General Discussion

General Discussionhero with highest DPS

hero with highest DPS in General Discussion
This disunity must end.

    let's exclude pa ck and wk and without rapier!?

    not arin



        Heroes > Damage and Healing

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          5 meepo with assault, bloodthorne, and 4 eblade.

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            hmmm, really makes you think :thinking:

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Ursa's DPS grows to infinity


                5 Geomancer with 5 eblades lul

                This disunity must end.

                  5 meepo with assult BT and 4 eblade is practically impossible
                  I'm trying to know in the real game guys
                  So meepo will basically have BOT Dagger Aghs Assult BT & Eblade or replace Assult with Eblade? Is meepo still the Higer DPS dealer?



                      Prizm got it


                        Tinker has highest dps I guess. Dumb topic though since the winner just depends on each persons own personal rules

                        Techies can out damage everyone from across the map kek

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                          in theory OD can be one of the highest dps in the game without that much farm.

                          BUT if they have bkb you are pretty weak


                            enigma !


                              legions damage also scales infinitely.




                                  jugg is having better dps than pa actually.

                                  Anyway, dipend on the length of the fight, and on the number of people in the fight.

                                  Like, if there's 1 or 2 hero present, tinker will probably win. But if there's 5 heroes nearby, zeus win by sooooooo fucking far. (enigma's not bad though)

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                                    we tested this a long time ago in this forum. and the answer is arc warden. it dealth 1.6x more damage than 5 meepos.
                                    ck and meepo dealth equal damage if i remember correctly. arc warden had manta which means 2 hero + 4 illusion. juggernaut and pa did not even came close to arc warden's damage. I dont know whos gonna be the best in real game tho coz u're not gonna get manta for arc warden

                                    btw assault on meepo is retarded. Both for damage test and actual dota match.


                                      Veno - Zues - Tinker




                                          During Chrono duration Kappa


                                            ok speak seriously
                                            1- terrorblade six sloted (bkb-manta-daeadlous-butterfly-skadi-boot) is probably the highest Dps in the game
                                            2- arc warden six sloted as a dps carry (butter-bloodthorn-manta-skadi-mojolner-boot)

                                            also some of the highest dps
                                            strength excluding ck i believe a six slotted lycan or sven are the highest (tested in lobby)
                                            agility excluding Pa probably troll warlord and spectre
                                            int definitely invoker and tinker


                                              Illusion hero buying daedalus I'm triggered


                                                Spectre isn't even close to be the highest DPS hero
                                                Why do you think spectre buys HoT and radiance and spin around people to death in fights that lasts for 3 minutes

                                                Vem Comigo

                                                  in a determined time probably jugg


                                                    many heros are dope dps nowadays, even bounty hunter or sf can possibly be competing for a high spot.

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      Zeus maybe?

                                                      General Xiang Yu

                                                        Monkey King has the highest sustained DPS when I tested him on demo. Sven has the highest burst damage.


                                                          mk has definitly less than jugg, his skilll is an average +100 damage, which doesn't even come close to better bat and crit

                                                          (he has 15 more as and 24 more damage) (basically, between 4 and 10% damage increase via as)
                                                          (+100 damage against x1.64 dps multiplier (bat and crit)) (basically, mk's passiv provides him with a x1.5 to x1.2 damage bonus when game start is > 30 min -and already 25 ^^-)
                                                          -IN BULKi : if you are really "stuffless" mk is having about the same dps as jugg, else less-

                                                          a 300(100+200) as and 350 damage for a test:
                                                          878 dps for mk
                                                          1013 dps for jugg

                                                          However mk's ult is actually having a huge potential of damage - (pay attention to forcestaff though, as they can instantly end your ultimate -tusk agah is so wonderfull there :p-,

                                                          but if we were to count only potential damage, enigma would win with double midnight pulse into ult with agah

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                                                          13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                            Skywrath could burst anyone nearly 8k hp before the hex even ends (3.5 seconds) with the right items (Dagger in > Hex > Veil > Seal > E-Blade > Mystic Flare > Dagon 5 > Arcane Bolt) With still half mana remaining. All his skills and items here have fairly short cooldowns, so there's no problem wasting it

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                                                              Cheap Laugh Guy near the top has a point, it's likely Ursa since his damage stacks infinitely as long as you keep maiming the guy and with attack speed, stats and maybe one pure bonus damage item, he could potentially be highest DPS excluding PA, CK, WK and Divine Rapier

                                                              Cause DPS is mostly sustained damage rather than burst. Burst damage if you think about it is seperate since it's based on a cooldown and isn't good for measuring a proper average DPS with.

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