General Discussion

General Discussion90min matches

90min matches in General Discussion

    In the past 2 days i have played 2 90min matches.

    The battle of the tanks, 135k hero damage. Pitlord.

    Shitlord is a monster, however Techies is just pure cancer. we went for the yolo TP and landed on mines. GG fuck that hero..

    Venomancer 30min mega Creeps defence.

    Treant Eyes OP


      hmmm, really makes you think :thinking:


        Remove techies please.

        casual gamer

          techies is back, sniper and tree are better than ever. lich lvl 25 is mega turtle, the ancient EHP is doubled or some shit, many obnoxious lv 25s enable lategame comebacks.


            Yea, I've had several really long games as of late myself.
            And this one...
            Had Rapier and SilverEdge in base too.
            So many mines, legion with 1000 duel dmg, and the whole enemy team given aghs from Alch.