General Discussion

General DiscussionLP and Valve's shitty punishment system really needs to be changed

LP and Valve's shitty punishment system really needs to be changed in General Discussion
Lester, Moe

    6 losses in a row so far. I just play it like regular dota, people find it to be some kind of joke and just do random shit and then throw the game and theres nothing I can do about it, I can't fucking get out of LP, haven't won a single lp for about 4 days so far. These people don't really seem to care about getting out of LP and their main concern is to throw, either that or I've just had the worst luck with teams.

    All these fucking LP changes from time in lp to games in lp to wins lp and all pick to single draft don't make people want to play. It just gives them less of a reason to give a damn.

    And besides that the report system is beyond retarded, I should not be getting punished because my team can't draft properly and we end up losing the game because of a fucking spirit breaker rubick support draft fail and timbersaw being completely autistic, but i take the blame for some reason.

    I realize that monitoring everything would be impossible even with community assistance, but someone who's running down towers or melding in creep waves and afking, shouldn't there be some way of just kicking those people out of games who die 4 times in a total of 2 minutes or something and just ban them. Real offenses don't get taken as seriously as they should, LP games are a fucking joke way of trying to punish something because then people who actually want to just play the games and get out are matched most of the times with idiots who throw on purpose. And the fact that it's single draft is the main reason no one wants to take it seriously, people pick heroes they never play or end up getting no supports. Why does it matter that LP would be like normal matchmaking if it was all pick, pretty sure the main reason people hate LP is because it keeps them from doing ranked games.

    basement :)

      Lol, I had 4 LP games 2 days ago and won them all. I would even say the games were enjoyable. There was only some minor trolling.


        +1. but sadly no1 talks about it because everybody will say "ROFL ONLY TOXIC RETARDSI N LP XD" and "URE IN LP U DESERVE IT XD SO UR SUGGESTION IS STUPID"

        doc joferlyn simp

          Valve changes things such that the community is happy and the cash keeps flowing.

          Lester, Moe

            even csgo, the game that valve gives less of a fuck about isn't completely swarmed with game ruiners at this point.


              Typical example of boosted account

              Blue star. Then have lose streaks in lp and complain

              Lester, Moe

                whatever you say shitty riki

                Ur Nightmare

                  when im in LP, im happy, cause the game so retarded.

                  Jonas Kahnwald

                    Playing low priority made me felt so wasting time.

                    Why the fuck All Random Base Race 5 games was the best, and Valve change it to fucking 5 games (must win) Single Draft mode. Fucking bullshit !

                    Cing Lekoh

                      Hahaha much cancer in LP . we play but always lose? LP forever . lol

                      BSJ. LGD

                        hey mane bad game=ruined games for 4 of your teammates and hence u deserved low prio




                            go play with normal skill people
                            normal skill will pull ur bracket down and have more easier game
                            I play with my friend in hight skill bracket and win 4 game in a row


                              lul lp


                                It's funny to see a guy who has riki as his most played hero flaming another player who has signature pick riki, too. Please guys stop the abuse. I don't want to buy any more dusts, sentries and gems!

                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                not arin

                                  just post in ayy lmao if u get lpq, theres always someone looking for party to get out

                                  side note can someone ban this moron above me


                                    "Kill smurfer arin before he lays eggs", average forum contribution... Is your main account banned by any chance moron? If it is then i'm really happy with the mods.


                                      hey kid


                                        Im just 2k tard but didnt been in lp about year, we are all retarded sometimes but you getting lp only since you being dick.


                                          Never been reported to lp. But still can understand the pain. I played lp games with friends to get them out. Best thing is to party


                                            I quit dota because i got in low prio because of salty players. And i refuse to accept my undeserved punishment. I got like 6 reports in one match. My team reported me coz i picked visage mid. They said visage is only a support hero. And enemy team reported me coz they claimed visage mid is op osfrog hero in 7.01

                                            btw i played 17/2 that match, and i have 300 matches with %70 winrate with visage. I only played mid and never played as a support. I'm still in low prio and I'm not gonna return to dota unless dota fixes this easly abuseable retarded punishment system.