General Discussion

General DiscussionHeavy farming cores that can fight early?

Heavy farming cores that can fight early? in General Discussion

    Sf, Ta, jugg, Luna. What else?


      Farmer's dream never die








              Sven, slark, np can also contribute to team fights.
              CK too




                  With just Phase and Vanguard Spectre can join in fights fairly well. She's not as impactful as something like Sven or Jugg but she can definitely fight.


                    But I think what OP means are cores that can farm fast but can still fight in the early game too
                    Spec doesn't farm fast


                      Oh I understood it as cores that tend to farm a lot or require a lot of farm. If its fast farming then yeah spec doesn't count unless she gets fed 20 kills and ends up with a 10 minute radiance. :P


                        10 minute radiance is practically impossible on spec lmao


                          meepo can dominate early-mid game and farms fast


                            Alch can fight pretty well 16 min armlet rad and aoe minus armor + stun=ez kill


                              But alch is ded


                                almost any core can fight with the appropriate items.. with exception of.. medusa?
                                AM with vanguard
                                Slark with Shadow Blade
                                Sven with MoM
                                Sniper, Drow with lance
                                Chaos Knight, lifestealer with armlet
                                and my favorite for being to stupid op, spectre with phase and urn..
                                also.. spectre is not a flash farmer, but can AFK farm ALL THE GAME and go to battle if needed with her ultimate, so she is really fearsome..




                                    Medusa can join some early fights as long as she has maxed snake and has her ult up. She's really powerful if the enemy is trying to fight under your tower and she TPs in to ult.


                                      what do you mean by fight ? just tank ? or deal damage? or both ? and fights 5v5 ? or local 2v2 3v3 2v3 etc

                                      with sups like disruptor and ogre even spectre can join early fights
                                      but the best ones for sure is luna, jugg, meepo


                                        Well isnt that the description to every pos 1 hero


                                          mk is good for early game fights


                                            with or without farm he just needs a level in his passive

                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                              How about Lina? cons is you need someone else to tank and setup for you.


                                                LS with eventual orchid

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Snake and ult on medusa is nasty and can turn any team fight around level 8. Medusa is just squishy and doesn't do much right click dmg early, but with proper positioning and ult you can still be a huge factor in fights.

                                                  I think it's easier to list the farmers that can't really fight early like naga and I think anti mage is still one though others have said he is here.


                                                    Did i hear "Medusa" and "squishy" in the same sentence??

                                                    M U R D E R

                                                      Ye man without her massive stats to moost ehp, she is squishy af.

                                                      I think sf should be pretty great since razes are powerful af at the period in question, but hesaquite squishy as well.


                                                        Pakingg so many 1k teach us. Haha

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Yeah medusa before linkens and/or skadi is very squishy. Doesn't have the armor yet from agility or ehp from mana/hp. She goes down pretty easily.


                                                            i mean shes not like amazingly tanky before this but shes still not like a lina. she's decently tanky.


                                                              actually dusa is only barely more tanky than lina. and that is only against heroes that can't mana burn her.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                You're also forgetting she has dick for stuns, dmg, kiting early. Sniper has shrapnel still, diving him under tower you get slowed and hurt a lot. Luna has speed and typically lifesteal to help out. Clinkz and slark have mobility. Jug has healing ward, magic immunity. Sven has warcry. Medusa has one skill to regen mana and shield which goes oom fast and then she dies cus she's slow and no cc.