General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Luna?

How to Luna? in General Discussion

    My playstyle:

    I normally play bully the offlaner out of lane with my q. And then proceed to take the t1 tower. After that I push that lane or go to another lane where my team is and farm nearby camps.

    My skill build:

    For talents I choose +15 damage, +40 lucent beam damage, +25 attack speed (normally), and +15 all stats

    My item build:

    I start with 4 branches, tangoes, and a circlet. I rush my wand, then aquila, treads, dominator, dragon lance, yasha, manta, pike, butterfly, situational

    Should I be looking to change my item build or playstyle?

    Ця тема була відредагована
    Giff me Wingman



        aquila treads then DOMINATOR.THEN PIKE THEN MANTA


          Seems good


            1. dont skill aura past lvl 1 until you maxed all ur other spells (unless you're doing a 5man deathball. In this case you might aswell go 4-0-4)

            2. I don't play Luna at all, but people generally seem to go pt aquila dragon lance manta. some players buy mask of madness in the mix or helm of dominator (rly good item)

            3. Why did you stop sending fucking nudes man? :cry:

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              rightclick enemy heroes until they die
              works for me

              Johnny Rico

                I max Dmg first, them beam, at 6 i go 2-0-3-1, cause you can get 1 kill if they come for you, or just zone the enemy gank
                The bounces are shit, compared with the other 2 skills, max those first, people might skill the bounce when they have a hard lane.
                Get poors man shield > aquilla > raindrop > treads > Dlance
                Leave lane, go jungle and splitpush as your team takes fight, carry a tp to enter the fight in the end to clean up, with your ult.
                Yasha > Manta > Satanic > attack speed.




                    Hook And Roll showcasing why this forum is fucking awful


                      I'll send some right now man


                        I start with windlace, tango and circlet. I generally spread out skill points for lucent beam and aura, and pick glaives when in about to get lifesfteal. Raindrops, aquila then spam Q on the enemy offlaner. Farm a MoM, pike, BoT then find every oppurtunity to splitpush or farm the jungle.


                          The aura doesn't scale well man.. Go 441 always, rtz even skips higher level of aura back in previous patch

                          SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                            Thanks for the sauce will try to play this hero later C:

                            Johnny Rico

                              I said what i do, it works for me, on my 2k-3k games,but if the 7k player is tiggered by it, leave the forum, there is no rule where people can post shit because of their mmr.

                              I dont like to skill glaives cause they can mess up with your last hit early on, since you dont have the dmg to clear a wave pretty fast.


                                7k player is tiggered by it, leave the forum, there is no rule where people can post shit because of their mmr

                                No hate but that's exactly what have happened in most dota discussion communities including this one and thats why they are all garbage now.

                                LISAN AL GAIB

                                  yeah thats the build...gottha spam that Luna before she gets nerfed :(


                                    Hook and roll barely got it right. Usually u wanna max your right click with aura. Beam doesn't scale that well anyway. Go 1-1-4 is better so u can trade with the offlaner and zone him out.


                                      PMS on ranged hero


                                        If you take a second point of aura before any of your other skills you are not going to have a good time. One point in aura+maxed beam zones any offlaners a lot better and taking points in aura over glaives gimps your farming. One thing I have done before is to only take 2-3 points in beam to max glaives faster if I feel like I'm just going to be afk farming and dodging fights for the first 15 minutes.

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                          Maxing laser first is a no-brainer
                                          It is amazing and luna's best skill in the early game
                                          It scales with your ult too
                                          I don't see any point in maxing aura after laser unless you're running a deathball strat (as someone said before, 4-0-4)


                                            U can go 241 or 341 if the offlaner had been successfully zoned and he gives up or u give up on ur lane

                                            441 eventually always


                                              Eventually u want 1-4-4 for maximum bouncing right clicks in the enemies face as they come to gank you. Ur ult is just to zone so no point maxing your q.


                                                Blue stars on this forum are high today

                                                BSJ. LGD

                                                  maxed glaives makes u miss last hits guise


                                                    Jacked pls

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      idk i almost always max beam right away even if the offlaner "leaves" because they might come back at the least appropriate moment with +1 or +2 and i'm put into position where i am forced to leave and afk farm while i could fight with some help or tp to enemy safleane and fuck them over
                                                      at least that's how it happens in my games
                                                      i usually just go 3-0-1 by 5 and don't skill anything until i see ppl in my lane or elsewhere at which point i just dump everything into q-r/glaives

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                        lol this players.. most of the time, i only skill up Glaives once I start rotating from lane to jungle... which usually happens after level 6

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                          Another common situation to max glaives first is when the lane goes to complete shit and you need to jungle at level 3-5. Usually I max glaives and just afk jungle for 10 minutes to attempt to catchup.


                                                            u can go two in passive now because of the levelling changes.

                                                            Mary Poppins

                                                              +15 damage in late is huge ? Go for armor ...


                                                                15 damage is way better than 4 armor on an agi carry 10-12 mins in, srry.

                                                                dont get lucent beam damage...

                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                  agi carries should naturally get high armor from their AGI


                                                                    Lucent beam dmg hurts at that time when u get it.

                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                      cant tell if the ppl above are srs or not


                                                                        That's because you're high

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          40 beam damage is what, 12% spell amp versus some super shitty amount of hp?

                                                                          and every ult beam gets the extra damage

                                                                          if you dont have max glaives by 10-11 at the very latest you have failed


                                                                            If i choose to play her as a nuker is agha+dagger good on her or should i go for traditional manta satanic bkb? Also, is a drow, venge, luna strat viable or too squishy?

                                                                            Johnny Rico

                                                                              Jacked, if you max glaive you will push the lane and takes the risk of losing some last hits, when i play luna, i tell my sup to hit the enemy offlaner, while i mantain the lane opn the same place, denying my creeps.

                                                                              Until, someone comes to my lane and fucks everihting up, them i go to jungle.

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                . . .

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  if u lose lasthits because of glaive bounces u're bad
                                                                                  (please differentiate this from losing lasthits because u tried to be next level and get 2 creeps with original glaive+bounce and missed both, that's called being fucking retarded and that's what i love to do)


                                                                                    Glaives is fine. you would want the lane pushed anyway to give you enough room to pull every evenminute:53


                                                                                      Or you know, you could save the skill points for glaives until you start farming the jungle if it messes up your lasthitting in lane. Same thing with sven cleave if you don't wanna push out the lane I believe.


                                                                                        Last hits and kdr on carries are worse than blue star cs/kdr on supports... Asks them to leave forum if triggered -- quality discussion ensues.

                                                                                        Seems legit.