same thing as everyone else
                    -claiming everyone is wrong at the same time



                      in most cases it means u perform poorly and as a result ur mmr gonna be low
                      in most cases it means u perform poorly and as a result ur mmr gonna be low
                      in most cases it means u perform poorly and as a result ur mmr gonna be low
                      in most cases it means u perform poorly and as a result ur mmr gonna be low
                      in most cases it means u perform poorly and as a result ur mmr gonna be low
                      in most cases it means u perform poorly and as a result ur mmr gonna be low
                      in most cases it means u perform poorly and as a result ur mmr gonna be low
                      in most cases it means u perform poorly and as a result ur mmr gonna be low
                      in most cases it means u perform poorly and as a result ur mmr gonna be low
                      in most cases it means u perform poorly and as a result ur mmr gonna be low
                      in most cases it means u perform poorly and as a result ur mmr gonna be low
                      in most cases it means u perform poorly and as a result ur mmr gonna be low


                        do u disagree?


                          uhm iirc i calibrated at ~3980ish and i lost 8 of 10 matches

                          < blank >

                            spunki is boosted anyway


                              ye i mean sure in 1 case out of million a 50% winrate smurf is just an ultra unlucky 7k player who got 50 unwinnable games in a row, but i still assume thats a fucking 4k trash or some shit

                              also if u go 1 to 9 in ur calibration games i kinda suspect smthgs fucking wrong with u


                                only ur performance affects ur calibration output but if u consistently lose, u obviously suck

                                I LAG, THIS IS NOT A JOKE

                                  Its kinda of ironic, MMR is a measure of your ability to win games but it doesn't matter during calibration.